I have been Head of Science at the National Botanic Garden of Wales for eight years and a senior lecturer in IBERS for four years. Prior to that I was Conservation Officer at the Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust.
My research uses DNA barcoding and metabarcoding for biodiversity conservation and human health. A major achievement was leading the teams that DNA barcoded all of the native flowering plants of Wales and the UK. I have worked on a wide range of projects that use DNA barcoding, ranging from fighting wildlife crime to monitoring air-borne pollen to assist hayfever and asthma sufferers. I was a consultant on the Google-funded Barcode of Wildlife Project and I am currently part of the team working on the NERC grant: "Using DNA barcoding to understand grass species pollen deposition: enhancing bio-aerosol models and implications for human health".
A key focus of my research is using DNA metabarcoding to understand foraging preferences of both wild pollinators and honeybees.
I am also passionate about public engagement with science and regularly present my research on television and radio. A particular interest is using art-science to engage a wider audience with scientific ideas.
Hamston, T.J., Wilson, R.J., De Vere, N., Rich, T.C., Stevens, J.R., Cresswell, J.E. 2017. Breeding system and spatial isolation from congeners strongly constrain seed set in an insect-pollinated apomictic tree: Sorbus subcuneata (Rosaceae). Scientific Reports 7 45122 Cadair
De Vere, N., Jones, L.E., Gilmore, T., Moscrop, J., Lowe, A., Smith, D., Hegarty, M., Creer, S., Ford, C.R. 2017. Using DNA metabarcoding to investigate honey bee foraging reveals limited flower use despite high floral availability. Scientific Reports 7 42838 Cadair
Bell, K.L., De Vere, N., Keller, A., Richardson, R., Gous, A., Burgess, K.S., Brosi, B.J. 2016. Pollen DNA barcoding: Current applications and future prospects. Genome 59 (9) pp. 629-640. Cadair
Hawkins, J., de Vere, N., Griffith, A., Ford, C.R., Allainguillaume, J., Hegarty, M.J., Baillie, L., Adams-Groom, B. 2015. Using DNA Metabarcoding to Identify the Floral Composition of Honey. A New Tool for Investigating Honey Bee Foraging Preferences. PLoS One 10 (8) pp. e0134735. Cadair
Lim, J., Crawley, M.J., De Vere, N., Rich, T., Savolainen, V. 2014. A phylogenetic analysis of the British flora sheds light on the evolutionary and ecological factors driving plant invasions. Ecology and Evolution 4 (22) pp. 4258-69. Cadair
de Vere, N., Rich, T.C.G., Trinder, S.A., Long, C. 2014. DNA barcoding for plants. Methods in Molecular Biology 1245 pp. 101-118. Cadair
de Vere, N., Rich, T.C.G., Ford, C.R., Trinder, S.A., Long, C., Moore, C.W., Satterthwaite, D., Davies, H., Allainguillaume, J., Ronca, S., Tatarinova, T., Garbett, H., Walker, K., Wilkinson, M.J. 2012. DNA barcoding the native flowering plants and conifers of Wales. PLoS One 7 (6) e37945 Cadair
Ennos, R.A., Whitlock, R., Fay, M.F., Jones, B., Neaves, L.E., payne, R., Taylor, I., De Vere, N., Hollingsworth, P.M. 2012. Process-Based Species Action Plans: an approach to conserve contemporary evolutionary processes that sustain diversity in taxonomically complex groups. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 168 (2) pp. 194-203.