Dr. White completed her BSc (1993) and MSc (1995, cellular and molecular pathology) at the University of Toronto. She graduated with her MD from Queen's University in 1999 and then undertook her Internal Medicine and Nephrology training at the University of Ottawa. She started her faculty appointment at Queen's University as an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology in 2005 and is now an associate professor.
Dr White is a recipient of a SEAMO Clinician Scientist Development Program Award. Her research program focuses on the measurement and estimation of kidney function using conventional and novel markers. She has established a GFR measurement program at Queen's and is the recipient of a CIHR operating grant to develop novel accurate GFR measurement protocols.
She is also the Primary Lead of the Ontario Renal Network-Ontario Health Study Scientific Committee and is the director of the Chronic Kidney Disease Program at Kingston General Hospital.
Ibrahim A, Garg A. X, Knoll GA,Akbari A, White CA. Kidney Function Endpoints in Kidney Transplant Trials: a Struggle for Power. American Journal of Transplantation 13(3): 707-713, 2013
Harman G, Akbari A, Hiremath S, White CA, Ramsay T, Kokolo MBc, Craig J and Knoll GA. Accuracy of Cystatin C Based Estimates of Glomerular Filtration Rate in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review. Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation. 2012 Dec 28. [Epub ahead of print]
Akbari A, White CA, Shahbazi N, Booth RA and Knoll GA. Spot Urine Protein Measurements: Are these accurate in Kidney Transplantation. Transplantation 94(4):1-6, 2012
White CA, Rule AD, Collier CP, Akbari A, Lieske JC, Lepage N, Doucette S, Knoll GA.
The impact of inter-laboratory differences in cystatin C assay measurement on glomerular filtration rate estimation. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 6(9):2150-56, 2011
White CA, Akbari A. The Estimation, Measurement and Relevance of the Glomerular Filtration Rate in Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease. Seminars in Dialysis 24(5):540-9, 2011
White CA, Siegal D, Akbari A, and Knoll GA. The Use of Renal Function Endpoints in Kidney Transplantation Trials: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 56(6):1140-57, 2010.
White CA, Akbari A, Doucette S, Fergusson D, Knoll GA. Estimating GFR in Kidney Transplantation: Is the new CKD-EPI Equation any Better? Clinical Chemistry 56(3):474-7, 2010.
White CA, KnollGAand Poggio ED. Measuring Versus Estimating Glomerular Filtration Rate in Kidney Transplantation. Transplantation Reviews. 24(1):18-27, 2010.
White CA, Akbari A, Doucette S, Fergusson D, Lepage N, Filler G, Hussain N, Knoll G. Estimating GFR using Serum Beta Trace Protein: Accuracy and Validation in Kidney Transplant and Pediatric Populations. Kidney International. 76(7):784-91, 2009.
White CA, Akbari A, Doucette S, Fergusson D, Hussain N, Dinh L, Filler G, Lepage N, Knoll G. Effect of Clinical Variables and Immunosuppression on Serum Cystatin C and Beta-Trace Protein in Kidney Transplant Recipients. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 54(5):922-30, 2009.
Book Chapters:
White CA. Beta Trace Protein. “Clinical Chemistry and Nephrology: the essential link” (Dr. Pierre Delanaye, editor), 2012
White CA and Poggio E Estimation of glomerular filtration with creatinine-based equations. “Clinical Chemistry and Nephrology: the essential link” (Dr. Pierre Delanaye, editor), 2012