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After a successful clincial career as a general nurse and a Health Visitor, Joy moved into Higher Education in 1989. Joy has eclectic research interests but the focus of her work is within community and primary health care. She has had a long standing interest in women’s health issues dating back to her Masters and PhD work in community well woman clinics which has broadened over the years to encompass minority ethnic health and promoting active ageing. Her research interests also include public and user involvement in primary health care and public health nursing. She has a track record of funded research, publications and doctoral degree completions. She is a member of the Older People and Ageing Research and Development Network, the Centre for Innovative Ageing, the Community Nursing Research Strategy Group for Wales and the Wales Ethnicity Research Collaboration. Her most recent completed projects include a NISCHR funded project exploring the nutritional care provided to older people in two different types of residential care homes,an ESRC funded project with colleagues from Loughborough, Bristol, London and Sheffield which explored migration, nutrition and ageing across the lifecourse in Bangladeshi families (MINA) conducted in Cardiff and Bangladesh and a survey exploring European nurses’ views, expecatations and experiences of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing with colleagues from across Europe. Start Date End Date Position Held Location 1999 2003 Senior Lecturer (Research) Swansea University 1989 1999 Lecturer in Nursing University of Manchester 1984 1997 Cheltenham and District Health Authority Health Visitor Cheltenham 1982 1983 Staff Nurse St Thomas’ Hospital, London


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Jennings, H., Merrell, J., Heinrich, M. & Thompson, J. (0). Food or Medicine? The food medicine interface in households in Sylhet. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 167, 97-104. https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa22898 doi:10.1016/j.jep.2014.09.011 Merrell, J., Olumide, G. & Khanom, A. (0). Work in progress': nurse educators' views on preparing pre-registration nursing students in Wales for practice in multi-ethnic environments. Journal of Research in Nursing 19(6), 490-501. https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa22897 Capiello, J., Merrell, J. & Rentschler, D. (0). Women’s experiences of decision making with medication abortion. MCN American Journal of Maternal and Child Nursing. 39(5), 325-330. https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa22896 doi:DOI:10.1097/NMC.0000000000000063 Merrell, J. (0). A Qualitative Study of Women's Decision to View or Not View an Ultrasound Image Before Early Medication Abortion. Womens Health Issues 24(4), 413-418 https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa22895 Lehna, C., Merrell, J., Furmanek, S. & Twyman, S. (2017). Home fire safety intervention pilot with urban older adults living in Wales. Burns 43(1), 69-75. https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa30221 doi:10.1016/j.burns.2016.06.025 Morgan, P., Merrell, J. & Rentschler, D. (2015). Midlife mothers favor ‘being with’ children. Work: A journal of prevention, assessment and rehabilitation 50(3), 477-489. https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa22894 doi:10.3233/WOR-141958 PHILPIN, S., MERRELL, J., WARRING, J., HOBBY, D. & GREGORY, V. (2013). Memories, identity and homeliness: the social construction of mealtimes in residential care homes in South Wales. Ageing and Society, 1-37. https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa13684 doi:10.1017/S0144686X12001274 Morgan, P., Merrell, J., Rentschler, D. & Chadderton, H. (2012). Uncertainty during perimenopause: perceptions of older first-time mothers. Journal of Advanced Nursing 68(10), 2299-2308. https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa8383 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05923.x Merrell, J. Philpin, S. Warring, J. Hobby, D. & Gregory, V. (2012). Addressing the nutritional needs of older people in residential care homes. Health & Social Care in the Community 20(2), 208-215. https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa8384 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2524.2011.01033.x Murphy, F. & Merrell, J. (2009). Negotiating the Transition: caring for women through the experience of early miscarriage. Journal of Clinical Nursing 18(11), 1585-1591. https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa8392 doi:DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02701.x Merrell, J. Carnwell, R. Williams, A. Allen, D. & Griffiths, L. (2007). A survey of school nursing provision in the UK. Journal of Advanced Nursing 59(5), 463 https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa1300 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2007.04310.x Merrell, J. Kinsella, F. Murphy, F. Philpin, S. & Ali, A. (2006). Accessibility and equity of health and social care services: exploring the views and experiences of Bangladeshi carers in South Wales, UK. Health and Social Care in the Community 14(3), 197 https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa1298 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2524.2006.00610.x Merrell, J. Kinsella, F. Murphy, F. Philpin, S. & Ali, A. (2005). Support needs of carers of dependent adults from a Bangladeshi community. Journal of Advanced Nursing 51(6), 549 https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa1297 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2005.03539.x
