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Professor Harris' activities are directed towards the analysis of process control strategies and the development and use of statistical methodologies in chemical engineering. Current projects include the use of nonparametric and parametric statistical methods for structural and performance analysis, development of performance analysis tools to account for process nonlinearities and the use of generalized profiling and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to provide meaningful uncertainty analysis of process models that are used for control and analysis purposes.


Process Control Process Monitoring and Controller Performance Assessment Statistical Methods in Chemical Engineering


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Wu, S., McLean, K., Harris, T.J., and K.B. McAuley, "Selection of Optimal Parameter Set Using Estimability Analysis and MSE-based Model-Selection Criterion ," International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems 2011 [More information]. (Accepted) Harris, T.J. and Wei-Yu, "Variance decompositions of nonlinear time series using stochastic simulation and sensitivity analysis,"Statistics and Computing 2011 [More information]. (Accepted) Wu,S., McAuley,K.B., and Harris. T.J., "Selection of Simplified Models: II. Development of a Model Selection Criterion Based on Mean-Squared-Error," 89, 2, 325-336, 2011. Wu,S., McAuley, K.B. and T.J. Harris, "Selection of Simplified Models: I. Analysis of Model Selection Criteria using Mean-Squared Error," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 89, 1, 148-158, 2011 [More information]. Harris, T.J. and Hui Yuan, "Filtering and frequency interpretations of Singular Spectrum Analysis ," Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 239, 1958-1967, 2010 [More information]. Harris, T.J. and Wei-Yu, "Variance decompositions of nonlinear-dynamic stochastic systems," Journal of Process Control 20, 195-205, 2010 [More information]. T.J. Harris, "Interpretations of Multivariate Performance Indices," Journal of Process Control 19, 701-710, 2009 [More information]. Wei-Yu, Harris, T.J., "Parameter Uncertainty Effects on Variance-based Sensitivity Analysis," Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety 94, 596-603 , 2009 [More information]. Wu, Shaohau, Harris, T.J., McAuley, K.B., "The Use of Simplified or Misspecified Models: Linear Case," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 85, 4, 386-398, 2007 [More information]. Harris, T.J. and Wei-Yu, "Controller Assessment for a Class of Nonlinear Systems," Journal of Process Control 17, 607-619, 2007[More information]. Quinn, S.L., Harris, T.J. and D.W. Bacon, "Measuring Uncertainty in Control-Relevant Statistics," Journal of Process Control 15, 675-690, 2005 [More information]. T.J. Harris, "Statistical Properties of Quadratic-Type Performance Indices," Journal of Process Control 14, 899-914, 2004 [More information]. Harris,T.J., Wei-Yu, "Analysis of Multivariable Controllers Using Degree of Freedom Data," International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 17, 569-588, 2003 [More information]. Seppala,C.T., Harris, T.J., and D.W. Bacon, "Time Series Methods for Dynamic Analysis of Multiple Controlled Variables," Journal of Process Control 12, 257-276, 2002 [More information]. Quinn, S.L., Bacon, D.W., and T.J. Harris, "Notes on Likelihood Intervals and Profiling," Communications in Statistics 29, 108-130, 2000 [More information]. Quinn, S.L., Bacon, D.W., and T.J. Harris, "Using Generalized Profiling to Estimate Likelihood Intervals for Model Predictions and Other Functions of Model Parameters," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 77, 723-737, 1999 [More information]. Harris, T.J., Seppala, C.T., and L.D. Desborough, "A Review of Performance Monitoring and Assessment Techniques for Univariate and Multivariate Control Systems," Journal of Process Control 9, 1-17, 1999 [More information]. Toffolo, R.W., Harris,T.J., and J.H. Davis, "Numerical Inversion of Characteristic Equations with Applications to Quadratic Forms in Normal Variables," Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 27, 215-228, 1998 [More information]. Harris, T.J., Seppala, C.T., Jofriet, P.J., and B.W. Surgenor, "Plant-Wide Feedback Control Performance Assessment Using an Expert-system Framework," Control Eng. Practice 4, 1297-1303, 1996 [More information]. Jofriet, P., Seppala, C., Surgenor, B. and T. J. Harris, "An Expert system For Control Loop Performance," Pulp & Paper Canada 97, 207-211, 1996 [More information]. Harris, T.J., Boudreau, T., and J.F. MacGregor, "Performance Assessment of Multivariable Feedback Controllers," Automatica 32, 1505-1518, 1996 [More information]. Piette, R., Harris, T.J., and P.J. McLellan, "Graphical Interpretation of Steady State Interaction Measures," Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 34, 4436-4450, 1995 [More information]. Desborough, L.D. and T.J. Harris, "Performance Assessment Measures for Univariate Feedforward/Feedback Control," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 71, 605-818, 1993 [More information]. Desborough, L.D. and T.J. Harris, "Performance Assessment Measures for Univariate Feedback Control," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 70, 1186-1197, 1992 [More information]. Harris, T.J. and W.H. Ross, "Statistical Process Control Procedures for Correlated Observations," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 69, 48-57, 1991 [More information].
