Reed MS, Allen K, Attlee A, Dougill AD, Evans K, Kenter J, Hoy J, McNab D, Stead S, Twyman C, Scott A, Smyth MA, Stringer LC, Whittingham MJ. A Place-Based Approach to Payments for Ecosystem Services. Global Environmental Change 2017, 43, 92-106.
Fazaa NA, Dunn JC, Whittingham MJ. Distributions and Community Composition of Birds in Iraq’ s Central Marsh. International Journal of Biodiversity 2017, 2017, 4198690.
Francksen RM, Whittingham MJ, Ludwig SC, Roos S, Baines D. Numerical and functional responses of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo to prey abundance on a Scottish grouse moor. Ibis 2017, epub ahead of print.
Barlow J, Cadotte M, Newton E, Pettorelli N, Plane A, Stephens PA, Whittingham MJ. Achieving and communicating globally relevant applied ecological research. Journal of Applied Ecology 2016, 53(1), 1-4.
Francksen RM, Whittingham MJ, Baines D. Assessing prey provisioned to Common Buzzard Buteo buteo chicks: a comparison of methods. Bird Study 2016, 63(3), 303-310.
Dunn JC, Buchanan GM, Stein RW, Whittingham MJ, McGowan PJK. Optimising different types of biodiversity coverage of protected areas with a case study using Himalayan Galliformes. Biological Conservation 2016, 196, 22-30.
Lees KJ, McKenzie AJ, Newell-Price JP, Critchley CNR, Rhymer CM, Chambers BJ, Whittingham MJ. The effects of soil compaction mitigation on below-ground fauna: how earthworms respond to mechanical loosening and power harrow cultivation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2016, 232, 273-282.
Zwart MC, Dunn JC, McGowan PJK, Whittingham MJ. Wind farm noise suppresses territorial defense behavior in a songbird. Behavioral Ecology 2016, 27(1), 101-108.
Francksen RM, Whittingham MJ, Ludwig SC, Baines D. Winter diet of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo on a Scottish grouse moor. Bird Study 2016, 63(4), 525-532.
Dunn JC, Zwart MC, Kerr S, Fielding AH, Whittingham MJ. Desk based evaluation of wind farms and habitat management in Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland: SWBSG, 2015. SWBSG 1503.
Stephens PA, Pettorelli N, Barlow J, Whittingham MJ, Cadotte MW. Management by proxy? The use of indices in applied ecology. Journal of Applied Ecology 2015, 52(1), 1-6.
Dunn JC, Buchanan GM, Cuthbert RJ, Whittingham MJ, McGowan PJK. Mapping the potential distribution of the Critically Endangered Himalayan Quail Ophrysia superciliosa using proxy species and species distribution modelling. Bird Conservation International 2015, 25(4), 466-478.
Rhodes CJ, Henrys P, Siriwardena GM, Whittingham MJ, Norton LR. The relative value of field survey and remote sensing for biodiversity assessment. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2015, 6(7), 772-781.
Zwart MC, Robson P, Rankin S, Whittingham MJ, McGowan PJK. Using environmental impact assessment and post-construction monitoring data to inform wind energy developments. Ecosphere 2015, 6(2), 26.
Zwart MC, Baker A, McGowan PJK, Whittingham MJ. The Use of Automated Bioacoustic Recorders to Replace Human Wildlife Surveys: An Example Using Nightjars. PLoS One 2014, 9(7), e102770.
Blackwell BF, Seamans TW, Schmidt PM, De Vault TL, Belant JL, Whittingham MJ, Martin JA, Fernandez-Juricic E. A framework for managing airport grasslands and birds amidst conflicting priorities. Ibis 2013, 155(1), 199-203.
Milner-Gulland EJ, Barlow J, Cadotte M, Hulme P, Whittingham MJ. Celebrating the golden jubilee of the Journal of Applied Ecology. Journal of Applied Ecology 2013, 50(1), 1-3.
McKenzie A, Emery S, Franks J, Whittingham M. Landscape-scale conservation: collaborative agri-environment schemes could benefit both biodiversity and eccosystem services, but will farmers be willing to participate?. Journal of Applied Ecology 2013, 50(5), 1274-1280.
Newell-Price JP, Whittingham MJ, Chambers BJ, Peel S. Visual soil evaluation in relation to measured soil physical properties in a survey of grassland soil compaction in England and Wales. Soil & Tillage Research 2013, 127, 65-73.
Rhymer CM, Devereux CL, Denny MJH, Whittingham MJ. Diet of Starling Sturnus vulgaris nestlings on farmland: the importance of Tipulidae larvae. Bird Study 2012, 59(4), 426-436.
Milner-Gulland EJ, Barlow J, Cadotte MW, Hulme PE, Kerby G, Whittingham MJ. Ensuring applied ecology has impact. Journal of Applied Ecology 2012, 49(1), 1-5.
Garcia del Rey E, Whittingham MJ. Habitat associations of wintering granivorous birds on the Canary Islands. Ornis Fennica 2012, 89(2), 130-138.
Garratt CM, Minderman J, Whittingham MJ. Should we stay or should we go now? What happens to small mammals when grass is mown, and the implications for birds of prey. Annales Zoologici Fennici 2012, 49(1-2), 113-122.
Brilot BO, Nettle D, Whittingham MJ, Bateson M, Read JCA. When is general wariness favored in avoiding multiple predators?. The American Naturalist 2012, 179(6), E180-E195.
Peggie CT, Garratt CM, Whittingham MJ. Creating ephemeral resources: how long do the beneficial effects of grass cutting last for birds?. Bird Study 2011, 58(4), 390-398.