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Prof.GaryCarvalhoundertakesresearchonthemoleculargeneticanalysisofpopulationandspeciesbiodiversityofaquaticanimals,withstudiesaimedatunderstandingtheevolutionaryandecologicalforcesthatshapegeneticstructureinthewild,andhowsuchstructuremayinfluenceadaptation,populationpersistenceanddistribution.RecentworkhasfocusedontheuseofancientDNAtoexploreresponsesinrelationtolong-termenvironmentalchange,DNAbarcodingofmarinefishes,speciationinoffshoreLakeMalawicichlidsandthequantitativegeneticsofadaptivevariation.Recentfirst-timeresearchachievementsinclude:(i)aPCR-basedcomparativeanalysisofrestingeggbankandcontemporarypopulationsofzooplanktoncontestingclassicalmodelsontheextentandmaintenanceofgeneticdiversityincyclicparthenogens;(ii)theprovisionofestimatesofpopulationstructuringandthefirstcomprehensivephylogenyofLakeMalawicichlidfishesshowingevidenceforsympatricspeciation;(iii)empiricaldemonstrationthatlossofgeneticvariabilityisassociatedwithover-fishinginamarinefish. PersonalWebPage Officesheld Committees: SBSBoardofStudies Groups: SBSAcademicStaff SBSTeachingStaff


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Piraino, S, Carvalho, GR & Darling, JA (2015) Molecular tools for monitoring marine invasive species. Special issue of Biological Invasions, 17, Issue 3, 809-971. Bekkevold, D, Helyar, S, Limborg, M, Nielsen, E, Hemmer-Hansen1, J, Clausen, L, FishPopTrace Consortium and Carvalho, GR, (2015) Gene-associated markers can assign origin in a weakly structured fish, Atlantic herring. ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu247. Young, EF, Belchier, B, Hauser, L, Horsburgh, G.J., Meredith, M.P., Murphy, E.J, Pascoal, S, Rock, J, Tysklind, N, and Carvalho, GR (2015) Oceanography and life history predict contrasting genetic population structure in two Antarctic fish species. Evolutionary Applications, In Press (DOI: 10.1111/eva.12259). Hamilton, PB, Cowx , IG, Oleksiak, MF, Griffiths, AM, Grahn, M, Stevens, JR, Carvalho, GR, Nicol, E and Tyler, CR (2015) Understanding Population Level Consequences for Wild Fish Exposed to Sub-lethal Concentrations of Chemicals. Fish and Fisheries, In Press. Genner, MJ., Nichols, P., Shaw, PW., Carvalho, GR., Robinson, RL., Turner, GF., (2008) Genetic homogeneity among breeding grounds and nursery areas of an exploited Lake Malawi cichlid fish, Freshwater Biology, 53(9), 1823-1831. Hughes, RN., Gomez, A., Wright, PJ., Moyano, HI., Cancino, JM., Carvalho, GR., Lunt, DH., (2008) Molecular phylogeny supports division of the 'cosmopolitan' taxon Celleporella (Bryozoa; Cheilostomata) into four major clades, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 46(1), 369-374, Carvalho, G., Thorpe, J., (2007) Yurii Petrovich Altukhov 1936-2006 - Obituary, Journal of Fish Biology, 70(2), 331-333, Dawnay, N., Ogden, R., Mcewing, R., Carvalho, GR., Thorpe, RS., (2007) Validation of the barcoding gene COI for use in forensic genetic species identification, Forensic Science International, 173(1), 1-6. Genner, MJ., Nichols, P., Carvalho, G., Robinson, RL., Shaw, PW., Smith, A., Turner, GF., (2007) Evolution of a cichlid fish in a Lake Malawi satellite lake, Proceedings of the Royal Society B-biological Sciences, 274(1623), 2249-2257. Genner, MJ., Nichols, P., Carvalho, G., Robinson, RL., Shaw, PW., Smith, A., Turner, GF., (2007) Evolution of a cichlid fish in a Lake Malawi satellite lake, Proceedings of the Royal Society B-biological Sciences, 274(1623), 2249-2257. Genner, MJ., Nichols, P., Carvalho, GR., Robinson, RL., Shaw, PW., Turner, GF., (2007) Reproductive isolation among deep-water cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi differing in monochromatic male breeding dress, Molecular Ecology, 16(3), 651-662. Genner, MJ., Nichols, P., Carvalho, GR., Robinson, RL., Shaw, PW., Turner, GF., (2007) Reproductive isolation among deep-water cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi differing in monochromatic male breeding dress, Molecular Ecology, 16(3), 651-662. Genner, MJ., Seehausen, O., Lunt, DH., Joyce, DA., Shaw, PW., Carvalho, GR., Turner, GF., (2007) Age of cichlids: New dates for ancient lake fish radiations, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 24(5), 1269-1282. Genner, MJ., Seehausen, O., Lunt, DH., Joyce, DA., Shaw, PW., Carvalho, GR., Turner, GF., (2007) Age of cichlids: New dates for ancient lake fish radiations, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 24(5), 1269-1282. Gomez, A., Hughes, RN., Wright, PJ., Carvalho, GR., Lunt, DH., (2007) Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography and mating compatibility reveal marked genetic structuring and speciation in the NE Atlantic bryozoan Celleporella hyalina, Molecular Ecology, 16(10), 2173-2188. Gomez, A., Wright, PJ., Lunt, DH., Cancino, JM., Carvalho, GR., Hughes, RN., (2007) Mating trials validate the use of DNA barcoding to reveal cryptic speciation of a marine bryozoan taxon, Proceedings of the Royal Society B-biological Sciences, 274(1607), 199-207. Larsson, LC., Laikre, L., Palm, S., Andre, C., Carvalho, GR., Ryman, N., (2007) Concordance of allozyme and microsatellite differentiation in a marine fish, but evidence of selection at a microsatellite locus, Molecular Ecology, 16(6), 1135-1147. Le vay, L., Carvalho, GR., Quinitio, ET., Lebata, JH., Ut, VN., Fushimi, H., (2007) Quality of hatchery-reared juveniles for marine fisheries stock enhancement, Aquaculture, 268(1-4), 169-180. Mesquita, N., Cunha, C., Carvalho, GR., Coelho, MM., (2007) Comparative phylogeography of endemic cyprinids in the south-west Iberian Peninsula: evidence for a new ichthyogeographic area, Journal of Fish Biology, 71, 45-75. Weetman, D., Hauser, L., Carvalho, GR., (2006) Heterogeneous evolution of microsatellites revealed by reconstruction of recent mutation history in an invasive apomictic snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, Genetica, 127(1-3), 285-293. Bekkevold, D., Andre, C., Dahlgren, TG., Clausen, LAW., Torstensen, E., Mosegaard, H., Carvalho, GR., Christensen, TB., Norlinder, E., Ruzzante, DE., (2005) Environmental correlates of population differentiation in Atlantic herring, Evolution, 59(12), 2656-2668. Case, RAJ., Hutchinson, WF., Hauser, L., Van oosterhout, C., Carvalho, GR., (2005) Macro- and micro-geographic variation in pantophysin (PanI) allele frequencies in NE Atlantic cod Gadus morhua, Marine Ecology-progress Series, 301, 267-278. D'amato, ME., Carvalho, GR., (2005) Population genetic structure and history of the long-tailed hake, Macruronus magellanicus, in the SW Atlantic as revealed by mtDNA RFLP analysis, Ices Journal of Marine Science, 62(2), 247-255. Hanfling, B., Bolton, P., Harley, M., Carvalho, GR., (2005) A molecular approach to detect hybridisation between crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and non-indigenous carp species (Carassius spp. and Cyprinus carpio), Freshwater Biology, 50(3), 403-417. Hughes, RN., D'amato, ME., Bishop, JDD., Carvalho, GR., Craig, SF., Hansson, LJ., Harley, MA., Pemberton, AJ., (2005) Paradoxical polyembryony? Embryonic cloning in an ancient order of marine bryozoans, Biology Letters, 1(2), 178-180.
