Fluid flow (simulation and experimentation)
Oscillatory Baffled Reactors (OBRs)
Fluidic oscillators
3D printing
heat transfer
Reaction engineering
McDonough JR, Law R, Kraemer J, Harvey AP. Effect of geometrical parameters on flow-switching frequencies in 3D printed fluidic oscillators containing different liquids. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2017, 117, 228-239.
McDonough JR, Phan AN, Reay DA, Harvey AP. Passive isothermalisation of an exothermic reaction in flow using a novel "Heat Pipe Oscillatory Baffled Reactor (HPOBR)". Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 2016, 110, 201-213.
McDonough JR, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Rapid process development using oscillatory baffled mesoreactors - A state-of-the-art review. Chemical Engineering Journal 2015, 265, 110-121.