I have been working as a researcher since 2003, first at the University of Glasgow and now in the College of Human and Health Sciences, at Swansea University. I completed my PhD in 2012 and have worked on a variety of research projects looking at health and social policy.
I am currently working as a post-doctoral researcher, and am conducting a process evaluation of the implementation of a population health programme in the Hywel Dda health board. The project uses qualitative methods, including policy analysis, and interviews and observations, to map out the development of the programme and uses two case studies to explore how it is being interpreted by individual population health groups.
Previous work has included a UK-wide ESRC funded project looking at the implementation of Direct Payments, the impact of supported employment on the mental health and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities, and young disabled people’s experiences of service use in Scotland.
My PhD explored the attitudes of people with learning disabilities towards food, health and obesity. It focussed on their views and beliefs and found that rather than lacking sufficient knowledge, they often lacked the opportunity to make choices for themselves. In addition it used ideas of psycho-emotional disablism to look at why the participants might become disengaged from the process of determining their diets. The thesis used qualitative methods and took a participatory approach to the production of data. It primarily employed a grounded theory approach to analysis.
Previous teaching experience has included lecturing and tutoring on an Introduction to Disability Studies, at the University of Glasgow.
Research and teaching interests include disability studies, health service provision and access, and qualitative methods, particularly researching hard to reach groups and potentially vulnerable people, and theories of emancipatory and participatory research.
I am an honorary researcher for NHS Wales.
Start Date End Date Position Held Location
2003 2012 Research Fellow University of Glasgow