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受教育经历: 2009/09-2013/12,南京航空航天大学,材料科学与技术学院核科学与工程系,博士 2002/09-2005/06,东南大学,基础医学院病理生理学系,硕士 1997/09-2001/06,南京医科大学,继续教育学院 研究工作经历: 2013/07-至今,南京航空航天大学 材料科学与技术学院核科学与工程系,高级实验师 2005/06-2013/06,南京航空航天大学,材料科学与技术学院核科学与工程系,工程师




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. F. Chen, X.H. Zhang, X.D.Hu, W.Zhang, L.H. Xie, P.D. Liu, and H.Q. Zhang. Ehancement of radiotherapy by ceria nanoparticles modified with neogambogic acid in breast cancer cells. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2015. 10:4957-4969. 2. Z. Lou, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z. Zhou ,X. Hu, and H. Zhang. A facile approach to monodisperse Au nanoparticles on Fe3O4 nanostructures with surface plasmon resonance amplification. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015.15: 2371-2378. 3. X.H. Zhang, Y.N. Zhang, X.Y. Min, Z.C. Lou, A.L. Wang, X.D. Hu, and H.Q. Zhang. Development of a methemoglobin-based biological dosimetry in gamma–irradiated mice. International Journal of Radiation Research,2015.(In press) 4. Z. Lou, Z. Zhou, W. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Hu, P. Liu, and H. Zhang. Magnetized bentonite by Fe3O4 nanoparticles treated as adsorbent for methylene blue removel from aqueous solution: synthesis, characterization, mechanism, kinetics and regeneration. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, DOI:10.1016/j.jtice.2014.11.007. 5.Y. Zhang, Z. Lou, Y. Hu, W. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Hu, and H. Zhang. Facile synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of poly (acrylamide-co-(β-cyclodextrin)) / silver nanocomposite. Polymer Composites, DOI: 10.1002/pc.23317. 6. X.Y. Min, X.H. Zhang, Q.H. Zhou, X.D. Hu, P. D.Liu, and H.Q. Zhang. Development of serum zinc as a Biological dosimeter in Mice. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 2014. 90: p. 909-913. 7. Y. Zhang, Z. Lou, X. Zhang, X. Hu, and H. Zhang. A simple strategy to fabricate poly(acrylamide-co-alginate)/gold nanocomposites for inactivation of bacteria. Applied Physics A, 2014.117: 2009-2018. 8. X.H. Zhang, Z. C. Lou, A.L. Wang, X.D. Hu, and H.Q. Zhang. Development of serum iron for biological dosimetry in mice. Radiation Research, 2013. 179: p. 684-689. 9. X.H. Zhang, Z.C. Lou, A. L.Wang, and H.Q. Zhang. Detection of DNA strand breaks in gamma- irradiated lymphocytes using surface plasmon resonance. Radiation Research, 2013. 180: p. 351-359. 10. X.H. Zhang, X.Y. Min, A.L. Wang, Z.C. Lou, Y.N. Zhang, X.D. Hu, and H.Q. Zhang. Development of a serum copper-based biological dosimetry in whole body gamma irradiation of mice. Health Physics, 2013. 105: p. 351-355.(封面文章) 11. X.H. Zhang, Z.C. Lou, A.L. Wang, and H.Q. Zhang. Detection of wild-type hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase of lymphocytes in gamma-irradiated mice with surface plasmon resonance. Analytical Letters, 2012. 45: p. 850-861. 12. Z. Lou, X. Zhang, and H. Zhang. Gamma-radiation synthesis of nano/micrometer-scale single-crystalline large gold plates. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012. 12: p. 3142-3149. 13. X.H. Zhang, D.M. Cao, S.Y. Zhao, P. Gong, D.Q. Hei, and H.Q. Zhang. Gamma radiolysis of ceftriaxone sodium for water treatment: assessments of the activity. Water Science and Technology, 2011.63: p. 2767-2774. 14. D. Cao, X. Zhang, S. Zhao, Y. Guan, and H. Zhang. Appropriate dose for degradation of levofloxacin lactate: gamma radiolysis and assessment of degradation product activity and cytotoxicity. Environmental Engineering Science, 2011. 28: p. 183-189. 15. 王帅南,张晓红,胡晓丹,张海黔.基于表面等离激元共振技术的辐射生物剂量计初探.辐射研究和辐射工艺学报,2015.(接受)
