陈飞达,男,四川攀枝花人,工学博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,现为南京航空航天大学核科学与技术系系副主任,《现代应用物理》期刊青年编委;2018-2019 年入选 CSC-DAAD 中德博士后计划(德国亥姆霍兹重离子研究中心博士后工作)。研究方向围绕材料辐照效应与核用新材料领域,开展核用抗辐照新材料研发、材料辐照效应检测分析、材料辐照改性、辐射屏蔽计算与辐射屏蔽材料研发等研究工作。
先后主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、国家抗辐射加固技术创新中心创新基金等科研项目 8 项,参与 JWKJW 基础加强计划重点项目课题、江苏省重点研发计划项目等国家级、省部级科研项目 4 项;在 ACS Appl Mater & Inter,Mater Char, J Nucl Mater,Appl Surf Sci,J Appl Phys,NIMB 等发表 SCI、EI 学术论文 40余篇;申请发明专利 12 项,已授权 6 项。
承担《空间辐射环境工程》、《材料辐照效应与防护》、《先进核燃料与材料》等多门课程教学工作。获江苏省高等学校微课教学比赛一等奖 1 项;获批国家级一流本科课程(虚拟仿真实验教学一流课程)《反应堆中子活化与照相虚拟仿真实验》1项(排名第3);指导本科毕设获评校级本科优秀毕业设计(论文)2项;指导本科生大创项目国家级2项,省级1项,成果在第十届校本科生学术论坛获优秀学术论文二等奖1次;指导学生参加全国高校学生课外“核+X”创意大赛获全国一等奖1项,三等奖2项,优胜奖2项。
[1] 陈飞达, 申尚昆, 汤晓斌, 葛郭嘉. 含碳FeMnNiAlCr高熵合金及其制备方法, 授权号: ZL 202010803918.5
[2] 陈飞达, 张云, 陈托, 汤晓斌. 一种梯度式柔性n-γ混合场辐射屏蔽材料及其制备方法, 授权号: ZL 201710905144.5
[3] 汤晓斌, 耿长冉, 田锋, 龚频, 陈飞达, 舒迪昀, 刘渊豪. 一种对BNCT过程中的三维硼剂量或硼浓度进行实时监测的方法, 授权号: ZL 202011377444.9
[4] 汤晓斌, 柴浩, 倪敏轩, 陈飞达, 陈达. 具有阻燃隔热性能的中子屏蔽材料及其制备方法, 授权号: ZL 201510128412.8
[5] 汤晓斌,柴浩,陈飞达. 一种防中子和γ射线的套装,授权号:ZL 201410421242.8
[6] 汤晓斌,陈飞达,王鹏,陈达. 一种层压式中子辐射屏蔽复合材料及其制备方法,授权号:ZL 201110370239.4
[1] XXXX空间XXXX电离和XXXX地面XXXX等效研究(军委科技委基础加强计划重点项目)
[2] 热光伏核电池钨基微球热辐射器-InGaAs光伏单元的抗辐机制研究(装备预研共用技术和领域基金)
[3] 增材制造316L不锈钢核能材料微纳界面结构辐照效应及抗辐照强化调控研究(国家自然科学基金青年科学基金)
[4] 能场约束结构件增材制造关键技术及典型应用研究-放疗用定制式束流整形器的开发及应用(江苏省重点研发计划)
[5] 面向核能应用的新型奥氏体不锈钢金属材料辐照损伤效应研究(江苏省自然科学基金青年科学基金)
[6] 核级伺服电机抗辐照关键技术研发及工程化验证(抗辐照应用技术创新基金)
[7] 激光增材制造纳米TiC弥散强化316L钢的辐照损伤效应研究(中国博士后科学基金)
[8] 增材制造核用奥氏体不锈钢的辐照诱导应力腐蚀开裂性能调控研究(江苏省博士后科研资助计划)
2012.4 -- 2016.6南京航空航天大学 核技术与材料工程 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位
2010.9 -- 2012.4南京航空航天大学 辐射防护与环境保护 硕士研究生毕业
2006.9 -- 2010.6南京航空航天大学 应用物理学(医学方向) 大学本科毕业 理学学士学位
2003.9 -- 2006.8四川省攀枝花市第三高级中学校 理科 普通高中毕业
2019.7 -- 2022.2南京航空航天大学 核科学与技术系 系副主任 副研究员
2018.3 -- 2019.9德国亥姆霍兹重离子研究中心 材料部 博士后
2016.8 -- 2019.6南京航空航天大学 核科学与技术系 讲师
先进核燃料与材料 /2020-2021 /春学期 /32课时 /0.0学分 /6B063008
材料辐照效应与防护 /2020-2021 /秋学期 /24课时 /0.0学分 /06304550
[1] Zong Mingjie, Chen Feida, Tang Xiaobin, Ge Guojia, Li Changyuan, Liu Yuanhao. Molecular dynamics simulation of radiation defect evolution mechanism of NiFe-graphene nanocomposite [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2022,584: 152503.
[2] Sun Zhangjie, Xu Yuanye, Chen Feida, Shen Lida, Tang Xiaobin, Sun Liangwei, Fan Minyu, Huang Ping. Effects of ion irradiation on microstructure of 316L stainless steel strengthened by disperse nano TiC through selective laser melting[J].Materials Characterization, 2021, 180: 111420.
[3] Ge Guojia, Chen Feida, Tang Xiaobin, Li Changyuan, Gao Jing, Li Songyuan, Geng Zhenlong. Effects of order and disorder on the defect evolution of NiFe binary alloys from atomistic simulations [J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2021, 498: 27-33.
[4] Xu Dexin, Chen Feida, Tang Xiaobin, Shen Lida, Jiang Jiabin, Sun Zhangjie, Li Songyuan, Geng Zhenlong. Effect of LaB6 addition on mechanical properties and irradiation resistance of 316L stainless steels processed by selective laser melting [J]. International Journal of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Design and Technology, 2021, 3: 74-79.
[5] Shen Shangkun, Chen Feida, Tang Xiaobin, Ge Guojia, Gao Jing, Sun Zhangjie. Irradiation damage and swelling of carbon-doped Fe38Mn40Ni11Al4Cr7 high-entropy alloys under heavy ion irradiation at elevated temperature [J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55: 17218–17231.
[6] Ge Guojia, Chen Feida, Tang Xiaobin, Huang Hai, Lin Jiwei, Shen Shangkun, Gao Jing. Effects of interstitial carbon on the radiation tolerance of carbon-doped NiFe binary alloys from atomistic simulations [J]. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2020, 24: 100785.
[7] Gao Jing, Chen Feida, Tang Xiaobin, Ge Guojia, Lin Jiwei, Shen Shangkun. Effects of grain boundary structures on primary radiation damage and radiation-induced segregation in austenitic stainless steel [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020,128: 105304.
[8] Shen Shangkun, Chen Feida, Tang Xiaobin, Lin Jiwei, Ge Guojia, Liu Jian. Effects of carbon doping on irradiation resistance of Fe38Mn40Ni11Al4Cr7 high entropy alloys [J]. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2020, 540: 152380.
[9] Lin Jiwei, Chen Feida, Liu Feng, Xu Dexin, Gao Jing, Tang Xiaobin. Hydrogen permeation behavior and hydrogen-induced defects in 316L stainless steels manufactured by additive manufacturing [J]. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 250: 123038.
[10] Lin Jiwei, Chen Feida, Tang Xiaobin, Liu Jian, Shen Shangkun, Ge Guojia. Radiation-induced swelling and hardening of 316L stainless steel fabricated by selected laser melting [J]. Vacuum, 2020, 174: 109183.
[11] Zhang Shasha, Yao Zhengjun, Zhang Zhaokuan, Moliar Oleksandr, Chen Feida, Cao Xingzhong, Zhang Peng, Nielsvan Dijkd, Sybrand van der Zwaag. Mediation of high temperature radiation damage in bcc iron by Au or Cu precipitation [J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2020, 463: 69-75.
[12] Sun Xiangyu, Chen Feida, Huang Hai. Lin Jiwei, Tang Xiaobin. Effects of interfaces on the helium bubble formation and radiation hardening of an austenitic stainless steel achieved [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 467-468: 1134-1139.
[13] Ge Guojia, Chen Feida, Tang Xiaobin, Huang Hai, Sun Xiangyu, Ji Lulu. Phase-field modeling of helium bubble evolution in nickel-graphene nanocomposite [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 125: 215304.
[14] Yan Yuanyuan, Fang Meihua, Tang Xiaobin, Chen Feida, Huang Hai, Sun Xiangyu, Ji Lulu. Effect of 150 keV proton irradiation on the performance of GaAs solar cells [J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2019, 451: 49-54.
[15] Ji Lulu, Chen Feida, Huang Hai, Tang Xiaobin. Preparation of nickel-graphene composites by jet electrodeposition and the influence of graphene oxide concentration on the morphologies and properties [J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2018, 351: 212-219.
[16] Huang Hai, Tang Xiaobin, Chen Feida, Liu Jian, Sun Xiangyu, Ji Lulu. Radiation tolerance of nickelegraphene nanocomposite with disordered graphene [J]. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2018, 510: 1-9.
[17] Chen Feida, Ni Minxuan, Tang Xiaobin. Design of a remote sprayed fast-curing γ-radiation-shielding material used in the collection of the leaked radioactive waste [J]. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2018, 119: 258-264.
[18] Zhang Yun, Chen Feida, Tang Xiaobin, Huang Hai, Ni Minxuan, Chen Tuo. Preparation and characterization of paraffin/nickel foam composites as neutron-shielding materials [J]. Journal of Composite Materials, 2018, 52: 953-962.