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I am interested in understanding fundamental processes like mutation and recombination which generate DNA diversity and thus contribute to disease and drive evolution


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Berg IL, Neumann R, Lam KWG, Sarbajna S, Odenthal-Hesse L, May CA & Jeffreys AJ. PRDM9 variation strongly influences recombination hot-spot activity and meiotic instability in humans Nature Genet. 42, 859-863 (2010) Kauppi L, May CA & Jeffreys AJ (2009) Analysis of meiotic recombination products from human sperm. Methods Mol Biol 557:323-355. Shanks ME, May CA, Dubrova YE, Balaresque P, Rosser ZH, Adams SM & Jobling MA (2008) Complex germline and somatic mutation processes at a haploid human minisatellite shown by single-molecule analysis Mutation Research 648:46-53. May CA, Slingsby MT & Jeffreys AJ (2007) Human recombination hotspots: before and after the HapMap project. Pages 195-244 in “Recombination and meiosis; crossing over and disjunction” volume of the “Genome Dynamics and Stability” series, eds. R. Egel & D. Lankenau, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. Jeffreys AJ & May CA (2004) Intense and highly localised gene conversion activity in human meiotic crossover hot spots. Nature Genetics 36(2):151-156. Jeffreys AJ, Holloway JK, Kauppi L, May CA, Neumann R, Slingsby MT & Webb AJ (2004) Meiotic recombination hotspots and human DNA diversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London series B 359(1441):141-152. Jeffreys AJ & May CA (2003) DNA enrichment by allele-specific hybridization (DEASH): a novel method for haplotyping and for detecting low frequency base-substitutional variants and recombinant DNA molecules. Genome Research 13:2316-2324. May CA, Shone AC, Kalaydjieva L, Sajantila A & Jeffreys AJ (2002) Crossover clustering and rapid decay of linkage disequilibrium in the Xp/Yp pseudoautosomal gene SHOX. Nature Genetics 31:272-275. May CA, Tamaki K, Neumann R, Wilson G, Zagars G, Pollack A, Dubrova YE, Jeffreys AJ & Meistrich ML (2000) Human minisatellite sperm mutation frequency following radiotherapy. Mutation Research 453: 67-75. Rogers EJ, Shone AC, Alonso S, May CA & Armour JAL (2000) Integrated analysis of sequence evolution and population history using hypervariable compound haplotypes. Human Molecular Genetics 9: 2675-2681. Monteiro C, Marcelino LA, Conde AR, Saraiva C, Giphart-Gassler M, De Nooij-van Dalen AG, Van Buuren-van Seggelen V, Van der Keur M, May CA, Armour JAL, Lehmann AR, Steingrimsdottir H, Beare D, Capulas E & Cole J (2000) Molecular methods for the detection of mutations. Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis 20: 357-386. Korpim?ki E, May CA, Parkin DT, Wetton JH & Wiehn J (2000) Environmental and parental condition related variation in sex ratio of kestrel broods. Journal of Avian Biology 31: 128-134. doi:10.1034/j.1600-048X.2000.310204.x Jeffreys AJ, Barber R, Bois P, Buard J, Dubrova YE, Hollies CRH, May CA, Neumann R, Panayi M, Ritchie AE, Shone AC, Signer E, Stead JDH and Tamaki K (1999) Human minisatellites, repeat DNA instability and meiotic recombination. Electrophoresis 20: 1665-1675. He Q, Cederberg H, Armour JAL, May CA & Rannug U (1999) Polarity and orientation-dependence of inter-allelic exchanges at human minisatellite MS205 in yeast. Gene 232: 143-153. Tamaki K, May CA, Dubrova YE & Jeffreys AJ (1999) Extremely complex repeat shuffling during germline mutation at human minisatellite B6.7. Human Molecular Genetics 8: 879-888. Jeffreys AJ, Bois P, Buard J, Collick A, Dubrova Y, Hollies CR, May CA, Murray J, Neil DL, Neumann R, Stead JDH, Tamaki K, Yardley J (1997) Spontaneous and induced minisatellite instability. Electrophoresis 18: 1501-1511. May CA, Jeffreys AJ & Armour JAL (1996) Mutation rate heterogeneity and the generation of allele diversity at the human minisatellite locus MS205 (D16S309). Human Molecular Genetics 5: 1823-1833. Armour JAL, Anttinen T, May CA, Vega EE, Sajantila A, Kidd JR, Kidd KK, Bertranpetit J, P??bo S & Jeffreys AJ (1996) Minisatellite diversity supports a recent African origin for modern humans. Nature Genetics 13:154-160. Korpim?ki E, Lahti K, May CA, Parkin DT, Powell GB, Tolonen P & Wetton JH (1996) Copulatory behaviour & paternity determined by single-locus profiling in kestrels: effects of cyclic food abundance. Animal Behaviour.51:945-955. doi:10.1006/anbe.1996.0098 Jeffreys AJ, Allen MJ, Armour JAL, Collick A, Dubrova Y, Fretwell N, Guram T, Jobling M, May CA, Neil DL & Neumann R (1995) Mutation processes at human minisatellites. Electrophoresis 16: 1577-1585. Zeh DW, Zeh JA & May CA (1994) Charomid cloning vectors meet the pedipalpal chelae: single-locus minisatellite probes for paternity assignment in the harlequin beetle-riding pseudoscorpion. Molecular Ecology 3: 517-522. May CA, Wetton JH & Parkin DT (1993) Polymorphic sex-specific sequences in birds of prey. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series B 253: 271-276. doi:10.1098/rspb.1993.0113 Zeh DW, May CA, Coffroth MA & Bermingham E (1993) Mbo I and Macrohaltica - quality of DNA fingerprints is strongly enzyme-dependent in an insect (Coleoptera). Molecular Ecology 2: 61-63. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.1993.tb00100.x5 May CA, Wetton JH, Davis PE, Brookfield JFY & Parkin DT (1993) Single-locus profiling reveals loss of variation in inbred populations of the Red Kite (Milvus milvus). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series B 251: 165 – 170. doi:10.1098/rspb.1993.0024 May CA & Wetton JH (1991) DNA fingerprinting by specific priming of concatenated oligonucleotides. Nucleic Acids Research 19: 4557.
