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NSF CAREER Award (2009) Appointed to UC Davis faculty (2007) Institute Fellow, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT (2005-07) Institute Fellow, Harvard Medical School (2002-05) Amgen Research Award (2005) NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, Harvard University (1999-2001) Ph.D. University of California, Irvine (1999) E. K. C. Lee Award for Excellence in Graduate Studies and Research (1998) ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Fellowship (1997) GAANN Fellowship, U.S. Department of Education (1994-1996) B.S. University of California, Berkeley (1993)


Chemical Biology/Organic Chemistry

The Shaw group focuses on the development of new reactions and the stereoselective synthesis of natural products and other biologically active molecules. We recently developed a novel four component reaction (4CR) that is being applied to the assembly of several complex polycyclic alkaloids and transcription factor inhibitors. We are also synthesizing several natural products that target bacteria resistant to current antibiotics.


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Synthesis of the diaryl ether cores common to chrysophaentins A, E and F Anthony J. Brockway, Charles I. Grove, Maximillian E. Mahoney, and Jared T. Shaw Tetrahedron Lett., 2015, In Press, Accepted Manuscript. Synthesis and Evaluation of Quinazolines as Inhibitors of the Bacterial Cell Division Protein FtsZ Gabriella M. Nepomuceno, Katie M. Chan, Valerie Huynh, Kevin S. Martin, Jared T. Moore, Terrence E. O’Brien, Luiz A. E. Pollo, Francisco J. Sarabia, Clarissa Tadeus, Zi Yao, David E. Anderson, James B. Ames, and Jared T. Shaw ACS. Med. Chem. Lett, 2015, 6(3), pp 308-312. Enantioselective Intramolecular C–H Insertion Reactions of Donor–Donor Metal Carbenoids. Cristian Soldi , Kellan N. Lamb , Richard A. Squitieri , Marcos González-López , Michael J. Di Maso , and Jared T. Shaw J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136 (43), pp 15142–15145 Chapter 10 - Studies in the Synthesis of Biaryl Natural Products: The 6,6′-Binaphthopyranones. Michael J. Di Maso, Charles I. Grove, Jared T. Shaw Strategies and Tactics in Organic Synthesis, 2014, 10, pp 225-248 Diastereoselective Synthesis of gamma- and delta-Lactams From Imines and Sulfone-Substituted Anhydrides Nohemy A. Sorto , Michael J. Di Maso , Manuel A. Muñoz , Ryan J. Dougherty , James C. Fettinger , and Jared T. Shaw J. Org. Chem., 2014, 79 (6), pp 2601–2610 Enantioselective Synthesis of Isotopically Labeled Homocitric Acid Lactone Jared T. Moore, Nadine V. Hanhan, Maximillian E. Mahoney, Stephen P. Cramer, and Jared T. Shaw Org. Lett., 2013, 15 (22), pp 5615–5617 Stereocontrol in Asymmetric γ-Lactam Syntheses from Imines and Cyanosuccinic Anhydrides Ommidala Pattawong, Darlene Q. Tan, James C. Fettinger, Jared T. Shaw, and Paul Ha-Yeon Cheong Org. Lett., Article, 15 (19), pp 5130–5133 Stereoselective Synthesis of γ-Lactams from Imines and Cyanosuccinic Anhydrides Darlene Q. Tan, Ashkaan Younai, Ommidala Pattawong, James C. Fettinger, Paul Ha-Yeon Cheong, and Jared T. Shaw Org. Lett., Article, 15 (19), pp 5126–5129 Synthesis of a Library of "Lead-like" γ-Lactams by a One Pot, Four-Component Reaction Kevin S. Martin, Michael J. Di Maso, James C. Fettinger, and Jared T. Shaw ACS Comb. Sci., 2013, 15 (7), pp 356–362 Design and Synthesis of Mimics of the T7-loop of FtsZ Nohemy A. Sorto, Phillip P. Painter, James C. Fettinger, Dean J. Tantillo, and Jared T. Shaw Org. Lett., 2013, 15 (11), pp 2700–2703 Mechanism of Alkoxy Groups Substitution by Grignard Reagents on Aromatic Rings and Experimental Verification of Theoretical Predictions of Anomalous Reactions Gonzalo Jimenez-Oses, Anthony J. Brockway, Jared T. Shaw, and K.N. Houk J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135 (17), pp 6633–6642 The Correct Structure of Aquatolide—Experimental Validation of a Theoretically-Predicted Structural Revision Michael W. Lodewyk, Cristian Soldi, Paul B. Jones, Marilyn M. Olmstead, Juan Rita, Jared T. Shaw, and Dean J. Tantillo J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134 (45), pp 18550–18553 Catalytic alkene cyclization reactions for the stereoselective synthesis of complex "terpenoid-like" heterocycles Jared T. Moore, Cristian Soldi, James C. Fettinger and Jared T. Shaw Chem. Sci., 2013,4, 292-296 Comparison of Small Molecule Inhibitors of the Bacterial Cell Division Protein FtsZ and Identification of a Reliable Cross-Species Inhibitor David E. Anderson, Michelle B. Kim, Jared T. Moore, Terrence E. O’Brien, Nohemy A. Sorto, Charles I. Grove, Laura L. Lackner, James B. Ames, and Jared T. Shaw ACS Chem. Biol., 2012, 7 (11), pp 1918–1928 The Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Heterocyclic Derivatives of Totarol Michelle B. Kim, Terrence E. O'Brien, Jared T. Moore, David E. Anderson, Marie H. Foss, Douglas B. Weibel, James B. Ames, and Jared T. Shaw ACS Med. Chem. Lett., 2012, 3, 818−822 Synthesis of 6,6′-Binaphthopyran-2-one Natural Products: Pigmentosin A, Talaroderxines A and B Charles I. Grove, Michael J. Di Maso, Firoz A. Jaipuri, Michelle B. Kim, and Jared T. Shaw Org. Lett., 2012, 14 (17), pp 4338–4341 Influence of Chiral Thiols on the Diastereoselective Synthesis of γ-Lactams from Cyclic Anhydrides Ashkaan Younai, James C. Fettinger, and Jared T. Shaw Tetrahedron, 2012, 68 (22), pp 4320-4327 Second-Generation Synthesis of (-)-Viriditoxin Charles I. Grove, James C. Fettinger, and Jared T. Shaw Synthesis, 2012, 44 (3), pp 362-371 Synthesis of a γ-Lactam Library via Formal Cycloaddition of Imines and Substituted Succinic Anhydrides Darlene Q. Tan, Amy L. Atherton, Austin J. Smith, Cristian Soldi, Katherine A. Hurley, James C. Fettinger, and Jared T. Shaw ACS Comb. Sci., 2012, 14 (3), pp 218–223 Carbon–Carbon Bond-Forming Reactions of α-Thioaryl Carbonyl Compounds for the Synthesis of Complex Heterocyclic Molecules James E. Biggs-Houck, Rebecca L. Davis, Jingqiang Wei, Brandon Q. Mercado, Marilyn M. Olmstead, Dean J. Tantillo, and Jared T. Shaw J. Org. Chem., 2012, 77 (1), pp 160–172
