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Prof Chris Freeman's work on the enzymology of soil, particularly in wetlands, has demonstrated a pivotal role for phenol oxidase in the regulation of wetland functioning (Nature 409, 149, 2001). This finding is also of significance for development of bioremediation strategies, and in predicting mobilisation of the peatland carbon store with climate change, where phenol oxidase can be a 'latch mechanism' holding very large carbon stores in place. Personal Web Page For an up-to-date list of my publications please visit my ResearchGate page. Offices held Head of School Committees: SBS Board of Studies SBS Executive Committee Groups: SBS Academic Staff SBS Teaching Staff


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Ellis, T., Hill, PW., Fenner, N., Williams, GG., Godbold, D., Freeman, C., (2009) The interactive effects of elevated carbon dioxide and water table draw-down on carbon cycling in a Welsh ombrotrophic bog, Ecological Engineering, 35(6), 978-986. Jones, TG., Freeman, C., Lloyd, A., Mills, G., (2009) Impacts of elevated atmospheric ozone on peatland below-ground DOC characteristics, Ecological Engineering, 35(6), 971-977. Bardgett, RD., Freeman, C., Ostle, NJ., (2008) Microbial contributions to climate change through carbon cycle feedbacks, Isme Journal, 2(8), 805-814. Kim, SY., Lee, SH., Freeman, C., Fenner, N., Kang, H., (2008) Comparative analysis of soil microbial communities and their responses to the short-term drought in bog, fen, and riparian wetlands, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40(11), 2874-2880. Limpens, J., Berendse, F., Blodau, C., Canadell, JG., Freeman, C., Holden, J., Roulet, N., Rydin, H., Schaepman-strub, G., (2008) Peatlands and the carbon cycle: from local processes to global implications - a synthesis, Biogeosciences, 5(5), 1475-1491. Toberman, H., Evans, CD., Freeman, C., Fenner, N., White, M., Emmett, BA., Artz, RRE., (2008) Summer drought effects upon soil and litter extracellular phenol oxidase activity and soluble carbon release in an upland Calluna heathland, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40(6), 1519-1532. Toberman, H., Freeman, C., Artz, RRE., Evans, CD., Fenner, N., (2008) Impeded drainage stimulates extracellular phenol oxidase activity in riparian peat cores, Soil Use and Management, 24(4), 357-365. Toberman, H., Freeman, C., Evans, C., Fenner, N., Artz, RRE., (2008) Summer drought decreases soil fungal diversity and associated phenol oxidase activity in upland Calluna heathland soil, Fems Microbiology Ecology, 66(2), 426-436. Bragazza, L., Freeman, C., (2007) High nitrogen availability reduces polyphenol content in Sphagnum peat, Science of the Total Environment, 377(2-3), 439-443. Evans, CD., Freeman, C., Cork, LG., Thomas, DN., Reynolds, B., Billett, MF., Garnett, MH., Norris, D., (2007) Evidence against recent climate-induced destabilisation of soil carbon from C-14 analysis of riverine dissolved organic matter, Geophysical Research Letters, 34(7). Fenner, N., Freeman, C., Lock, MA., Harmens, H., Reynolds, B., Sparks, T., (2007) Interactions between elevated CO2 and warming could amplify DOC exports from peatland catchments, Environmental Science & Technology, 41(9), 3146-3152. Fenner, N., Ostle, NJ., Mcnamara, N., Sparks, T., Harmens, H., Reynolds, B., Freeman, C., (2007) Elevated CO2 effects on peatland plant community carbon dynamics and DOC production, Ecosystems, 10(4), 635-647. Kang, H., Freeman, C., (2007) Interactions of marsh orchid (Dactylorhiza spp.) and soil microorganisms in relation to extracellular enzyme activities in a peat soil, Pedosphere, 17(6), 681-687. Bonnett, SA., Ostle, N., Freeman, C., (2006) Seasonal variations in decomposition processes in a valley-bottom riparian peatland, Sci Total Environ, 370(2-3), 561-73. Dowrick, DJ., Freeman, C., Lock, MA., Reynolds, B., (2006) Sulphate reduction and the suppression of peatland methane emissions following summer drought, Geoderma, 132(3-4), 384-390. Fenner, N., Dowrick, DJ., Lock, MA., Rafarel, CR., Freeman, C., (2006) A novel approach to studying the effects of temperature on soil biogeochemistry using a thermal gradient bar, Soil Use and Management, 22(3), 267-273. Shackle, V., Freeman, C., Reynolds, B., (2006) Exogenous enzyme supplements to promote treatment efficiency in constructed wetlands, Science of the Total Environment, 361(1-3), 18-24. Fenner, N., Freeman, C., Reynolds, B., (2005) Observations of a seasonally shifting thermal optimum in peatland carbon-cycling processes; implications for the global carbon cycle and soil enzyme methodologies, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 37(10), 1814-1821. Gusewell, S., Freeman, C., (2005) Nutrient limitation and enzyme activities during litter decomposition of nine wetland species in relation to litter N : P ratios, Functional Ecology, 19(4), 582-593. Kang, HJ., Freeman, C., Park, SS., Chun, J., (2005) N-Acetylglucosaminidase activities in wetlands: a global survey, Hydrobiologia, 532, 103-110. Kang, HJ., Kim, SY., Fenner, N., Freeman, C., (2005) Shifts of soil enzyme activities in wetlands exposed to elevated CO2, Science of the Total Environment, 337(1-3), 207-212. Nathalie, F., Freeman, C., Reynolds, B., (2005) Hydrological effects on the diversity of phenolic degrading bacteria in a peatland: implications for carbon cycling, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 37(7), 1277-1287. Sowerby, A., Emmett, B., Beier, C., Tietema, A., Penuelas, J., Estiarte, M., Van meeteren, MJM., Hughes, S., Freeman, C., (2005) Microbial community changes in heathland soil communities along a geographical gradient: interaction with climate change manipulations, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 37(10), 1805-1813. Fenner, N., Ostle, N., Freeman, C., Sleep, D., Reynolds, B., (2004) Peatland carbon afflux partitioning reveals that Sphagnum photosynthate contributes to the DOC pool, Plant and Soil, 259(1-2), 345-354.
