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Staiger, H., Charlton, R., Klungsøyr, K., Neville, A., Jordan, S., Pierini, A., de Jong-van den Berg, L., Bos, H., Puccini, A., Engeland, A., Gini, R., Davies, G., Thayer, D., Hansen, A., Morgan, M., Wang, H., McGrogan, A., Nybo Andersen, A., Dolk, H. et. al. (2016). Prescribing of Antidiabetic Medicines before, during and after Pregnancy: A Study in Seven European Regions. PLOS ONE 11(5), e0155737
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Charlton, R., Pierini, A., Klungsøyr, K., Neville, A., Jordan, S., de Jong-van den Berg, L., Thayer, D., Bos, H., Puccini, A., Hansen, A., Gini, R., Engeland, A., Nybo Andersen, A., Dolk, H. & Garne, E. (2016). Asthma medication prescribing before, during and after pregnancy: a study in seven European regions. BMJ Open 6(1), e009237
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Jordan, S., Morris, J., Davies, G., Tucker, D., Thayer, D., Luteijn, J., Morgan, M., Garne, E., Hansen, A., Klungsøyr, K., Engeland, A., Boyle, B. & Dolk, H. (2016). Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) Antidepressants in Pregnancy and Congenital Anomalies: Analysis of Linked Databases in Wales, Norway and Funen, Denmark. PLOS ONE 11(12), e0165122
https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa31491 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0165122