2004.09 - 2010.6 中国科学院金属研究所 博士
2000.09 - 2004.06 南京理工大学 学士
2015.06-至今 南京理工大学 格莱特纳米科技研究所、材料科学与工程学院
2013.09-2015.05 美国约翰霍普金斯大学 机械工程系、极端环境材料研究所
2010.09-2013.09 美国约翰霍普金斯大学机械工程系博士后
1. Y. Zhang, S. Ha, K. Sharp, J.K. Guest, T.P. Weihs, K.J. Hemker, “Fabrication and mechanical characterization of 3D woven Cu lattice materials”, Materials & Design, 85(2015)743-751.
2. W.G. Huang, K. Besar, Y. Zhang, S. Yang, G. Wiedman, Y. Liu, W.M. Guo, J. Song, K.J. Hemker, K. Hristova, I.J. Kymissis, H.E. Katz, “A High-capacitance salt-free dielectric for self-healable, printable, and flexible organic field effect transistors and chemical sensor”, Advanced Functional Materials 25 (2015) 3745-3755.
3. L.Y. Zhao, S. Ha, K. Sharp, A.B. Geltmacher, R.W. Fonda, A. Kinsey, Y. Zhang, S. Ryan, D. Erdeniz, D.C. Dunand, K.J. Hemker, J.K. Guest, T.P. Weihs, “Permeability Measurements and Modeling of Topology-optimized Metallic 3D Woven Lattices”, ActaMaterialia, 81 (2014) 326-336.
4. J.A. Sharon, Y. Zhang, F. Mompiou, M. Legros, K.J. Hemker, “Discerning Size Effect Strengthening in Ultra-fine Grain Mg Thin Films”, ScriptaMaterialia, 75 (2014) 10-13.
5. D.E. Burns, Y. Zhang, T.P. Weihs, K.J. Hemker, “Properties of Sputter Deposited Ni-base Superalloys for Microelectromechanical Systems”, Thin Solid Films 558 (2014) 20-23.
6. Y. Zhang, J.A. Sharon, G.L. Hu, K.T. Ramesh, K.J. Hemker, “Stress-driven Grain Growth in Ultrafine-grained Mg Thin Film”, ScriptaMaterialia, 68 (2013) 424-427.
7. D.E. Burns, Y. Zhang, M. Teutsch, K. Bade, J. Aktaa, K.J. Hemker, “Development of Ni-based Superalloys for Microelectromechanical Systems”, ScriptaMaterialia, 67 (2012) 459-462.
8. Y. Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, “Effects of Stacking Fault Energy, Strain Rate and Temperature on Microstructure and Strength of Nanostructured Cu-Al Alloys Subjected to Plastic Deformation”, ActaMaterialia, 59 (2011) 6048-6058.
9. Y. Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, “Effect of Stacking-fault Energy on Deformation Twin Thickness in Cu-Al Alloys”, ScriptaMaterialia, 60 (2009) 211-213.
10. Y.S. Li, Y. Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, “Effect of the Zener-Hollomon Parameter on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Cu Subjected to Plastic Deformation”, ActaMaterialia, 57 (2009) 761-772.
11. Y.S. Li, Y. Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, “Effect of Thermal Annealing on Mechanical Properties of a Nanostructured Copper Prepared by means of Dynamic Plastic Deformation”, ScriptaMaterialia, 59 (2008) 475-478.
12. Y. Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, “Mechanical Properties and Rolling Behaviors of Nano-grained Copper with Embedded Nano-twin Bundles”, ActaMaterialia, 56 (2008) 2429-2440.
13. Y. Zhang, Y.S. Li, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, “High Strength and High Electrical Conductivity in Bulk Nanograined Cu Embedded with Nanoscale Twins”, Applied Physics Letters, 91 (2007) 211901.