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Professor Barrie Johnson leads a large international research group researching into various aspects of metal-microbe interactions, most specifically using micro-organisms that live in extremely acidic environments (acidophiles). He has isolated and characterized many new species of bacteria, some of which are being used in novel bio-processing systems for extracting metals from ores ("biomining") and also for recovering metals from waste streams. Professor Johnson's research has been supported by UK research councils, UK and European government,industry (most significantly, Rio Tinto) and various charities. Currently. major sponsorship comes from the EU (the BioMinE project), the Royal Society (which sponsors an Industrial Fellowship for Professor Johnson) and Rio Tinto. Professor Johnson has also acted (on two occasions) on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Authority in Peru, and has research links throughout the world. Most recently he has given invited lectures in China, Chile, Cuba, Canada and South Africa. Offices held Committees: SBS Research Committee SBS Board of Studies SBS Management Committee Groups: SBS Academic Staff SBS Teaching Staff


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Johnson, DB. Biomining – biotechnologies for extracting and recovering metals from ores and waste materials. Curent Opinion in Biotechnology. Johnson, DB and Aguilera, A (2014) The Microbiology of Extremely Acidic Environments. In, Manual of Environmental Microbiology, 4th Edition. American Society of Microbiology Press. Blowes, DW, Ptacek, CJ, Jambor, JL, Weisener, CG, Paktunc, D, Gould, WD and Johnson, DB. (2013) The geochemistry of acid mine drainage. In: Treatise on Geochemistry, 2nd Edition. Elsevier (in press). (published in January, 2014) Johnson, DB, Hallberg, KB, Hedrich, S (2014) Uncovering a microbial enigma: isolation and characterization of the streamer-generating, iron-oxidizing acidophilic bacterium, “Ferrovum myxofaciens”. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 80(2):672-680. Falagan, C., Sanchez-Espana, J and Johnson DB. (2014) New insights into the biogeochemistry of extremely acidic environments revealed by a combined cultivation-based and culture-independent study of two stratified pit lakes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 87:231-243. DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12218 Hedrich, S. and Johnson, D. B. (2013) Acidithiobacillus ferridurans, sp. nov.; an acidophilic iron- , sulfur- and hydrogen-metabolizing chemolithotrophic Gammaproteobacterium. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 63:4018-4025. Hedrich, S. and Johnson, D.B. (2103) Aerobic and anaerobic oxidation of hydrogen by acidophilic bacteria. FEMS Microbiology Letters 349:40-45. DOI: 10.1111/1574-6968.12290 Jones, R.M., Hedrich, S. and Johnson, D. B. (2013) Acidocella aromatica sp. nov.: an acidophilic heterotrophic alphaproteobacterium with unusual phenotypic traits. Extremophiles 17:841-850. Osorio, H., Mangold, S., Denis, Y., Ňancucheo, I., Esparza, M., Johnson, D.B., Bonnefoy, V., Dopson, M., and Holmes, D.S. (2013) Anaerobic sulfur metabolism coupled to dissimilatory iron reduction in the extremophile Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79:2172-2181. Kay, C.M., Rowe, O.F., Rocchetti, L., Coupland, K. Hallberg, K.B. and Johnson, D.B. (2013) Evolution of microbial “streamer” growths in an acidic, metal-contaminated stream draining an abandoned underground copper mine. Life 3:189-210; doi:10.3390/life3010189 Johnson, D.B., Grail, B.M. and Hallberg, K.B. (2013) A new direction for biomining: extraction of metals by reductive dissolution of oxidized ores. Minerals 3:49-58 (DOI:10.3390/min3010049) Johnson, D.B. (2013) Development and application of biotechnologiesin the metal mining industry. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 11:7768-7776. DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-1482-7 Stankovic, S., Moric, I., Pavic, A., Vasiljevic, B., Johnson, D.B. and Cvetkovic, V. (2013) Investigation of the microbial diversity of an extremely acidic, metal-rich water body (lake Robule, Bor, Serbia). Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 78:1-17. doi: 10.2298/JSC130605071S Johnson, D.B. (2013) Biomining: an established and dynamic biotechnology. Microbiology Indonesia 6:189-193 Hedrich, S. and Johnson, D.B. (2013) Evidence for widespread dissimilatory hydrogen metabolism among acidophilic bacteria. In 'Integration of Scientific and Industrial Knowledge on Biohydrometallurgy'. Advanced Materials Research 825:202-205. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Hedrich, S., du Plessis, C., Mora, N. and Johnson, D.B. (2013) Reduction and complexation of copper in a novel bioreduction system developed to recover base metals from mine process waters. In 'Integration of Scientific and Industrial Knowledge on Biohydrometallurgy'. Advanced Materials Research 825:483-486. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Ňancucheo, I. and Johnson, D.B. (2013) Sulfate removal from extremely acidic wastewaters using consortia of acidophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria. In 'Integration of Scientific and Industrial Knowledge on Biohydrometallurgy'. Advanced Materials Research825:487-490. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Kay, C., Hedrich, S. and Johnson, D.B. (2013) Selective metal removal from Scandinavian mine waters using novel biomineralization technologies. In 'Integration of Scientific and Industrial Knowledge on Biohydrometallurgy'. Advanced Materials Research 825:479-482. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Falagán, C., Sánchez-España, F. J. and Johnson, D. B. (2013) Microbiological communities in two acidic mine pit lakes in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), Spain. In 'Integration of Scientific and Industrial Knowledge on Biohydrometallurgy'. Advanced Materials Research 825:19-22. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Talla, E., Hedrich, S., Ji, B., Johnson, D.B. and Bonnefoy, V. (2013) Genome analysis of the psychrotolerant acidophile Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans CF27. In 'Integration of Scientific and Industrial Knowledge on Biohydrometallurgy'. Advanced Materials Research825:145-148. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Willis, G., Hedrich, S., Ñancucheo, I., Johnson, D. B. and Donati, E. (2013) Microbial diversity in acidic anaerobic sediments at the geothermal Caviahue-Copahue system, Argentina. In 'Integration of Scientific and Industrial Knowledge on Biohydrometallurgy'. Advanced Materials Research 825:7-10. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Johnson, D.B. (2013) Resource receovery from waste waters: using biomineralisation for the selective recovery of metals from acid rock drainage and mine process waters. World Mining Congress Proceedings. Montreal, Canada (August 2013). Paper 803 Johnson, D.B. (2013) Using bacteria to break and make minerals in acidic liquors:industrial and environmental implications. Proceedings: Minerals for Life: Overcoming Resource Constraints. Edinburgh, June 2013, p.68.
