Mackenzie, C.L., Ormondroyd, G.A., Curling, S.F., Ball, R.J., Whiteley, N.M. and Malham, S.K. Temperature, rather than ocean acidification, reduces shell strength in a commercial shellfish species during food limitation. PLoS ONE e86764.
Mackenzie, C.L., Bell, M.C., Birchenough, S.N.R., Culloty, S.C., Sanderson, W.G., Whiteley, N.M., and Malham, S.K., (2013). Future socio-economic and environmental sustainability of the Irish Sea requires a multi-disciplinary approach with industry and research collaboration, and cross-border partnership. Ocean and Coastal Management. 85A, 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.08.012.
Rastrick, SPS., Whiteley, NM., (2013) Influence of natural thermal gradients on whole animal rates of protein synthesis in marine gammarid amphipods. PLoS ONE 8(3). e60050. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060050
McGaw, IJ., Whiteley, NM., (2012) Effects of acclimation and acute temperature change on specific dynamic action and gastric processing in the green shore crab, Carcinus maenas. J Thermal Biology 37, 570-578.
Wilkinson, TJ., Rock, J., Whiteley, NM., Ovcharenko, MO., Ironside, JE., (2011) Genetic diversity of the feminizing microsporidian parasite Dictyocoela: new insights into host-specificity, sex and phylogeography. International Journal for Parasitology 41, 959-966.
Whiteley, NM., (2011) Physiological and ecological responses of crustaceans to ocean acidification Marine Ecology Progress Series 430, 257-271. doi: 10.3354/meps09185.
Whiteley, NM., Rastrick, SPS., Lunt, DHL., Rock, J., (2011) Latitudinal variations in the physiology of marine gammarid amphipods. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 400, 70-77. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2011.02.027
Rastrick, SPS., Whiteley, NM., (2011) Congeneric amphipods show differing abilities to maintain metabolic rates with latitude. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 84(2), 154-165.
Whiteley, NM., Magnay, JL., McCleary, SJ., Khazraee, S., El Haj, AJ., Rock, J., (2010) Characterization of myosin heavy chain gene variants in the fast and slow muscle fibers of gammarid amphipods. Comp Biochem Physiol A.157, 116-122. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2010.05.014.
Costa, FO., Henzler, CM., Lunt, DH., Whiteley, NM., Rock, J., (2009) Probing Gammarus (Amphipoda) taxonomy with DNA barcodes: insights into cryptic speciation and phylogeographic splits. Systematics and Biodiversity 7(4), 365- 379. doi:10.1017/S1477200009990120.
Whiteley, NM and Fraser, KPP., (2009) The effects of temperature on ectotherm protein metabolism. In: Protein Biosynthesis (eds. T. E. Esterhouse and L. B. Petrinos). Pp. 249-265. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Intanai, I., Taylor, EW., Whiteley, NM., (2009) Effects of salinity on rates of protein synthesis and oxygen uptake in the post-larvae and juveniles of the tropical prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man), Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-molecular & Integrative Physiology, 152(3), 372-378.
Rock, J., Magnay, JL., Beech, S., El haj, AJ., Goldspink, G., Lunt, DH., Whiteley, NM., (2009) Linking functional molecular variation with environmental gradients: Myosin gene diversity in a crustacean broadly distributed across variable thermal environments, Gene, 437(1-2), 60-70.
Mckenzie, DJ., Steffensen, JF., Korsmeyer, K., Whiteley, NM., Bronzi, P., Taylor, EW., (2007) Swimming alters responses to hypoxia in the Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii, Journal of Fish Biology, 70(2), 651-658.
Rock, J., Ironside, J., Potter, T., Whiteley, NM., Lunt, DH., (2007) Phylogeography and environmental diversification of a highly adaptable marine amphipod, Gammarus duebeni, Heredity, 99(1), 102-111.
Whiteley, NM., Christiansen, JS., Egginton, S., (2006) Polar cod, Boreogadus saida (Gadidae), show an intermediate stress response between Antarctic and temperate fishes, Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol, 145(4), 493-501.
Whiteley, N., Faulkner, LS., (2005) Temperature influences whole-animal rates of metabolism but not protein synthesis in a temperate intertidal isopod, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 78(2), 227-238.
Rock, J., Faulkner, L., Whiteley, N., (2003) Does temperature acclimation affect muscle function in marine crustaceans via changes in molecular diversity?, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 43(6), 957-957,
Holmes, JM., Whiteley, NM., Magnay, JL., El haj, AJ., (2002) Comparison of the variable loop regions of myosin heavy chain genes from Antarctic and temperate isopods, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 131(3), 349-359.
Wilson, JM., Whiteley, NM., Randall, DJ., (2002) Ionoregulatory changes in the gill epithelia of coho salmon during seawater acclimation, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 75(3), 237-249.
Whiteley, NM., Robertson, RF., Meagor, J., El haj, AJ., Taylor, EW., (2001) Protein synthesis and specific dynamic action in crustaceans: effects of temperature, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-molecular & Integrative Physiology, 128(3), 595-606.
Whiteley, NM., Scott, JL., Breeze, SJ., Mccann, L., (2001) Effects of water salinity on acid-base balance in decapod crustaceans, Journal of Experimental Biology, 204(5), 1003-1011.
Rovero, F., Hughes, RN., Whiteley, NM., Chelazzi, G., (2000) Estimating the energetic cost of fighting in shore crabs by noninvasive monitoring of heartbeat rate, Animal Behaviour, 59, 705-713.
Whiteley, NM., Egginton, S., (2000) Adrenergic responses of Antarctic fishes to extreme trauma, Journal of Physiology-london, 523, 279P-280P,