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I am interested in using contemporary molecular tools to address diverse questions focusing on biodiversity, ecology and evolution. This is a particularly exciting time in the field of molecular ecology, since advances in DNA sequencing throughput have recently offered a paradigm shift in our ability to assess previously intractable functional and taxonomic biodiversity at an unprecedented scale, augmenting existing biodiversity fields and empowering others. Using such technologies, I am testing a range of hypotheses regarding the alpha and beta functional and taxonomic diversity of macro-, meio- and microbial communities (e.g. microbiomes) in space and time. Focal environments include estuarine, coastal, freshwater, terrestrial, the deep sea and whole organisms, in order to understand the drivers of diversity in natural communities and also how diversity is linked with ecological function/disease state. Additional activities include the investigation of transcriptomic responses to environmental peturbation, mitogenomics, population genetics, life history evolution, polyploidy and "second-generation" biomonitoring. These projects facilitate the investigation of links between biodiversity and ecosystem processes, understanding environmental genomic responses to change/adaptive evolution and the advancement of the field of phylogenetics. Link to personal webpage Offices held Committees: SBS Board of Studies SBS Management Committee SBS REF2020 Co-ordinator SBS Research Committee Groups: SBS Academic Staff SBS Teaching Staff


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Harvey, A.C., Solberg, M.F., Troianou, E., Carvalho, G.R., Taylor, M.I. Creer, S., Dyrhovden, L., Matre, I.H. and Glover, K.A. 2016. Plasticity in growth of farmed and wild Atlantic salmon: is the increased growth rate of farmed salmon caused by evolutionary adaptations to the commercial diet? BMC Evolutionary Biology. 16:264 DOI: 10.1186/s12862-016-0841-7 Harvey, A.C., Solberg, M. F., Glover, K. A., Taylor, M. I., Creer, S., and Carvalho, G.R. Plasticity in response to feed availability - does feeding regime influence the relative growth performance of domesticated, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr? Journal of Fish biology. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.13076 Harvey, A.C., Juleff, G., Carvalho, G.R., Taylor, M.I., Solberg, M.F., Creer, S.,"Dyrhovden, L., Matre, I.-H., Glover, K.A. 2016. Does density influence relative growth performance of farm, wild and F1 hybrid Atlantic salmon in semi-natural and hatchery common garden conditions? Royal Society Open Science. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160152 Sinniger, F., Pawlowski, J., Harii, S., Gooday, A.J., Yamamoto, H.,Chevaldonne, P., Cedhagen, T., Carvalho, G.R., and Creer, S. 2016.Worldwide Analysis of Sedimentary DNA Reveals Major Gaps in Taxonomic Knowledge of Deep-Sea Benthos. Frontiers in Marine Science. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2016.00092 Creer, S., Deiner, K., Frey, S., Porazinska, D., Taberlet, P., Thomas, W.K., Potter, C. and Bik, H.M. 2016. The ecologist’s field guide to sequence-based identification of biodiversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12574 Derycke, S., De Meester, N., Rigaux, A., Creer, S., Bik, H., Thomas, W.K. and Moens, T. 2016. Coexisting cryptic species of the Litoditis marina complex (Nematoda) show differential resource use and have distinct microbiomes with high intraspecific variability. Molecular Ecology. doi/10.1111/mec.13597/full Harvey, A. C., Glover, K. A., Taylor, M. I., Creer, S. and Carvalho, G. R. (2016), A common garden design reveals population-specific variability in potential impacts of hybridization between populations of farmed and wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Evolutionary Applications. doi: 10.1111/eva.12346 Malhotra, A, Creer, S, Harris, JB and Thorpe, RS (2015) The importance of being genomic: Non-coding and coding sequences suggest different models of toxin multi-gene family evolution. Volume 107, Part B: 344-358 Llewellyn, M.S., McGinnity, P., Dionne, M., Letourneau, J., Thonier, F., Carvalho, G.R., Creer, S. and Derome, N. 2015. The biogeography of the atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) gut microbiome. The ISME Journal. doi:10.1038/ismej.2015.189 http://www.nature.com/ismej/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ismej2015189a.html Mrinalinia, Thorpe, R.S., Creer, S., Lallias, D., Dawnay, L., Stuart, B.L. and Malhotra, A. 2015. Convergence of multiple markers and analysis methods defines the genetic distinctiveness of cryptic pitvipers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 92, 266-279. Gray. C., Bista, I., Creer, S., Demars, B.O.L., Falciani, F., Monteith, D.T., Sun, X. and Woodward, G. 2015. Freshwater Conservation and Biomonitoring of Structure and Function: Genes to Ecosystems. In: Aquatic Functional Biodiversity. An ecological and evolutionary perspective. Eds Belgrano, A, Woodward, G. and Jacob, U. Elsevier Academic Press. Pp. 241-271. Lallias, D., Fonseca, V.G., Gaspar, J., Hiddink, J., Sung, W., Neill, S.P., Barnes, N., Ferrero, T., Hall, T., Lambshead, P.J., Packer, M., Thomas, W.K. and Creer, S. 2015. Environmental metabarcoding reveal heterogeneous drivers of microbial eukaryote diversity in contrasting estuarine ecosystems.The ISME Journal 9, 1208-1221 doi:10.1038/ismej.2014.213 Fonseca, V.G., Carvalho, G.R., Nichols, B., Quince, C., Johnson, H., Neill, S., Lambshead, P.J.D., Thomas, W.K., Power, D. and Creer, S. 2014. Metagenetic analysis of patterns of distribution and diversity of marine meiobenthic eukaryotes. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 23, 1293-1302. Bohmann, K., Evans, A., Gilbert, T.A., Carvalho, G.R., Creer, S., Knapp, M., Yu D. and de Bruyn, M. 2014. Environmental DNA for Wildlife Biology and Biodiversity Monitoring. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 29: 358-367. Morgan, M. J., Bass, D., Bik, H., Birky, C. W., Blaxter, M., Crisp, M. D., Derycke, S., Fitch, D., Fontaneto, D., Hardy, C. M., King, A. J., Kiontke, K. C., Moens, T., Pawlowski, J. W., Porazinska, D., Tang, C. Q., Thomas, W. K., Yeates, D. K., Creer, S. 2014. A critique of Rossberg et al.: noise obscures the genetic signal of meiobiotal ecospecies in ecogenomic datasets. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B. 281: no. 1783, 20133076. Malhotra, A., Creer, S., Harris, J.B., Stocklin, R. Favreau, P. and Thorpe, R.S. 2013. Predicting function from sequence in a large multifunctional toxin family. Toxicon. 72: 113-125 Montes, I., Conklin, D. Albaina, A., Creer, S., Carvalho, G.R., Santos, M., Santos, M. and Estonba, A. 2013. SNP Discovery in European Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, L) by High-Throughput Transcriptome and Genome Sequencing. PLoS One. 10.1371/journal.pone.0070051 Briscoe, A.G., Goodacre, S., Masta, S., Taylor, M.I., Arnedo, M.A., Penney, D., Kenny, J. and Creer, S. 2013. Can long-range PCR be used to amplify genetically divergent mitochondrial genomes for comparative phylogenetics? A case study within spiders (Arthropoda: Araneae). PLoS One. http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0062404 Pascoal, S., Carvalho, G.R., Vasieva, O., Hughes, R.N., Cossins, A., Fang, Y., Ashelford, K., Olohan, L., Barroso, C., Mendo, S, and Creer, S. 2013. Transcriptomics and in vivo tests reveal novel mechanisms underlying endocrine disruption in an ecological sentinel, Nucella lapillus. Molecular Ecology. 22: 1589-1608. Pascoal et al. 2013 was featured in Molecular Ecology's Perspectives: Chapman, R.W. and Guillette Jr, L.J. 2013. Contaminants and impoSEX: transcriptomics of contaminant-induced sex change. Molecular Ecology. 22: 1485-1487. van Wijk, S.J., Taylor, M.I., Creer, S., Dreyer, C., Rodrigues, F.M., Ramnarine, I.W., van Oosterhout, C. and Carvalho, G.R. 2013. Experimental harvesting of fish populations drives genetically-based shifts in body size and maturation. Frontiers Ecol. Environ. 2013; doi:10.1890/120229; available from: http://www.esajournals.org/toc/fron/0/0 Pascoal S., Carvalho G.R., Creer, S., Mendo S. and Hughes R. 2012. Plastic and heritable variataion in shell thickness of the intertidal gastropod Nucella lapillus associated with risks of crab predation and wave action, and sexual maturation. PLoS One http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0052134 Matzen da Silva, J., dos Santos, A. Cunha, M.R., Costa, F.O., Creer, S. and Carvalho, G.R. 2012. Investigating the molecular systematic relationships amongst selected Plesionika (Decapoda: Pandalidae) from the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2012.00530.x .
