2011.4-2012.4 美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology),访问学者
2006年至今 南京理工大学材料学院
1. 结构功能一体化金属基复合材料
2. 基于生物模板新材料(遗态材料)
3. 超疏水材料
4. 耐火隔热材料
1. T.C. Wang, T.X. Fan, D. Zhang, G.D. Zhang, Fabrication and Wear Behaviors of Carbon/Aluminum Composites Based on Wood Templates, Carbon, 2006, 44(5), 900-906.
2. T.C. Wang, T.L. Zhou, D.S. Xiong, Preparation and wear behavior of carbon/epoxy resin composites with an interpenetrating network structure derived from natural sponge, Carbon, 2010, 48(9), 2435-2441.
3. T.C. Wang, T.X. Fan, D. Zhang, G.D. Zhang, The Fabrication and Wear Properties of C/Al and (C+SiC)/Al Composites Based on Wood Template, Materials Letters,2006, 60(21-22), 2695-2699.
4. T.C. Wang, T.X. Fan, D. Zhang, G.D. Zhang, Fabrication, Thermal Expansions, and Mechanical Properties of Carbon/Aluminum Composites Based on Wood Templates, Journal of Materials Science,2006, 41(18), 6095-6099.
5. T.C. Wang, T.X. Fan, D. Zhang, G.D. Zhang, Thermal Expansions and Mechanical Properties of Al/C and Al/(SiC+C) Composites Based on Wood Templates, Materials Transactions,2006, 47(10), 2576-2581.
6. T.C. Wang, T.X. Fan, D. Zhang, G.D. Zhang, D.S. Xiong, Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Expansions of Aluminum/Carbon Composites Based on Wood Templates, Materials Letters,2007, 61(8-9), 1849-1854.
7. T.C. Wang, T.X. Fan, D. Zhang, G.D. Zhang, D.S. Xiong, Preparation and Thermal Properties of Metal Matrix Composites with Wood-structure, Materials & Design,2008, 29(6), 1275-1279.
8. T.C. Wang, T.L. Zhou, D.S. Xiong, Preparation and Wear behavior of polymer matrix composites with an interpenetrating network structure derived from natural sponge, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2010, 5(1), 16003.
9. T.C. Wang, S. Kong, L.J. Chang, C.P. Wong, Preparation and heat-insulating property of the bio-inspired ZrO2 fibers based on the silk template, Ceramics International,2012, 38(8), 6783-6788.
美国化学学会会员;担任Carbon、Materials Science & Engineering C、Intelligent Material Systems and Structures等期刊审稿人。