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Dr Creevey completed a double honours degree in Computer Science and Biology in 1997 and a research masters in Ecology in 1999. In 2002 he received his PhD from the National University of Ireland for his work in the area of phylogenetics and comparative microbial genomics. Following this he worked as a postdoctoral researcher for the McInerney Lab in NUI Maynooth developing methods of resconstructing phylogenetic supertrees and detecting horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in genomic data. In 2005 he took up a postdoctoral position in the Euorpean Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany where the focus of his research involved the reconstruction of the tree of life, and the use of metagenomic and expressed sequence tag (EST) data for the phylogenetic analysis of unculturable organisms or for those we have no genomic information. In 2009 Dr. Creevey was awarded a Science Foundation Ireland Stokes Lecturership, at Teagasc, (The Irish agriculture and food development authority) in Ireland where his group worked on identifying the genomic factors influencing phenotypic changes in organisms from Bacteria to Eukaryotes, and the development of novel approaches to investigating metagenomic data from rumen microbial communities. He started his current position in IBERs in 2013.


My research interests include: Developing novel computational approaches to understanding the complex interaction of the host-associated microbiomes. Understanding the effect of host-associated microbial community structure on the efficiency and health of the host Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis of microbial communities. Application of graph (phylogenetic and network) techniques to metagenomic and metatranscriptomic samples. Analysis of whole genomes of microbial organisms. Development of novel approaches for phylogenomic and evolutionary analyses.


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Rubino, F., Carberry, C.A., Waters, S.M., Kenny, D.A., McCabe, M., Creevey, C. 2017. Divergent functional isoforms drive niche specialisation for nutrient acquisition and use in rumen microbiome. ISME Journal 11 (4) pp. 932-944. Cadair Velmurugan, J., Mollison, E., Barth, S., Marshall, D., Milne, L., Creevey, C., Lynch, B., Meally, H., McCabe, M., Milbourne, D. 2016. An ultra-high density genetic linkage map of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) using genotyping by sequencing (GBS) based on a reference shotgun genome assembly. Annals of Botany 118 (1) pp. 71-87. Mollison, E.M.B., Barth, S., Milbourne, D., Milne, L., Halpin, C., McCabe, M., Creevey, C., Marshall, D.F. 2016. De novo Genome Sequencing and Gene Prediction in Lolium perenne, Perennial Ryegrass. In I. Roldán-Ruiz., J. Baert., D. Reheul. (eds) Breeding in a World of Scarcity: Proceedings of the 2015 Meeting of the Section “Forage Crops and Amenity Grasses” of Eucarpia. Springer Nature pp. 127-131. Huws, S., Edwards, J.E., Creevey, C., Rees Stevens, P., Lin, W., Girdwood, S., Pachebat, J., Kingston-Smith, A. 2016. Temporal dynamics of the metabolically active rumen bacteria colonising fresh perennial ryegrass. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92 (1) fiv 137 Moran, B., Cummins, S., Creevey, C., Butler, S. 2016. Transcriptomics of liver and muscle in Holstein cows genetically divergent for fertility highlight differences in nutrient partitioning and inflammation processes. BMC Genomics 17 603 Cadair Moran, B., Butler, S., Moore, S., McHugh, D., Creevey, C. 2015. Differential gene expression in the endometrium reveals cytoskeletal and immunological genes in lactating dairy cows genetically divergent for fertility traits. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 29 (2) pp. 274-282. Cadair McGettigan, P.A., Browne, J.A., Carrington, S., Crowe, M., Fair, T., Forde, N., Loftus, B.J., Lohan, A., Lonergan, P., Pluta, K., Mamo, S., Murphy, A., Roche, J., Walsh, S., Creevey, C., Early, B., Keady, S., Kenny, D., Matthews, D., McCabe, M., Morris, D., O'Loughlin, A., Waters, S., Diskin, M.G., Evans, A. 2015. Fertility and genomics: comparison of gene expression in contrasting reproductive tissues of female cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 28 (2) pp. 11-24. Cadair
