Smith CF, Finn GM, Stewart J, Lee TC, Gillingwater TH, McHanwell S. A new core gross anatomy syllabus for medicine. Anatomical Sciences Education 2016, 9(2), 209-210.
Pascual-Font A, Cubillos L, Vazquez T, McHanwell S, Sanudo JR, Maranillo E. Are the interarytenoid muscles supplied by branches of both the recurrent and superior laryngeal nerves?. The Laryngoscope 2016, 126(5), 1117-1122.
Wakeling L, Jakubovics N, McHanwell S, Stewart J. Challenging the basic sciences 'learn and forget' culture. Medical Education 2016, 50(5), 578-579.
Brass D, Oliphant TJ, McHanwell S, Alexander M, Langtry JAA. Successful treatment of forehead lipoma depends on knowledge ofthe surgical anatomy: a step-by-step guide. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2016, 41(1), 3-7.
Moxham BJ, Plaisant O, Smith CF, Pawlina W, McHanwell S. An Approach Toward the Development of Core Syllabuses for the Anatomical Sciences. Anatomical Sciences Education 2014, 7(4), 302-311.
Hernandez-Morato I, Berdugo-Vega G, Sanudo JR, Mchanwell S, Vazquez T, Valderrama-Canales FJ, Pascual-Font A. Somatotopic Changes in the Nucleus Ambiguus After Section and Regeneration of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve of the Rat. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 2014, 297(5), 955-963.
Smith CF, Martinez-Alvarez C, McHanwell S. The context of learning anatomy: does it make a difference?. Journal of Anatomy 2014, 224(3), 270-278.
Viejo F, Pascual-Font A, Rivas L, Hernandez-Morato I, Vázquez T, Rodriguez-Niedenfuhr M, McHanwell S, Sanudo J. Morphogenesis of the human laryngeal ventricles. Head and Neck 2013, 35(3), 361-369.
Viejo F, Pascual-Font A, Rivas L, Hernandez-Morato I, Vazquez T, Rodriguez-Niedenfuhr M, McHanwell S, Sanudo JR. Morphogenesis of the human laryngeal ventricles. Head & Neck 2013, 35(3), 361-369.
Souviron R, Maranillo E, Vazquez T, Patel N, McHanwell S, Cobeta I, Scola B, Sanudo J. Proposal of landmarks for clamping neurovascular elements during endoscopic surgery of the supraglottic region. Head & Neck 2013, 35(1), 57-60.
Hernandez-Morato I, Valderrama-Canales FJ, Berdugo G, Arias G, McHanwell S, Sanudo J, Vazquez T, Pascual-Font A. Reorganization of laryngeal motoneurons after crush injury in the recurrent laryngeal nerve of the rat. Journal of Anatomy 2013, 222(4), 451-461.
Hernandez-Morato I, Valderrama-Canales FJ, Berdugo G, Arias G, McHanwell S, Sanudo J, Vazquez T, Pascual-Font A. Reorganization of laryngeal motoneurons after crush injury in the recurrent laryngeal nerve of the rat. Journal of Anatomy 2013, 222(4), 451-461.
Hernandez-Morato I, Pascual-Font A, Ramirez C, Matarranz-Echeverria J, Mchanwell S, Vazquez T, Sanudo JR, Valderrama-Canales FJ. Somatotopy of the Neurons Innervating the Cricothyroid, Posterior Cricoarytenoid, and Thyroarytenoid Muscles of the Rat's Larynx. The Anatomical Record 2013, 296(3), 470-479.
McHanwell S. Consensus statements and core syllabuses in anatomy: issues and validation. In: Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society. 2012, Cardiff, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Beattie A, Durham J, Harvey J, Steele J, McHanwell S. Does empathy change in first year dental students?. European Journal of Dental Education 2012, 16(1), e111-e116.
McHanwell S, Smith CF. Teaching anatomy to students in professions allied to medicine. In: Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society. 2012, Cardiff, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Riederer BM, Bolt S, Brenner E, Bueno-Lopez JL, Circulescu ARM, Davies DC, DeCaro R, Gerrits PO, McHanwell S, Pais D, Paulsen F, Sendemir E, Stabile I, Moxham BJ. The legal and ethical framework governing Body Donation in Europe – 1st update on current practice. European Journal of Anatomy 2012, 16(1), 1-21.
Atkinson M, McHanwell S, Tunstall R. 3D Anatomy for Otolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery. London: Primal Pictures, 2011. DVD.
Bryson C, Cooper G, McHanwell S. Enhancing the value of the student experience at Newcastle through an articulating graduateness approach. Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Newcastle, 2011.
Pascual-Font A, Hernandez-Morato I, McHanwell S, Vazquez T, Maranillo E, Sanudo J, Valderrama-Canales FJ. The central projections of the laryngeal nerves in the rat. Journal of Anatomy 2011, 219(2), 217-228.
Maranillo E, Rodriguez-Niedenführ M, Hernandez-Morato I, Pascual-Font A, Donat E, McHanwell S, Vázquez T. The clinical interest of the ary-thyro-cricoid fascicle. Clinical Anatomy 2011, 24(6), 706-710.