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1、外场作用下金属固态相变过程研究; 2、 磁性材料研究;


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[1] QingChun Li, RenXing Li, XuDong Yue, GuoWei Chang, QiJie Zhai. Effect of electropulsing on the formation of graphite during solid state graphitization of spherical graphite iron. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2008, 112(2): 402-406. [2] QingChun Li, RenXing Li, GuoWei Chang, QiJie Zhai. Solid-state graphitization of spherical graphite iron by electropulsing annealing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009, 209(4): 2015-2020. [3] Qingchun LI, Guowei CHANG, Qijie ZHAI. Cementite decomposition in spherical graphite iron by electropulsing. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2009, 25(2):199-202. [4] QingChun Li, RenXing Li, GuoWei Chang, QiJie Zhai. Effect of electropulsing pretreatment on the solid state graphitization of spherical graphite iron. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International. 2012,19(12). [5] Qing-chun LI, Yong-feng QI, Shu XU, Chao WANG, Guo-wei CHANG. Migration of δ/γ Interface in Low Carbon Steels during Continuous Cooling. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International. 2014,21(9) [6] Li Qingchun, Yang Bo, Li Chong, Wang Chao, Chang Guowei. Influence of Semi-solid Isothermal Treatment on Eutectic Carbide in Cr12MoV Steel. China Foundry. 2014,11(6). [7] Qingchun LI, Bo WANG, Xudong YUE, Guangcan JIN, Guowei CHANG. Research of shrinkage process for Fe-0.18%C cast ingot during solidification. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 299-300: 350-354. [8]李青春,常国威,李仁兴,陈湘茹,翟启杰.球墨铸铁的脉冲电流退火处理.材料热处理学报. 2008, 29(3):118-121. [9]李青春,常国威,翟启杰.脉冲电流对球墨铸铁退火组织与性能的影响. 北京科技大学学报. 2008, 30(8):854-858. [10]李青春,林大帅,杨晓平,常国威,翟启杰.球墨铸铁加热过程中渗碳体石墨化的原位观察.材料热处理学报.2011, 32(10): 80-84. [11]李青春,李仁兴,翟启杰,杨晓平,常国威. 脉冲电流对热处理过程中非金属相形态的影响.北京科技大学学报. 2011, 33(10): 1238-1242.
