2009年东北大学理学院材料物理与化学专业 博士毕业
1. 合金电子结构与成分设计
2. 钛合金、镁合金及铝合金组织性能研究
3. 钢铁材料组织性能研究
4. 矿用金属材料熔覆与焊接技术研究
[1] Cheng Lin, Guili Yin, Aimin Zhang, Yongqing Zhao, Qingchun Li. Simple models to account for the formation and decomposition of athermal ω phase in titanium alloys [J]. Scripta Materialia 117 (2016) 28-31. (SCI收录)
[2] Cheng Lin, Shixing Huang, Guili Yin, Aimin Zhang, Zhiwei Zhao, Yongqing Zhao. A simple model to ascertain the initial formation concentration of athermal ω phase in titanium alloys [J]. Computational Materials Science 123(2016) 263-267. (SCI收录)
[3] Cheng Lin, Guili Yin, Yongqing Zhao, Jianzhong Wang. Analysis of the effect of alloy elements on allotropic transformation in titanium alloys with the use of cohesive energy [J]. Computational Materials Science 111(2016) 41-46. (SCI收录)
[4] Cheng Lin, Yongqing Zhao, Guili Yin. Calculation of the lattice constant of solids with the use of valence electron structure parameters [J]. Computational Materials Science 97(2015) 86-93. (SCI收录)
[5] Cheng Lin, Guili Yin, Yongqing Zhao. Calculation of the cohesive energy of solids with the use of valence electron structure parameters. Computational Materials Science 101 (2015) 168-174. (SCI收录)
[6] Lin Cheng, Yin Guili, Liu Zhilin, Zhao Yongqing, Ge Peng. Analysis of the effect of alloy elements on martensitic transformation in titanium alloy with the use of valence electron structure parameters. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011,125:411-417. (SCI收录)
[7] Lin Cheng,Liu Zhilin,Zhao Yongqing.Theoretical researches on phase transformations in metastable b-titanium alloys,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2009,40A(5):1049-1058(SCI收录)
[8] Lin Cheng,Liu Zhilin.Statistical values of valence electron structure parameters applied to research on phase transition temperature and eutectoid of titanium alloy,Sci China Ser E-Tech,2008,51(11):1867-1880(SCI收录)
[9] 林成,尹桂丽,刘志林,赵永庆,葛鹏.高强钛合金抗拉强度的理论计算.稀有金属材料与工程,2010,39(7):1189-1194(SCI收录)
[10] 林成,刘志林,尹桂丽.非金属元素对工业纯钛相变温度影响的理论研究.稀有金属材料与工程,2008,37(4):571-576(SCI收录)