John Owen obtained his first degree in Chemistry from Imperial College, London, where he also studied for his Ph.D. in Organic Electro-optic Crystals under the late E.A.D. White. He then worked on Solar Energy at the Materials and Energy Research Centre in Iran until in 1979 revolution brought him back to the Wolfson Centre for Solid State Ionics in Imperial College as Wolfson Fellow working on polymer electrolytes. In 1984 he was appointed lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry at the University of Salford before joining the School of Chemistry at Southampton in 1990 where he is now a Professor of Electrochemistry and leader of the Solid State Electrochemistry Group which researches into electrode and polymer electrolyte materials for batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells and electrochromic devices.
John is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Power Sources. He chaired the Batteries and Supercapacitors symposium of the International Society of Electrochemistry meeting in 2006. Last year he gave invited lectures on nanomaterials and high throughput techniques for battery discovery at international meetings in Germany, Canada, and Australia and a series of lectures in China. He is a co-founder of Nanotecture PLC, a spin-out company of the University.
A redox shuttle to facilitate oxygen reduction in the lithium air battery - Lacey, Matthew J., Frith, James T. and Owen, John R. Published:2013Publication:Electrochemistry CommunicationsVolume:26, (1)Page Range:74-76doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2012.10.009
Evidence for enhanced capacitance and restricted motion of an ionic liquid confined in 2 nm diameter Pt mesopores - Esterle, Thomas F., Sun, Danni, Roberts, Matthew R., Bartlett, Philip N. and Owen, John R. Published:2012Publication:Physical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsVolume:14, (11)Page Range:3872doi:10.1039/c2cp23687g
Mesoporous nickel/nickel oxide electrodes for high power applications - Nelson, Phillip A. , Elliott, Joanne M., Attard, George S. and Owen, John R. Published:2002Publication:Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical SystemsVolume:5, (1)Page Range:63-66
Electrodeposition of mesoporous tin films - Whitehead, Adam , Elliott, Joanne M., Owen, John R. and Attard, George S. Published:1999Publication:Chemical CommunicationsVolume:, (4)Page Range:331-332doi:10.1039/a808775j
Nanostructured materials for batteries - Attard, G. S., Elliott, J. M., Bartlett, P. N., Whitehead, A. and Owen, J. R. Published:2000Publication:Macromolecular SymposiaVolume:156Page Range:179-186doi:10.1002/1521-3900(200007)156:1<179::AID-MASY179>3.0.CO;2-7