Angie's research interests to date include:
Impacts during pregnancy (e.g. maternal nutrition/growth) on the metabolic health of the offspring
Effect of excess glucocorticoids on the Metabolic Syndrome
Current research interests include:
Anti-nutritional factors in food
The effect of food processing on nutritional quality
BROGGER, ANJA FUNCH, MITCHELL, JOHN, KOGANTI, NAGAMANI, SWALI, ANGELINA and HILL, SANDRA, 2015. Can pasting in N-methyl morpholine N-oxide (NMMO) differentiate between tapioca starches? STARCH-STARKE. 67(11-12), 985-988
MCMULLEN, SARAH and SWALI, ANGIE, 2013. Common phenotypes and the developmental origins of disease. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care. 16(4), 398-404
SWALI, A., MCMULLEN, S., HAYES, H., GAMBLING, L., MCARDLE, H.J. and LANGLEY-EVANS, S.C., 2012. Processes underlying the nutritional programming of embryonic development by iron deficiency in the rat PLoS ONE. 7(10), e48133
SWALI, A., MCMULLEN, S., HAYES, H., GAMBLING, L., MCARDLE, H.J. and LANGLEY-EVANS, SIMON C, 2011. Cell cycle regulation and cytoskeletal remodelling are critical processes in the nutritional programming of embryonic development. PLoS ONE. 6(8), e23189
MCMULLEN S, LANGLEY-EVANS SC, GAMBLING L, LANG C, SWALI A and MCARDLE HJ, 2011. A Common Cause For A Common Phenotype: The Gatekeeper Hypothesis In Fetal Programming. Medical Hypotheses. (In Press.)
ANGELINA SWALI, SARAH MCMULLEN and SIMON LANGLEY-EVANS, 2010. Prenatal protein restriction leads to a disparity between aortic and peripheral blood pressure in Wistar male offspring. The Journal of physiology. 588(Pt 19), 3809-18
SWALI, A, WALKER, E A, LAVERY, G G, TOMLINSON, J W and STEWART, P M, 2008. 11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 regulates insulin and glucagon secretion in pancreatic islets. Diabetologia. 51(11), 2003-11
SWALI, A, CHENG, Z, BOURNE, N and WATHES, D C, 2008. Metabolic traits affecting growth rates of pre-pubertal calves and their relationship with subsequent survival. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 35(3), 300-13
WATHES DC, BRICKELL JS, BOURNE NE, SWALI A and CHENG Z, 2008. Factors influencing heifer survival and fertility on commercial dairy farms. Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience. 2(8), 1135-43
SWALI, A and WATHES, D C, 2007. Influence of primiparity on size at birth, growth, the somatotrophic axis and fertility in dairy heifers. Animal Reproduction Science. 102(1-2), 122-36
SWALI, A and WATHES, D C, 2006. Influence of the dam and sire on size at birth and subsequent growth, milk production and fertility in dairy heifers. Theriogenology. 66(5), 1173-84