My scientific background is focused on ruminants with emphasis in digestive physiology, nutrient metabolism and nutritional modelling. I received my PhD in Animal Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), working on rumen targeting strategies to reduce nitrogen excretion from ruminants. Then, I joined the group of Prof Van Amburgh at Cornell University (USA) mainly involved in the update of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS).
My research goal is to develop more sophisticated and dynamic models of ruminant nutrition that will advance our understanding of animal functions and nutritional biology. The effective utilization of this knowledge should lead to the development of optimal production strategies, improving the efficiency of livestock production and reducing its environmental impact. Specific interests include:
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of feeding strategies to reduce environmental impact (nitrogen and methane) of dairy and beef cattle
Development of adequate models for grass-fed dairy cows
Development of modelling tools to assess the lifetime nitrogen efficiency of dairy cattle
Sustainable intensification of forage-based production systems
Foskolos, A., Cavini, S., Ferret, A., Calsamiglia, S. 2016. Effects of essential oil compounds addition on ryegrass silage protein degradation. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 96 (2) pp. 100-103.
Ehrhardt, R.A., Foskolos, A., Giesy, S.L., Wesolowski, S.R., Krumm, C.S., Butler, W.R., Quirk, S.M., Waldron, M.R., Boisclair, Y.R. 2016. Increased plasma leptin attenuates adaptive metabolism in early lactating dairy cows. Journal of Endocrinology 229 (2) pp. 145-157.
Van Amburgh, M.E., Foskolos, A., Higgs, R.J. 2015. Balancing diets for growing and lactating dairy cattle using the CNCPS v6.5: Factors to re-consider with update. 77th Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers. , Syracuse, NY Cadair
Cavini, S., Iraira, S., Siurana, A., Ferret, A., Foskolos, A., Calsamiglia, S. 2015. Effect of sodium butyrate administered in the concentrate on rumen development and productive performance of lambs in intensive production system during the suckling and the fattening periods. Small Ruminant Research 123 (2-3) pp. 212-217.
Zontini, A., Foskolos, A., Ross, D.A., J., M., P.H., D., Van Amburgh, M.E. 2015. Formulating diets for lactating cattle using multiple pools of NDF digestibility. 77th Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers. , Syracuse, NY Cadair
Foskolos, A., Ehrhardt, R.A., Hileman, S.M., Gertler, A., Boisclair, Y.R. 2015. Insensitivity of well-conditioned mature sheep to central administration of a leptin receptor antagonist. Animal 9 (11) pp. 1852-1858.
Collao-Saenz, E., Foskolos, A., Higgs, R.J., Ross, D.A., Van Amburgh, M.E. 2015. Meta-analysis of the intake and productivity response to fresh sugarcane inclusion in lactating cows diets. ADSA - ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, United States of America, 12/07/2015 - 16/07/2015.
Foskolos, A., Calsamiglia, S., Chrenková, M., Weisbjerg, M.R., Albanell, E. 2015. Prediction of rumen degradability parameters of a wide range of forages and non-forages by NIRS. Animal 9 (7) pp. 1163-1171.