BSc, Bacteriol. Immunol. UWO, 1979
MESc, Chem. Biochem. Eng. UWO, 1982
PhD, Chem. Eng. McGill, 1987
President, Polyferm Canada, 1998- present
Adjunct associate Professor, Queen's University, 2000 present()
Production separation and modification of medium-chain-length poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates.
Fermentation technology
Yue S, Ramsay B, Wang J and Ramsay J. 2015. Toxicity and composition profiles of solid phase extracts of oil sands process-affected water. Sci Tot Environ. 538: 573–582. [More information]
Yue S, Ramsay B and Ramsay J. 2015. Biodegradation of naphthenic acid surrogates by axenic cultures. Biodegradation. 26: 313–325. [More information]
Nerkar M, Ramsay JA, Ramsay BA and Kontopoulou M. 2015. Improvements in the melt and solid-state properties of poly(lactic acid), poly-3-hydroxyoctanoate and their blends through reactive modification. Polymer 64: 51-61. [More information]
Vo MT, Ko K and Ramsay, BA. 2015. Medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate production by a phaZ-knockout strain of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 in carbon-limited fed-batch culture. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 42: 637–646 [More information]
Yue S, Ramsay B, Brown S, Wang J and Ramsay J. 2015. Identification of estrogenic compounds in oil sands process waters by effect directed analysis. Environ Sci Technol. 49 (1): 570–577 [More information]
Nerkar M, Ramsay JA, Ramsay BA and Kontopoulou M. 2014. Improvement of melt strength and crystallization rate of polylactic acid and its blends with medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate through reactive modification. SPE’s Plastics Engineering magazine, Sept 2014 issue, page 38.
Nerkar M, Ramsay JA, Ramsay BA and Kontopoulou M. 2014. Dramatic Improvements in Strain Hardening and Crystallization Kinetics of PLA by Simple Reactive Modification in the Melt State. Macromol Mat Eng 299: 1419-1424. [More information]
McKenzie N, Yue S, Lui X, Ramsay BA, Ramsay JA. 2014. Biodegradation of naphthenic acids in oils sands process waters in a novel airlift bioreactor. Chemosphere 109: 164–172. [More information]
Rathinasabapathy A, Ramsay BA, Ramsay JA and Pérez-Guevara F. 2014. A feeding strategy for incorporation of canola derived medium-chain-length monomers into the PHA produced by wild-type Cupriavidus necator. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 30:1409–1416. [More information]
Jiang X, Ramsay J, Ramsay B. 2014. Recovery of medium-chain-length poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) from Pseudomonas putida KT2440 by NaOH digestion. Environ Eng Sci. 31: 49-54. [More information]
Nerkar M, Ramsay JA, Ramsay BA, Kontopoulou M. 2014. Melt compounded blends of short and medium chain length poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates. J Polym Environm. 22: 236–243. [More information]