Elected Fellow of The Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE) (Presidential nomination 2003)
Pergammon Publications IAWQ Medal (The International Water Association 2000)
Telford Premium Prize (Prize, The Institution of Civil Engineers 1996)
Fulbright Scholarship (The British Council/Fulbright Commission 1984)
Frederick Palmer Prize (Prize, The Istitution of Civil Engineers 1976)
Modeling moving boundary in shallow water by LBM.
Inlet and outlet boundary conditions for the lattice-Boltzmann modelling of shallow water flows
Modelling solute transport in shallow water with the lattice Boltzmann method
Modelling the free surface flow in rectangular shallow basins by lattice Boltzmann method
Dee Estuary/ Liverpool Bay - Tidal Energy Resource
Lattice Boltzmann Method for Open Channel Flows
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of the transient shallow water flows
Releasing the Civic Renewability (tidal power and sea defence) Potential of the British Isles
Releasing the tidal power potential of UK coastal waters
Studies on Tidal power from the estuaries of North-West England
Tidal power from the estuaries of NW England
A Lattice Boltzmann Model for Dam Break Flows
An Integrated Model to Evaluate Losses in Water Distribution Systems
Environmental impacts of tidal power schemes
Foreword to special issue on Renewable energy: Leveraging ocean and waterways Towards energy sustainability—a role for marine renewables
Lattice Boltzmann model for shallow water flows in curved and meandering channels
Modelling tidal stream power potential
Multi-block lattice Boltzmann simulations of subcritical flow in open channel junctions
Numerical modeling of turbulent compound channel flow using the lattice Boltzmann method
Power on Tap
Research findings of the Eastern Irish Sea (tidal energy)Project
Tapping the tidal power potential of the Eastern Irish Sea
The tidal range energy potential of the West Coast of the United Kingdom
Tidal energy potential in UK waters