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BSc Chemistry with Management, 2.1, King’s College, 1993 PhD in synthetic chemistry, Kingston, 2002


Development of novel HIF-1 agents for the treatment of cancer; Synthesis of novel memory enhancing agents for the dementia and Alzheimer’s disease; Antiviral agents that target lentiviruses such as HIV and FIV; Novel non-toxic radical chemistry for the synthesis of tricyclic and spirocyclic heterocycles; New methods for the prevention of HIV infection; 3-Dimensional printing for novel therapies; 3-Dimensional printing in chemical synthesis


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Tuneable radical cyclisations: A tin-free approach towards tricyclic and spirocyclic heterocycles via a common precursor Journal article ; 2014 ; RSC Advances links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; doi authors [click to collapse] : Patel B,Saviolaki G,Ayats C,Garcia MAE,Kapadia T,Hilton ST Evaluation of the antiviral efficacy of bis[1,2]dithiolo[1,4]thiazines and bis[1,2]dithiolopyrrole derivatives against the nucelocapsid protein of the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) as a model for HIV infection. Journal article ; 2014 ; Bioorg Med Chem Lett ; England links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; doi ; author's authors [click to collapse] : Asquith CR,Meli ML,Konstantinova LS,Laitinen T,Peräkylä M,Poso A,Rakitin OA,Allenspach K,Hofmann-Lehmann R,Hilton ST ETPs as anticancer agents: Synthesis and biological activity Conference ; 2013 ; ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; author's authors : Sil BC,Hilton ST Tuneable radical cyclisations: Synthesis of biologically active heterocycles to target neuroinflammation Conference ; 2013 ; ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; author's authors : Saviolaki G,Hilton S A Mild and Convenient Base Catalysed Approach to Disubstituted Epidithiodikertopiperazines Journal article links: IRIS authors : Hilton ST The influence of positional isomerism on G-quadruplex binding and anti-proliferative activity of tetra-substituted naphthalene diimide compounds. Journal article ; 2013 ; Bioorg Med Chem ; England links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; doi ; author's authors [click to collapse] : Mpima S,Ohnmacht SA,Barletta M,Husby J,Pett LC,Gunaratnam M,Hilton ST,Neidle S Observations on the reactivity of thiyl radicals derived from 3,6-epidithiodiketopiperazine-2,5-diones and related congeners Journal article ; 2005 ; Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery authors [click to collapse] : Hilton ST,Motherwell WB,Potier P,Pradet C,Selwood DL An Expedient Entry into the a-Mercaptodiketopiperazine Nucleus Journal article ; 2004 ; Synlett links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery authors [click to collapse] : Hilton ST,Motherwell WB,Selwood DL A Convenient Synthesis of 2-Cyano-3-Substituted Indoles Journal article ; 2004 ; Synlett links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery authors : Denison S,Hilton ST The tandem radical route to indole alkaloids: an unusual rearrangement reaction Journal article ; 2007 ; Arkivoc links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; publisher authors : Hilton ST,Jones K Preparation of 2-[3H]-thiazol-2-ylidine-methylpyridine and related compounds and their use as antitumor agents Patent ; 2007 links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; publisher authors [click to collapse] : Brown R,Plumb J,Ahearne GW,McDonald E,Jones K,Hilton ST Three Heterocyclic Rings Fused (5-6-5) Chapter ; 2008 ; Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry III: A Review of the Literature 1995-2007 ; Elsevier Science links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery authors : Hilton ST,Rossiter S A promising cancer target: lead compounds blocking the HIF-1alpha/p300 interaction Conference ; 2008 ; San Diego, CA, USA links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; publisher authors [click to collapse] : Cook KM,Hilton ST,Schofield CJ,Figg WD Identification and characterisation of 2-aminopyridine inhibitors of checkpoint kinase 2 (vol 18, pg 707, 2010) Journal article ; 2010 ; BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; doi ; author's authors [click to collapse] : Hilton S,Naud S,Caldwell JJ,Boxall K,Burns S,Anderson VE,Antoni L,Allen CE,Pearl LH,Oliver AW,Aherne GW,Garrett MD,Collins I A Convenient Synthesis of 2-Cyano-3-Substituted Indoles. Journal article ; 2005 ; ChemInform links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; doi ; publisher authors : Denison S,Hilton ST Novel multi-component approaches towards dimeric epidithiodiketopiperazines as anti-cancer agents Conference ; 2011 ; ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; author's authors [click to collapse] : Sil BC,Cook KM,Schofield C,Figg WD,Hilton ST Diversity from simplicity: A common precursor approach towards natural products Conference ; 2011 ; ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; author's authors : Sil BC,Hilton ST The hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha and p300 interaction as a therapeutic target of the epidithiodiketopiperazine class of natural products Journal article ; 2009 ; JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; author's authors : Hilton S Heteroaryl Radicals Review Journal article ; 2010 ; ADVANCES IN HETEROCYLIC CHEMISTRY, VOL 100 links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; doi ; author's authors [click to collapse] : Mirizzi D,Hilton ST,Jones K A tandem radical approach to the ABCE-rings of the Aspidosperma and Strychnos alkaloids Journal article ; 2001 ; Chemical Communications links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery authors [click to collapse] : Hilton ST,Ho TCT,Pljevaljcic G,Schulte M,Jones K The tandem radical route to indole alkaloids: An unusual rearrangement reaction Journal article ; 2007 ; Arkivoc links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery authors : Hilton ST,Jones K Corrigendum to "Identification and characterisation of 2-aminopyridine inhibitors of checkpoint kinase 2" [Bioorg. Med. Chem. 18 (2010) 707] (DOI:10.1016/j.bmc.2009.11.058) Journal article ; 2010 ; Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; doi authors [click to collapse] : Hilton S,Naud S,Caldwell JJ,Boxall K,Burns S,Anderson VE,Antoni L,Allen CE,Pearl LH,Oliver AW,Aherne GW,Garrett MD,Collins I A new route to spirooxindoles. Journal article ; 2000 ; Org Lett ; United States links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; author's authors [click to collapse] : Hilton ST,Ho TC,Pljevaljcic G,Jones K Identification and characterisation of 2-aminopyridine inhibitors of checkpoint kinase 2. Journal article ; 2010 ; Bioorg Med Chem ; England links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; doi ; author's authors [click to collapse] : Hilton S,Naud S,Caldwell JJ,Boxall K,Burns S,Anderson VE,Antoni L,Allen CE,Pearl LH,Oliver AW,Wynne Aherne G,Garrett MD,Collins I Epidithiodiketopiperazines Block the Interaction between Hypoxia-inducible Factor-1 alpha (HIF-1 alpha) and p300 by a Zinc Ejection Mechanism Journal article ; 2009 ; JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY ; AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC links: IRIS ; UCL Discovery ; doi ; author's authors [click to collapse] : Cook KM,Hilton ST,Mecinovic J,Motherwell WB,Figg WD,Schofield CJ
