Borland AM, Guo HB, Yang X, Cushman JC. Orchestration of carbohydrate processing for crassulacean acid metabolism. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2016, 31, 118-124.
Abraham PE, Yin H, Borland AM, Weighill D, Lim SD, DePaoli HC, Engle N, Jones PC, Agh R, Weston DJ, Wullschleger SD, Tschaplinski T, Jacobson D, Cushman JC, Hettich RL, Tuskan GA, Yang X. Transcript, protein, and metabolite temporal dynamics in the CAM plant Agave. Nature Plants 2016, 2, 16178.
Yang XH, Cushman JC, Borland AM, Edwards EJ, Wullschleger SD, Tuskan GA, Owen NA, Griffiths H, Smith JAC, De Paoli HC, Weston DJ, Cottingham R, Hartwell J, Davis SC, Silvera K, Ming R, Schlauch K, Abraham P, Stewart JR, Guo HB, Albion R, Ha JM, Lim SD, Wone BWM, Yim WC, Garcia T, Mayer JA, Petereit J, Nair SS, Casey E, Hettich RL, Ceusters J, Ranjan P, Palla KJ, Yin HF, Reyes-Garcia C, Andrade JL, Freschi L, Beltran JD, Dever LV, Boxall SF, Waller J, Davies J, Bupphada P, Kadu N, Winter K, Sage RF, Aguilar CN, Schmutz J, Jenkins J, Holtum JAM. A roadmap for research on crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) to enhance sustainable food and bioenergy production in a hotter, drier world. New Phytologist 2015, 207(3), 491-504.
Borland AM, Wullschleger SD, Weston DJ, Hartwell J, Tuskan GA, Yang XH, Cushman JC. Climate-resilient agroforestry: physiological responses to climate change and engineering of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) as a mitigation strategy. Plant, Cell & Environment 2015, 38(9), 1833-1849.
Cushman JC, Davis SC, Yang XH, Borland AM. Development and use of bioenergy feedstocks for semi-arid and arid lands. Journal of Experimental Botany 2015, 66(14), 4177-4193.
Borland AM, Hartwell J, Weston DJ, Schlauch KA, Tschaplinski TJ, Tuskan GA, Yang XH, Cushman JC. Engineering crassulacean acid metabolism to improve water-use efficiency. Trends in Plant Science 2014, 19(5), 327-338.
Zambrano VAB, Lawson T, Olmos E, Fernandez-Garcia N, Borland AM. Leaf anatomical traits which accommodate the facultative engagement of crassulacean acid metabolism in tropical trees of the genus Clusia. Journal of Experimental Botany 2014, 65(13), 3513-3523.
Ceusters J, Borland AM, Taybi T, Frans M, Godts C, De Proft MP. Light quality modulates metabolic synchronization over the diel phases of crassulacean acid metabolism. Journal of Experimental Botany 2014, 65(13), 3705-3714.
DePaoli HC, Borland AM, Tuskan GA, Cushman JC, Yang XH. Synthetic biology as it relates to CAM photosynthesis: challenges and opportunities. Journal of Experimental Botany 2014, 65(13), 3381-3393.
Wright GA, Baker DD, Palmer MJ, Stabler D, Mustard JA, Power EF, Borland AM, Stevenson PC. Caffeine in Floral Nectar Enhances a Pollinator's Memory of Reward. Science 2013, 339(6124), 1202-1204.
Borland AM, Yang XH. Informing the improvement and biodesign of crassulacean acid metabolism via system dynamics modelling. New Phytologist 2013, 200(4), 946-949.
Tzortzakis N, Taybi T, Antony E, Singleton I, Borland A, Barnes J. Profiling shifts in protein complement in tomato fruit induced by atmospheric ozone-enrichment and/or wound-inoculation with Botrytis cinerea. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2013, 78, 67-75.
Haider MS, Barnes JD, Cushman JC, Borland AM. A CAM- and starch-deficient mutant of the facultative CAM species Mesembryanthemum crystallinum reconciles sink demands by repartitioning carbon during acclimation to salinity. Journal of Experimental Botany 2012, 63(5), 1985-1996.
Ceusters J, Borland AM, Godts C, Londers E, Croonenborghs S, Van Goethem D, De Proft MP. Crassulacean acid metabolism under severe light limitation: a matter of plasticity in the shadows?. Journal of Experimental Botany 2011, 62(1), 283-291.
Tzortzakis N, Taybi T, Roberts R, Singleton I, Borland A, Barnes J. Low-level atmospheric ozone exposure induces protection against Botrytis cinerea with down-regulation of ethylene-, jasmonate- and pathogenesis-related genes in tomato fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2011, 61(2-3), 152-159.
Tzortzakis N, Taybi T, Roberts R, Singleton I, Borland A, Barnes J. Low-level atmospheric ozone exposure induces protection against Botrytis cinerea with down-regulation of ethylene-, jasmonate- and pathogenesis-related genes in tomato fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2011, 61(2-3), 152-159.
Borland AM, Zambrano VAB, Ceusters J, Shorrock K. The photosynthetic plasticity of crassulacean acid metabolism: an evolutionary innovation for sustainable productivity in a changing world. New Phytologist 2011, 191(3), 619-633.
Goumenaki E, Taybi T, Borland A, Barnes J. Mechanisms underlying the impacts of ozone on photosynthetic performance. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2010, 69(3), 259-266.
Ceusters J, Borland AM, Ceusters N, Verdoodt V, Godts C, De Proft MP. Seasonal influences on carbohydrate metabolism in the CAM bromeliad Aechmea 'Maya': consequences for carbohydrate partitioning and growth. Annals of Botany 2010, 105(2), 301-309.
Ceusters J, Borland AM, Londers E, Verdoodt V, Godts C, De Proft MP. Differential usage of storage carbohydrates in the CAM bromeliad Aechmea 'Maya' during acclimation to drought and recovery from dehydration. Physiologia Plantarum 2009, 135(2), 174-184.
Ceusters J, Borland AM, De Proft MP. Drought adaptation in plants with crassulacean acid metabolism involves the flexible use of different storage carbohydrate pools. Plant Signaling and Behavior 2009, 4(3), 212-214.
Borland AM, Griffiths H, Hartwell J, Smith JAC. Exploiting the potential of plants with crassulacean acid metabolism for bioenergy production on marginal lands. In: Journal of Experimental Botany: Workshop on Plant Biomass for Food and Energy. 2009, Baeza, Spain: Oxford University Press.
Antony E, Taybi T, Courbot M, Mugford ST, Smith JAC, Borland AM. Cloning, localization and expression analysis of vacuolar sugar transporters in the CAM plant Ananas comosus (pineapple). In: 14th International Congress of Photosynthesis. 2008, Glasgow, UK: Oxford University Press.
Ceusters J, Borland AM, Londers E, Verdoodt V, Godts C, De Proft MP. Diel shifts in carboxylation pathway and metabolite dynamics in the CAM bromeliad Aechmea 'Maya' in response to elevated CO2. Annals of Botany 2008, 102(3), 389-397.
Cushman JC, Agarie S, Albion RL, Elliot SM, Taybi T, Borland AM. Isolation and characterization of mutants of common ice plant deficient in Crassulacean acid metabolism. Plant Physiology 2008, 147(1), 228-238.