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In 1990, I was awarded a PhD by the National University of Ireland, Galway, for work on transcriptional regulation of the trp operon in industrial coryneform strains. From there I joined Pierre Chambon's group in Strasbourg, studying transcription by nuclear hormone receptors and their coactivators, supported by a long term EMBO Fellowship, and subsequently Fellowships from the Association pour la Recherche sur la Cancer, and the University Louis Pasteur. This included development of yeast two hybrid screens for retinoic acid receptor binding proteins, and yeast genetic screens to identify mammalian transcriptional coactivators (Heery et al., PNAS, 1993; Heery et al., NAR 1994). In 1995, following the award of a Marie Curie fellowship I moved to Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, where I identified the LXXLL motif that mediates interactions between nuclear receptors and coactivators (Heery et al., Nature 1997; Heery et al., JBC 2001; Coulthard et al, JBC 2003). I was subsequently awarded a Wellcome Senior Fellowship in Basic Biomedical Sciences at the University of Leicester (1998-2005) to continue studies on structure/ functional and interactions of transcriptional coactivators, in particular the histone acetyltransferases CBP, p300, SRC1, TIF2 and MOZ (Sheppard et al., MCB 2001; Matsuda et al, JBC 2004; Waters et al., JBC 2006; Ryan Cell Cycle 2006; Heery & Fischer, Drug Discovery Today 2007; Ryan et al., BBRC 2010). In February 2005, I founded the Gene Regulation Group at the School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham, from which time we have developed a more cancer-oriented focus. We have made significant progress in understanding the molecular role of MOZ-TIF2 and MOZ-CBP fusion proteins in the development of acute myeloid leukemia (Kindle et al., MCB 2005; Collins et al., JBC 2006; Kindle et al., Leukaemia 2010; Dreveny, Deeves et al., PNAS submitted), the incidence of aberrant histone acetylation in tumours (El Sheikh et al., Cancer Research 2008) and the function of other oncogenic proteins such as PRAME and BCL11A in haematological malignancies (Wadelin et al. Molecular Cancer 2010; Collins et al BMC Cancer submitted ; Wadelin et al., PLOS One In press; Chan et al NAR submitted). I acted as Head of the Division of Molecular & Cellular Sciences from 2006-2012, and am currently academic lead in Molecular Cancer Research.


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MIFTAKHOVA R, HEDBLOM A, SEMENAS J, ROBINSON B, SIMOULIS A, MALM J, RIZVANOV A, HEERY DM, MONGAN NP, MAITLAND NJ, ALLEGRUCCI C and PERSSON JL, 2016. Cyclin A1 and P450 aromatase promote metastatic homing and growth of stem-like prostate cancer cells in the bone marrow Cancer Research. 76(8), 2453-64 DE BROT S, NTEKIM A, CARDENAS R, JAMES V, ALLEGRUCCI C, HEERY D, BATES DO, ODUM N, PERSSON JL and MONGAN NP, 2015. Regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in prostate cancer. Endocrine-related cancer. 22(3), R107-23 NILSSON EM, LAURSEN KB, WHITCHURCH J, MCWILLIAM A, ODUM N, PERSON JL, HEERY DM, GUDAS LJ and MONGAN NP, 2015. MIR137 is an androgen regulated repressor of an extended network of transcriptional coregulators Oncotarget. 6(34), 35710-25 CHOONG SS, FULTON J,, EMES RD, YON L, HEERY DM and MONGAN NP, 2015. Retinoids: Nutritional, Cellular and Pharmacological roles of the Vitamin A derivatives Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences. DREVENY, I., DEEVES, S.E., FULTON, J., YUE, B., MESSMER, M., BHATTACHARYA, A., COLLINS, H.M. and HEERY, D.M., 2014. The double PHD finger domain of MOZ/MYST3 induces α-helical structure of the histone H3 tail to facilitate acetylation and methylation sampling and modification Nucleic Acids Research. 42(2), 822-835 O’ CALLAGHAN MJ, BAY-RICHTER C, O’TUATHAIGH CMP, HEERY DM, WADDINGTON JL and MORAN PM, 2014. Potentiation of latent inhibition by haloperidol and clozapine is attenuated in Dopamine D2 receptor (Drd-2) deficient mice: Do antipsychotics influence learning to ignore irrelevant stimuli via both Drd-2 and non-Drd-2 mechanisms? Journal of Psychopharmacology. 28(10), 973-977 COLLINS HM, ABDELGHANY MK, MESSMER M, YUE B, DEEVES SE, KINDLE KB, MANTELINGU K, ASLAM A, WINKLER GS, KUNDU TK and HEERY DM, 2013. Differential effects of garcinol and curcumin on histone and p53 modifications in tumour cells. BMC cancer. 13(1), 37 BAY-RICHTER, C., O'CALLAGHAN, M.J., MATHUR, N., O'TUATHAIGH, C.M.P., HEERY, D.M., FONE, K.C.F, WADDINGTON, J.L. and MORAN, P.M., 2013. D-amphetamine and antipsychotic drug effects on latent inhibition in mice lacking dopamine D2 receptors Neuropsychopharmacology. 38(8), 1512-1520 WADELIN FR, FULTON J, COLLINS HM, TERTIPIS N, BOTTLEY A, SPRIGGS KA, FALCONE FH and HEERY DM, 2013. PRAME is a golgi-targeted protein that associates with the Elongin BC complex and is upregulated by interferon-gamma and bacterial PAMPs. PloS one. 8(2), e58052 CHAN, C.M., FULTON, J., MONTIEL-DUARTE, C., COLLINS, H.M., BHARTI, N., WADELIN, F.R., MORAN, P.M., MONGAN, N.P. and HEERY, D.M., 2013. A signature motif mediating selective interactions of BCL11A with the NR2E/F subfamily of orphan nuclear receptors Nucleic Acids Research. 41(21), 9663-9679 KAUR, I., SCHRAMM, G., EVERTS, B., SCHOLZEN, T., KINDLE, K.B., BEETZ, C., MONTIEL-DUARTE, C., BLINDOW, S., JONES, A.T., HAAS, H., STOLNIK, S., HEERY, D.M. and FALCONE, F.H., 2011. Interleukin-4 inducing principle from Schistosoma mansoni eggs contains a functional C-terminal nuclear localization signal necessary for nuclear translocation in mammalian cells but not for its uptake Infection and Immunity. 79(4), 1779-1788 RYAN, COLM M, KINDLE, KARIN B, COLLINS, HILARY M and HEERY, DAVID M, 2010. SUMOylation regulates the nuclear mobility of CREB binding protein and its association with nuclear bodies in live cells. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 391(1), 1136-41 KINDLE, K.B., COLLINS, H.M. and HEERY, D.M., 2010. MOZ-TIF2-mediated destruction of CBP/p300 is blocked by calpain inhibitor 2 Leukemia. 24(7), 1359-1361 CANNELL, I.G., KONG, Y.W., JOHNSTON, S.J., CHEN, M.L., COLLINS, H.M., DOBBYN, H.C., ELIA, A., KRESS, T.R., DICKENS, M., CLEMENS, M.J., HEERY, D.M., GAESTEL, M., EILERS, M., WILLIS, A.E. and BUSHELL, M., 2010. p38 MAPK/MK2-mediated induction of miR-34c following DNA damage prevents Myc-dependent DNA replication Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107(12), 5375-5380 WADELIN, F., FULTON, J., MCEWAN, P.A., SPRIGGS, K.A., EMSLEY, J. and HEERY, D.M., 2010. Leucine-rich repeat protein PRAME: expression, potential functions and clinical implications for leukaemia Molecular Cancer. 27(9), 226 ELSHEIKH, S.E., GREEN, A.R., RAKHA, E.A., POWE, D.G., AHMED, R.A., COLLINS, H.M., SORIA, D., GARIBALDI, J.M., PAISH, C.E., AMMAR, A.A., GRAINGE, M.J., BALL, G.R., ABDELGHANY, M.K., MARTINEZ-POMARES, L., HEERY, D.M. and ELLIS, I.O., 2009. Global histone modifications in breast cancer correlate with tumor phenotypes, prognostic factors, and patient outcome Cancer Research. 69(9), 3802-3809 BAY-RICHTER, C., O'TUATHAIGH, C.M.P., O'SULLIVAN, G., HEERY, D.M., WADDINGTON, J.L. and MORAN, P.M., 2009. Enhanced latent inhibition in dopamine receptor- deficient mice is sex-specific for the D1 but not D2 receptor subtype: implications for antipsychotic drug action International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 12(3), 403-414 CRISTIAN BELLODI, KARIN KINDLE, FRANCESCA BERNASSOLA, ANDREA COSSARIZZA,DAVID DINSDALE, GERRY MELINO, DAVID M. HEERY AND PAOLO SALOMONI, 2007. A cytoplasmic PML mutant inhibits p53 function. Cell Cycle. 5(22), 2688-2692 EL-SHEIKH, S., GREEN, A.R., RAKHA, E.A., AHMED, R.A., PAIS, E.C., GRAINGE, M.J., BALL, G.R., ROBERTSON, J.F., HEERY, D.M. and ELLIS, I.O., 2007. Global histone modifications in breast cancer tissue correlate with tumor phenotype, prognostic factors and patient outcome EJC Supplements. 5(3), 14-14 DAVID M HEERY & PETER M FISCHER, 2007. Pharmacological targeting of lysine acetyltransferases in human disease: a progress report Drug Discovery Today. 12(1-2), 88-99 EL-SHEIKH, S.E., GREEN, A.R., RAKHA, E.A., PAISH, E.C., HEERY, D.M. and ELLIS, I.O., 2007. Global histone modifications in breast cancer and their prognostic significance Modern Pathology. 20, 29A-30A LOPEZ-GARCI, J, THOMAS R, PERIYASAMY M and CHRISTIAN M, LEAO M, JAT P, KINDLE KB, HEERY DM, PARKER MG, BULUWELA L, KAMALATI T & ALI S, 2007. ZNF366 is a Novel Transcriptional Co-repressor that Regulates Estrogen Receptor Activity Through the Recruitment of CtBP and Histone Deacetylases. Nucleic Acids Research. 33(19), 6393-6404 EL-SHEIKH, S.E., GREEN, A.R., RAKHA, E.A., PAISH, E.C., HEERY, D.M. and ELLIS, I.O., 2007. Global histone modifications in breast cancer and their prognostic significance Laboratory Investigation. 87, 29A-30A FAHEY, A.J., ROBINS, R.A., KINDLE, K.B., HEERY, D.M. and CONSTANTINESCU, C.S., 2006. Effects of glucocorticoids on STAT4 activation in human T cells are stimulus-dependent Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 80(1), 133-144 COLLINS, H.M., KINDLE, K.B., MATSUDA, S., RYAN, C., TROKE, P.J.F., KALKHOVEN, E. and HEERY, D.M., 2006. MOZ-TIF2 alters cofactor recruitment and histone modification at the RARβ2 promoter: differential effects of MOZ fusion proteins on CBP- and MOZ-dependent activators Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281(25), 17124-17133
