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Academic employment 2012-2015: Research Associate in Landscape Ecology; Imperial College London, UK 2011-2012: Consultant in Remote Sensing and Ecology; University of York, UK 2009-2011: Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow - ‘ECODYNAMIC-AFRICA; University of York, UK 2007-2009: German Research Foundation Fellow - ‘MODGLOB’; University of Potsdam, Germany 2006: DAAD Fellow; University College London, UK Education 2002-2005: Ph.D. Biology (University of Jena, Germany) 1998-2002: M.Sc. (hons) Biology (University of Jena, Germany), Thesis “Spatial distribution pattern of pioneer and non-pioneer tree species in a dry tropical forest of Northern Queensland (Australia)


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Schneider-Maunoury L, Lefebvre V, Ewers RM, Medina-Rangel GF, Peres CA, Somarriba E, Urbina-Cardona N, Pfeifer M. Abundance signals of amphibians and reptiles indicate strong edge effects in Neotropical fragmented forest landscapes. Biological Conservation 2016, 200, 207-215. Cuni-Sanchez A, Pfeifer M, Marchant R, Burgess ND. Ethnic and locational differences in ecosystem service values: Insights from the communities in forest islands in the desert. Ecosystem Services 2016, 19, 42-50. Pfeifer M, Kor L, Nilus R, Turner E, Cusack J, Lysenko I, Khoo M, Chey VK, Chung AC, Ewers RM. Mapping the structure of Borneo's tropical forests across a degradation gradient. Remote Sensing of Environment 2016, 176, 84-97. Pfeifer M, Lefebvre V, Turner E, Cusack J, Khoo M, Chey VK, Peni M, Ewers RM. Deadwood biomass: an underestimated carbon stock in degraded tropical forests?. Environmental Research Letters 2015, 10(4), 044019. Reyer CPO, Brouwers N, Grant RF, Brook BW, Rammig A, Epila J, Holmgren M, Langerwisch F, Leuzinger S, Lucht W, Medlyn B, Pfeifer M, Steinkamp J, Vanderwel MC, Verbeeck H, Villela DM. Forest resilience and tipping points at different spatio-temporal scales: approaches and challenges. Journal of Ecology 2015, 103(1), 5-15. Hailu BT, Maeda EE, Pellikka P, Pfeifer M. Identifying potential areas of understory coffee in Ethiopia’s highlands using predictive modelling. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2015, 36(11), 2898-2919. Martin P, Newton A, Pfeifer M, Khoo M, Bullock JM. Impacts of tropical selective logging on carbon storage and tree species richness: A meta-analysis. Forest Ecology and Management 2015, 356, 224-233. Shirima D, Pfeifer M, Platts PJ, Totland O, Moe S. Interactions between canopy structure and herbaceous biomass along environmental gradients in moist forest and dry miombo woodland of Tanzania. PLoS One 2015, 10, e0142784. Hurskainen P, Hemp A, Pellikka PKE, Pfeifer M. Land cover change impacts on biodiversity in Mt Kilimanjaro Savanna Zone. In: 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. 2015, Berlin, Germany: ISRSE Proceedings. Ewers RM, Boyle MJW, Gleave RA, Plowman NS, Benedick S, Bernard H, Bishop TR, Bakhtiar EY, Khen Chey V, Chung AYC, Davies RG, Edwards DP, Eggleton P, Fayle TM, Hardwick SR, Homathevi R, Kitching RL, Sheng Khoo M, Luke SH, March JJ, Nilus R, Pfeifer M, Rao SV, Sharp AC, Snaddon JL, Stork NE, Struebig MJ, Wearn OR, Yusah KM, Turner EC. Logging cuts the functional importance of invertebrates in tropical rainforest. Nature Communications 2015, 6, 6836. Hardwick S, Toumi R, Pfeifer M, Turner EC, Nilus R, Ewers RM. The relationship between leaf area index and forest microclimate in tropical forest and oil palm plantation: Forest disturbance drives changes in mircoclimate. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2015, 201, 187-195. Pfeifer M, Packer C, Burton AC, Garnett ST, Loveridge AJ, MacNulty D, Platts PJ. In defense of fences. Science 2014, 345(6195), 389-389. Pfeifer M, Lefebvre V, Gonsamo A, Pellikka P, Marchant R, Denu D, Platts PJ. Validating and linking the GIMMS leaf area index (LAI3g) with environmental controls in Tropical Africa. Remote Sensing 2014, 6(3), 1973-1990. Pfeifer M. BIOFRAG – A new database for analysing BIOdiversity responses to forest FRAGmentation. Ecol Evol 2013, 4, 1524-1537. Packer C, Pfeifer M. Conserving Large Carnivores: Dollars and Fence. Ecol Letters 2013, 16, 635-641. Pfeifer M, Platts PJ, Burgess N, Swetnam R, Willock S, Marchant R. Land use change and carbon fluxes in East Africa quantified using earth observation data and field measurements. Environ Conserv 2013, 40, 241-252. Burgess ND, Mwakalila S, Munishi P, Pfeifer M. REDD herrings or REDD menace: Response to Beymer-Farris and Bassett. Global Environ Change 2013, 23, 1349-1354. Packer C, Swanson A, Canney S, Loveridge A, Pfeifer M. The case for fencing remains intact. Ecol Letters 2013, 16, 1414. Burgess N, Munishi P, Mwakalila S, Pfeifer M, Willcock S, Shirima D, Hamidu S, Bulenga GG, Marchant R. Enhancing Tanzanian Capacity to Deliver Short and Long Term Data on Forest Carbon Stocks across the Country. The Arc Journal 2012, 27, 22-26. Pfeifer M, Gonsamo A, Disney M, Pellikka P, Marchant R. Leaf area index for biomes of the Eastern Arc Mountains: Landsat and SPOT observations along precipitation and altitude gradients. Remote Sens Environ 2012, 118, 103-115. Pfeifer M, Burgess ND, Swetnam RD, Platts PJ, Willcock S, Marchant R. Protected Areas: Mixed Success in Conserving East Africa’s Evergreen Forests. PLOS ONE 7 2012, e39337. In Preparation. Pfeifer M, Disney M, Quaife T, Marchant R. Terrestrial Ecosystems from space: a review of earth observation products for macroecology applications. Global Ecol Biogeogr 2011, 21, 603-624. Pfeifer M, Passalacqua NG, Bartram S, Schatz B, Carey P, Jeltsch F. Conservation priorities differ at opposing species borders of an European orchid. Biol Conserv 2010, 143, 2207-2220. Disney M, Kalogirou V, Lewis P, Prieto-Blanco A, Hancock S, Pfeifer M. Simulating the impact of discret-return lidar system and survey characteristics over young conifer and broadleaf forests. Remote Sens Environ 2010, 114, 1546-1560. Pfeifer M, Schatz B, Pico X, Passalacqua NG, Fay MF, Carey PD, Jeltsch F. Phylogeography and genetic structure of the orchid Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Spreng. across its European central-marginal gradient. J Biogeogr 2009, 36, 2353-2365.
