Burford B, Medford W, Carter M, Tiffin P, Vance G, Corbett S, Shapiro E, Guilding C, Illing J. The Health Education Quality Framework and National Education and Training Survey: Evidence, Evaluation and Pilot. 2017.
Burford B, Rosenthal-Stott HES. Stereotyping and the development of clinicians' professional identities. In: Mavor, KI; Platow, MJ; Bizumic, B, ed. Self and Social Identity in Educational Contexts. Routledge, 2017.
Vance G, Burford B, Jandial S, Scott J. Identifying the work activities performed by doctors in the Foundation Programme. 2015.
Burford B, Vance G, Ellis E, Williamson A, Forrest I. Learning opportunities in 'student assistantships'. The Clinical Teacher 2015, 12(2), 121-127.
Morrow G, Burford B, Carter M, Illing J. Have restricted working hours reduced junior doctors' experience of fatigue? A focus group and telephone interview study. BMJ Open 2014, 4(3), e004222.
Burford B, Morrow G, Rothwell C, Carter M, Illing J. Professionalism education should reflect reality: Findings from three health professions. Medical Education 2014, 48(4), 361-374.
Burford B, Morrow G, Rothwell C, Carter M, Illing J. Professionalism education should reflect reality: Findings from three health professions. Medical Education 2014, 48(4), 361-374.
Burford B, Whittle V, Vance GHS. The relationship between medical student learning opportunities and preparedness for practice: a questionnaire study. BMC Medical Education 2014, 14, 223.
Burford B, Vance G. When I say ... preparedness. Medical Education 2014, 48(9), 849-850.
Vance GHS, Williamson AS, Frearson R, Steele C, O'Connor N, Davison J, Burford B. Attitudes to an established learning portfolio. Clinical Teacher 2013, 10(1), 21-26.
Morrow G, Rothwell C, Burford B, Illing J. Cultural dimensions in the transition of overseas medical graduates to the UK workplace. Medical Teacher 2013, 35(10), e1537-e1545.
Burford B, Morrow G, Morrison J, Baldauf B, Spencer J, Johnson N, Rothwell C, Peile E, Davies C, Allen M, Illing J. Newly qualified doctors' perceptions of informal learning from nurses: implications for interprofessional education and practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care 2013, 27(5), 394-400.
Illing JC, Morrow GM, Rothwell CR, Burford BC, Baldauf BK, Davies CL, Peile EB, Spencer JA, Johnson N, Allen M, Morrison J. Perceptions of UK medical graduates' preparedness for practice: A multi-centre qualitative study reflecting the importance of learning on the job. BMC Medical Education 2013, 13(1), 34.
Rothwell C, Morrow G, Burford B, Illing J. Ways in which healthcare organisations can support overseas-qualified doctors in the UK. International Journal of Medical Education 2013, 4, 75-82.
Carter M, Thompson N, Crampton P, Morrow G, Burford B, Gray C, Illing J. Workplace bullying in the UK NHS: a questionnaire and interview study on prevalence, impact and barriers to reporting. BMJ Open 2013, 3(6), e002628.
Burford B. Conflict and power as intergroup processes: not below the surface, but part of the fabric. Medical Education 2012, 46(9), 830-832.
Morrow G, Burford B, Redfern N, Breile R, Illing J. Does specialty training prepare doctors for senior roles? A questionnaire study of new UK consultants. Postgraduate Medical Journal 2012, 88(1044), 558-565.
Illing J, Carter M, Thompson N, Crampton PES, Morrow G, Howse JH, Cooke A, Burford B. Evidence synthesis on the occurrence, causes, consequences, prevention and management of bullying and harassing behaviours to inform decision-making in the NHS. Durham: Durham University, School of Medicine, Pharmacy & Health, 2012. Report for NIHR HS&DR.
Burford B. Group processes in medical education: Learning from social identity theory. Medical Education 2012, 46(2), 143-152.
Morrow G, Burford B, Carter M, Illing J. Impact of the Working Time Regulations on Medical Education and Training: Report on Primary Research. Durham: Durham University, Centre for Medical Education Research, 2012. Report for the General Medical Council.
Rothwell C, Burford B, Morrison J, Morrow G, Allen M, Davies C, Baldauf B, Spencer J, Johnson N, Peile E, Illing J. Junior doctors prescribing: enhancing their learning in practice. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2012, 73(2), 194-202.
Morrow G, Johnson N, Burford B, Rothwell C, Spencer J, Peile E, Davies C, Allen M, Baldauf B, Morrison J, Illing J. Preparedness for practice: The perceptions of medical graduates and clinical teams. Medical Teacher 2012, 34(2), 123-135.
Burford B, Greco M, Bedi A, Kergon C, Morrow G, Livingston M, Illing J. Does questionnaire-based patient feedback reflect the important qualities of clinical consultations? Context, benefits and risks. Patient Education and Counseling 2011, 84(2), 28-36.
Morrow G, Burford B, Rothwell C, Carter M, McLachlan J, Illing J. Professionalism in Healthcare Professions. Final report for Study 1 – Perceptions of Professionalism. London: Health Professions Council, 2011.
Burford B, Morrow G, Rothwell C, Carter M, Illing J, McLachlan J. Professionalism in Healthcare Professions. Progress report for Study 2 – Development of quantitative approaches to professionalism. London: Health Professions Council, 2011.