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B.S., Physics, University of California, Berkeley (2001) Ph.D., Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2007) 2001 - 2007 Research Assistant, Physics Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2006 - 2007 Visiting Scholar, California Institute of Technology 2007 - 2011 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles 2011 - 2012 Program Manager, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles 2012 - Present Professor of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Tokyo 2013 - Present Associate Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering, Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Los Angeles Awards: 1. Gravitational Wave International Committee Thesis Award (2008) 2. UCLA Chancellor's Award for Postdoctoral Research (2010) 3. Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award at the Scientific Interface (2011) 4. Konica Minolta Imaging Science Award (2013) 5. Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum (2014) 6. Tokyo Biomarker Research Association (TOBIRA) Award 7. MEXT Young Scientist Award


Biomedical Photonics/Spectroscopy/Imaging

Since the birth of modern science in the 16th century, we have gained a better understanding of nature through the development of better instruments for observation. In the 21st century, we think we understand much of it and have gradually shifted our attention in scientific research to applied science – the application of physical laws to the development of technologies for better life. However, the dark side of this trend is that we have left many important questions unanswered. In Goda Lab, back to the basics of science, we explore nature (in particular, missing, unexplored, or ignored parts of nature) using unconventional approaches through the development of radically novel technologies (with an emphasis on photonics) that lead to new discoveries - "discovery-enabling technologies." As history tells us, most great discoveries in science are totally unexpected. In Goda Lab, we turn this serendipity to planned happenstance by acquiring attributes (curiosity, persistence, flexibility, optimism, and risk taking) for preparing for "unexpected" events and making "planned discoveries." Another and equally important goal of Goda Lab is to produce future global leaders who will shape the world. Directed by Prof. Keisuke Goda, Goda Lab fosters an international research environment and is located at two universities: University of Tokyo and University of California, Los Angeles. Goda Lab constantly seeks for ambitious individuals from any university in any country who want to play leading roles in scientific exploration and have major impacts on the world.


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K. Goda, O. Miyakawa, E. E. Mikhailov, S. Saraf, R. Adhikari, K. McKenzie, R. Ward, S. Vass, A. J. Weinstein, and N. Mavalvala, "A quantum-enhanced prototype gravitational-wave detector," Nature Physics 4, 472 (2008) K. Goda, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, "Serial time-encoded amplified imaging for real-time observation of fast dynamic phenomena," Nature 458, 1145 (2009) The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the VIRGO Collaboration, "An upper limit on the stochastic gravitational-wave background of cosmological origin," Nature 460, 990 (2009) K. Goda, A. Ayazi, D. R. Gossett, J. Sadasivam, C. K. Lonappan, E. Sollier, A. Fard, S. C. Hur, J. Adam, C. Murray, C. Wang, N. Brackbill, D. Di Carlo, and B. Jalali, "High-throughput single-microparticle imaging flow analyzer," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 11630 (2012) K. Goda, A. Mahjoubfar, C. Wang, A. Fard, J. Adam, D. R. Gossett, A. Ayazi, O. Malik, E. Chen, D. Di Carlo, and B. Jalali, "Hybrid dispersion laser scanner," Scientific Reports 2, 445 (2012) K. Goda and B. Jalali, "Dispersive Fourier transformation for fast continuous single-shot measurements" Nature Photonics 7, 102 (2013)
