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Human-based approaches to pharmacology and cardiology: an interdisciplinary and intersectorial workshop. Journal article; 2016; Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery | DOI Authors: Rodriguez B,Carusi A,Abi-Gerges N,Ariga R,Britton O,Bub G,Bueno-Orovio A,Burton RA,Carapella V,Cardone-Noott L,Daniels MJ,Davies MR,Dutta S,Ghetti A,Grau V,Harmer S,Kopljar I,Lambiase P,Lu HR,Lyon A,Minchole A,Muszkiewicz A,Oster J,Paci M,Passini E,Severi S,Taggart P,Tinker A,Valentin JP,Varro A,Wallman M,Zhou X click to collapse Loss of the inhibitory GalphaO protein in the rostral ventrolateral medulla of the brainstem leads to abnormalities in cardiovascular reflexes and altered ventricular excitablitiy Conference ; 2016; CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH Links: IRIS | Author's Authors: Ang R,Abramowitz J,Birnbaumer L,Gourine AV,Tinker A click to collapse The role of G?O-mediated signaling in the rostral ventrolateral medulla oblongata in cardiovascular reflexes and control of cardiac ventricular excitability. Journal article; 2016; Physiological reports Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery | DOI Authors: Ang R,Abramowitz J,Birnbaumer L,Gourine AV,Tinker A click to collapse Trans-ancestry meta-analyses identify rare and common variants associated with blood pressure and hypertension. Journal article; 2016; Nature genetics Links: IRIS Authors: Surendran P,Drenos F,Young R,Warren H,Cook JP,Manning AK,Grarup N,Sim X,Barnes DR,Witkowska K,Staley JR,Tragante V,Tukiainen T,Yaghootkar H,Masca N,Freitag DF,Ferreira T,Giannakopoulou O,Tinker A,Harakalova M,Mihailov E,Liu C,Kraja AT,Nielsen SF,Rasheed A,Samuel M,Zhao W,Bonnycastle LL,Jackson AU,Narisu N,Swift AJ,Southam L,Marten J,Huyghe JR,Stan?áková A,Fava C,Ohlsson T,Matchan A,Stirrups KE,Bork-Jensen J,Gjesing AP,Kontto J,Perola M,Shaw-Hawkins S,Havulinna AS,Zhang H,Donnelly LA,Groves CJ,Rayner NW,Neville MJ,Robertson NR,Yiorkas AM,Herzig KH,Kajantie E,Zhang W,Willems SM,Lannfelt L,Malerba G,Soranzo N,Trabetti E,Verweij N,Evangelou E,Moayyeri A,Vergnaud AC,Nelson CP,Poveda A,Varga TV,Caslake M,de Craen AJ,Trompet S,Luan J,Scott RA,Harris SE,Liewald DC,Marioni R,Menni C,Farmaki AE,Hallmans G,Renström F,Huffman JE,Hassinen M,Burgess S,Vasan RS,Felix JF,Uria-Nickelsen M,Malarstig A,Reilly DF,Hoek M,Vogt TF,Lin H,Lieb W,Traylor M,Markus HS,Highland HM,Justice AE,Marouli E,Lindström J,Uusitupa M,Komulainen P,Lakka TA,Rauramaa R,Polasek O,Rudan I,Rolandsson O,Franks PW,Dedoussis G,Spector TD,Jousilahti P,Männistö S,Deary IJ,Starr JM,Langenberg C,Wareham NJ,Brown MJ,Dominiczak AF,Connell JM,Jukema JW,Sattar N,Ford I,Packard CJ,Esko T,Mägi R,Metspalu A,de Boer RA,van der Meer P,van der Harst P,Gambaro G,Ingelsson E,Lind L,de Bakker PI,Numans ME,Brandslund I,Christensen C,Petersen ER,Korpi-Hyövälti E,Oksa H,Chambers JC,Kooner JS,Blakemore AI,Franks S,Jarvelin MR,Husemoen LL,Linneberg A,Skaaby T,Thuesen B,Karpe F,Tuomilehto J,Doney AS,Morris AD,Palmer CN,Holmen OL,Hveem K,Willer CJ,Tuomi T,Groop L,Käräjämäki A,Palotie A,Ripatti S,Salomaa V,Alam DS,Majumder AA,Di Angelantonio E,Chowdhury R,McCarthy MI,Poulter N,Stanton AV,Sever P,Amouyel P,Arveiler D,Blankenberg S,Ferrières J,Kee F,Kuulasmaa K,Müller-Nurasyid M,Veronesi G,Virtamo J,Deloukas P,Elliott P,Zeggini E,Kathiresan S,Melander O,Kuusisto J,Laakso M,Padmanabhan S,Porteous DJ,Hayward C,Scotland G,Collins FS,Mohlke KL,Hansen T,Pedersen O,Boehnke M,Stringham HM,Frossard P,Newton-Cheh C,Tobin MD,Nordestgaard BG,Caulfield MJ,Mahajan A,Morris AP,Tomaszewski M,Samani NJ,Saleheen D,Asselbergs FW,Lindgren CM,Danesh J,Wain LV,Butterworth AS,Howson JM,Munroe PB click to collapse A dual optical and nuclear imaging reagent for peptide labelling via disulfide bridging Journal article; 2015; ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Links: IRIS | Author's | DOI Authors: Fletcher SA,Sin PKB,Nobles M,Arstad E,Tinker A,Baker JR click to collapse Absence of the Regulator of G-protein Signaling, RGS4, Predisposes to Atrial Fibrillation and Is Associated with Abnormal Calcium Handling Journal article; 2015; JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Links: IRIS | Author's | DOI Authors: Opel A,Nobles M,Montaigne D,Finlay M,Anderson N,Breckenridge R,Tinker A click to collapse Connexins in the heart. Journal article; 2015; Cell Tissue Res Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery | Author's | DOI Authors: Lambiase PD,Tinker A click to collapse Control of ventricular excitability by neurons of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve Journal article; 2015; HEART RHYTHM Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery | Author's | DOI Authors: Machhada A,Ang R,Ackland GL,Ninkina N,Buchman VL,Lythgoe MF,Trapp S,Tinker A,Marina N,Gourine AV click to collapse iASPP, a previously unidentified regulator of desmosomes, prevents arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC)-induced sudden death Journal article; 2015; PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Links: IRIS | Author's | DOI Authors: Notari M,Hu Y,Sutendra G,Dedeic Z,Lu M,Dupays L,Yavari A,Carr CA,Zhong S,Opel A,Tinker A,Clarke K,Watkins H,Ferguson DJP,Kelsell DP,de Noronha S,Sheppard MN,Hollinshead M,Mohun TJ,Lu X click to collapse Molecular mechanisms of congenital hyperinsulinism due to autosomal dominant mutations in ABCC8 Journal article; 2015; HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS Links: IRIS | Author's | DOI Authors: Nessa A,Aziz QH,Thomas AM,Harmer SC,Tinker A,Hussain K click to collapse Photochemically re-bridging disulfide bonds and the discovery of a thiomaleimide mediated photodecarboxylation of C-terminal cysteines Journal article; 2015; ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery | DOI Authors: Richards DA,Fletcher SA,Nobles M,Kossen H,Tedaldi L,Chudasama V,Tinker A,Baker JR click to collapse Reduced activity of dorsal vagal preganglionic neurones associated with synuclein pathology predisposes the heart to ventricular arrhythmia Conference ; 2015; EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Links: IRIS | Author's Authors: Machhada A,Ang R,Ackland G,Ninkina N,Buchman V,Lythgoe MF,Trapp S,Tinker A,Marina N,Gourine AV click to collapse SIMULTANEOUS MEASUREMENT OF CALCIUM TRANSIENTS AND ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY IN MURINE CARDIAC TISSUE - A NOVEL SYSTEM FOR THE STUDY OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA Conference ; 2015; HEART Links: IRIS | Author's | DOI Authors: Yeoh A,Finlay M,Anderson N,Harmer S,Tinker A click to collapse Bromo- and thiomaleimides as a new class of thiol-mediated fluorescence 'turn-on' reagents. Journal article; 2014; Org Biomol Chem Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery | Author's | DOI Authors: Youziel J,Akhbar AR,Aziz Q,Smith ME,Caddick S,Tinker A,Baker JR click to collapse Cellular mechanisms underlying the increased disease severity seen for patients with long QT syndrome caused by compound mutations in KCNQ1. Journal article; 2014; Biochem J Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery | Author's | DOI Authors: Harmer SC,Mohal JS,Royal AA,McKenna WJ,Lambiase PD,Tinker A click to collapse Congenital hyperinsulinism: clinical and molecular characterisation of compound heterozygous ABCC8 mutation responsive to Diazoxide therapy. Journal article; 2014; International journal of pediatric endocrinology Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery Authors: Arya VB,Aziz Q,Nessa A,Tinker A,Hussain K click to collapse The ATP-sensitive potassium channel subunit, Kir6.1, in vascular smooth muscle plays a major role in blood pressure control. Journal article; 2014; Hypertension Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery | Author's | DOI Authors: Aziz Q,Thomas AM,Gomes J,Ang R,Sones WR,Li Y,Ng KE,Gee L,Tinker A click to collapse A basic residue in the proximal C-terminus is necessary for efficient activation of the M-channel subunit Kv7.2 by PI(4,5)P?. Journal article; 2013; Pflugers Arch Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery | Author's | DOI Authors: Telezhkin V,Thomas AM,Harmer SC,Tinker A,Brown DA click to collapse Essential Role of the m(2)R-RGS6-I-KACh Pathway in Controlling Intrinsic Heart Rate Variability Journal article; 2013; PLOS ONE Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery | Author's | DOI Authors: Posokhova E,Ng D,Opel A,Masuho I,Tinker A,Biesecker LG,Wickman K,Martemyanov KA click to collapse The role of GalphaO-mediated signalling in the central nervous mechanisms controlling sympathetic outflow to the heart Conference ; 2013; EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Links: IRIS | UCL Discovery | Author's Authors: Ang R,Birnbaumer L,Gourine AV,Tinker A click to collapse
