Wu, S., McLean, K., Harris, T.J., and K.B. McAuley, "Selection of Optimal Parameter Set Using Estimability Analysis and MSE-based Model-Selection Criterion ," International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems 2011 [More information]. (Accepted)
Harris, T.J. and Wei-Yu, "Variance decompositions of nonlinear time series using stochastic simulation and sensitivity analysis,"Statistics and Computing 2011 [More information]. (Accepted)
Wu,S., McAuley,K.B., and Harris. T.J., "Selection of Simplified Models: II. Development of a Model Selection Criterion Based on Mean-Squared-Error," 89, 2, 325-336, 2011.
Wu,S., McAuley, K.B. and T.J. Harris, "Selection of Simplified Models: I. Analysis of Model Selection Criteria using Mean-Squared Error," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 89, 1, 148-158, 2011 [More information].
Harris, T.J. and Hui Yuan, "Filtering and frequency interpretations of Singular Spectrum Analysis ," Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 239, 1958-1967, 2010 [More information].
Harris, T.J. and Wei-Yu, "Variance decompositions of nonlinear-dynamic stochastic systems," Journal of Process Control 20, 195-205, 2010 [More information].
T.J. Harris, "Interpretations of Multivariate Performance Indices," Journal of Process Control 19, 701-710, 2009 [More information].
Wei-Yu, Harris, T.J., "Parameter Uncertainty Effects on Variance-based Sensitivity Analysis," Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety 94, 596-603 , 2009 [More information].
Wu, Shaohau, Harris, T.J., McAuley, K.B., "The Use of Simplified or Misspecified Models: Linear Case," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 85, 4, 386-398, 2007 [More information].
Harris, T.J. and Wei-Yu, "Controller Assessment for a Class of Nonlinear Systems," Journal of Process Control 17, 607-619, 2007[More information].
Quinn, S.L., Harris, T.J. and D.W. Bacon, "Measuring Uncertainty in Control-Relevant Statistics," Journal of Process Control 15, 675-690, 2005 [More information].
T.J. Harris, "Statistical Properties of Quadratic-Type Performance Indices," Journal of Process Control 14, 899-914, 2004 [More information].
Harris,T.J., Wei-Yu, "Analysis of Multivariable Controllers Using Degree of Freedom Data," International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 17, 569-588, 2003 [More information].
Seppala,C.T., Harris, T.J., and D.W. Bacon, "Time Series Methods for Dynamic Analysis of Multiple Controlled Variables," Journal of Process Control 12, 257-276, 2002 [More information].
Quinn, S.L., Bacon, D.W., and T.J. Harris, "Notes on Likelihood Intervals and Profiling," Communications in Statistics 29, 108-130, 2000 [More information].
Quinn, S.L., Bacon, D.W., and T.J. Harris, "Using Generalized Profiling to Estimate Likelihood Intervals for Model Predictions and Other Functions of Model Parameters," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 77, 723-737, 1999 [More information].
Harris, T.J., Seppala, C.T., and L.D. Desborough, "A Review of Performance Monitoring and Assessment Techniques for Univariate and Multivariate Control Systems," Journal of Process Control 9, 1-17, 1999 [More information].
Toffolo, R.W., Harris,T.J., and J.H. Davis, "Numerical Inversion of Characteristic Equations with Applications to Quadratic Forms in Normal Variables," Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 27, 215-228, 1998 [More information].
Harris, T.J., Seppala, C.T., Jofriet, P.J., and B.W. Surgenor, "Plant-Wide Feedback Control Performance Assessment Using an Expert-system Framework," Control Eng. Practice 4, 1297-1303, 1996 [More information].
Jofriet, P., Seppala, C., Surgenor, B. and T. J. Harris, "An Expert system For Control Loop Performance," Pulp & Paper Canada 97, 207-211, 1996 [More information].
Harris, T.J., Boudreau, T., and J.F. MacGregor, "Performance Assessment of Multivariable Feedback Controllers," Automatica 32, 1505-1518, 1996 [More information].
Piette, R., Harris, T.J., and P.J. McLellan, "Graphical Interpretation of Steady State Interaction Measures," Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 34, 4436-4450, 1995 [More information].
Desborough, L.D. and T.J. Harris, "Performance Assessment Measures for Univariate Feedforward/Feedback Control," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 71, 605-818, 1993 [More information].
Desborough, L.D. and T.J. Harris, "Performance Assessment Measures for Univariate Feedback Control," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 70, 1186-1197, 1992 [More information].
Harris, T.J. and W.H. Ross, "Statistical Process Control Procedures for Correlated Observations," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 69, 48-57, 1991 [More information].