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2011-2016, Lecturer, Queen’s University Belfast 2009-2010, Research scientist, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology 2006-2008, Marie Curie Outgoing International fellow, Princeton University and University of Leeds 2002-2005, Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Leeds 1999-2002, Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Nebraska 1994-1998, DPhil, Oxford University 1990-1993, BSc (Hons), University of Nottingham


My research group focuses on the cognitive processes and sensory mechanisms by which animals navigate and migrate. While my principle focus is at the level of the whole organism I also incorporate aspects of neurobiology, molecular biology, and physics to identify the  environmental cues, sensory pathways and mechanisms used by animals to decide how, when and where to move. My work also operates in a comparative framework as I compare and contrast across species, taxa, age class, spatial scale and sensory mechanisms to reveal how natural selection has acted to shape navigation behaviour in different animal groups.


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Wikelski, M.,Arriero, E., Gagliardo, A, Holland, R.A. et al. (2015). True navigation in migrating gulls requires intact olfactory nerves, Nature scientific reports, 5:17061, DOI: 10.1038/srep17061. Lindecke, O, Voigt, C.C., Pētersons, G. and Holland, R.A. (2015). Polarized skylight does not calibrate the compass system of a migratory bat. Biology Letters, 11, 20150525. McAroe, C., Craig, C. and Holland, R.A. (2015). Place versus Response Learning in Fish: A Comparison between Species. Animal Cognition, 19: 153-61. Greif, S., Borissov, I., Yovel, Y. and Holland, R.A. (2014). A functional role of the sky’s polarization pattern in a mammal, the greater mouse-eared bat. Nature Communications, 5, 4488. Holland, R.A. (2014). True navigation in birds: from quantum physics to global migration. Journal of Zoology, 293: 1-15. Van Toor, M., Hedenstrom, A., Waldenstrom, J., Fiedler, W., Holland, R.A., Thorup, K.T., Wikelski, M. (2013) Flexibility of continental navigation and migration in European mallards. PLoS One 8: e72629. Holland, R.A., Filannino, C. and Gagliardo, A. (2013). A magnetic pulse does not affect pigeon homing navigation: a GPS tracking experiment. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216, 2192-2200. Holland, R.A. and Helm, B. (2013). A magnetic pulse affects the precision of departure direction of adult but not juvenile migrating birds. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10, 20121047. Thorup, K., Ortvad, T., Holland, R., Rabol, J., Kristensen, M., Wikelski, M. (2012). Orientation of vagrant birds on the Faroe Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Ornithology. 153, 1261-1265. Karubian, J., Browne, L., Bosque, C., Carlo, T., Galetti, M., Loiselle, B., Blake, J.G., Domingo Cabrera, D., Renata Durães, R., Labecca, F.M., Holbrook, K.M., Holland, R.A., Jetz, W. Kümmeth, F., Olivo, J., Ottewell, K., Papadakis, G., Rivas, G., Steiger, S., Voirin, B., Wikelski, M. (2012). Seed dispersal by Neotropical birds: Emerging patterns and underlying processes. Ornitologia Neotropical 23, 9-24. Holland. R.A., Meyer, C.F.J., Kalko, E.K.V., Kays, R. and Wikelski, M. (2011). Emergence time and foraging activity in Pallas Mastiff Bat, Molossus molossus (Chiroptera, Molossidae) in relation to sunset/sunrise and phase of the moon. Acta Chiropterologica, 13, 399-404. Guilford, T., Akesson, S., Gagliardo, A. Holland, R.A., Mouritsen, H., Muheim, R., Wiltschko, R. Wiltschko, W. and Bingman, V.P. (2011). Migratory navigation in birds: new opportunities in an era of fast-developing tracking technology. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214, 3705-3712. Thorup, K.T, Ortvad, T.E., Rabøl, J., Holland, R.A., Tøttrup, A.P., and Wikelski, M. (2011). Juvenile songbirds compensate for displacement of Oceanic Islands during autumn migration. PLoS One, 6, e17906. Thorup, K.T., Holland, R.A., Tǿttrup, A.P. and Wikelski, M. (2010). Understanding the migratory orientation program of birds: extending laboratory studies to study free flying migrants in a natural setting. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 50, 315-322. Holland R.A. (2010). Bats: Orientation, Navigation and Homing, The Encyclopaedia of Animal Behaviour, Volume 1, pp 177-185. Holland, R.A. (2010). Differential effects of magnetic pulses on the departure directions of naturally migrating birds. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 7, 1617-1625. Wikelski, M., Moxley, J. Eaton-Mordas, A., López-Uribe, M.M., Holland, R., Moskowitz, D., Roubik, D. and Kays, R. (2010). Large-range Movements of Neotropical Orchid Bees Observed via Radio Telemetry, PLoS One, 5: e10738. Holland, R.A., Borissov, I. and Siemers, B. (2010). A nocturnal mammal, the greater mouse eared bat, calibrates a magnetic compass by the sun. PNAS, 107: 6941-6945. Holland, R.A., Wikelski, M., Kumeth, F. and Bosque, C. (2009). The secret life of Oilbirds: new insights into the behaviour of a unique avian frugivore. PLoS One, 4: e8264.21 citations. Holland, R.A. and Wikelski, M. (2009). Studying the migratory behavior of individual bats: current techniques and future directions. Journal of Mammalogy, 90: 1324–1329. Holland, R.A., Thorup, K., Gagliardo, A., Bisson, I., Knecht, E., Mizrahi, D. and Wikelski, M. (2009). Testing the role of sensory systems in the migratory heading of a songbird. Journal of Experimental Biology, 212: 4065-4071. Bisson, I., Safi, K. and Holland, R.A. (2009). Evidence for repeated independent evolution of migration in the largest family of bats. PLoS One 4: e7504. Thorup, K and Holland, R.A. (2009). The bird GPS. Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 3597-3604. Holland, R.A. (2008). Blind as a bat? The sensory basis of orientation and navigation at night. In the neurobiology of Umwelt: how animals perceive the world. A. Berthoz and Y. Christen, Eds. Foundation Ipsen, Springer. Holland, R.A., Kirschvink, J.L., Doak, T. and Wikelski, M. (2008). Bats use magnetite to detect the Earth’s magnetic field. PLoS One, 3: e1676.
