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Demars BOL, Gornall RJ (2003) Identification of British species of Callitriche by means of isozymes, Watsonia 24 389-399 Gornall RJ (2002) Saxifragaceae In Preston CD, Pearman DA, Dines TD (eds) New atlas of the British and Irish flora pp 313-321 Oxford University Press King RA, Gornall RJ, Preston CD, Croft JM (2002) Population differentiation of Potamogeton pectinatus in the Baltic Sea with reference to waterfowl dispersal. Molecular Ecology 11 1947-1956 King RA, Gornall RJ, Preston CD and Croft JM. 2001. Molecular confirmation of Potamogeton x bottnicus (P pectinatus x P vaginatus, Potamogetonaceae) in Britain. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 135: 67-70. Pan J-T, Gornall RJ and Ohba H. 2001. Saxifraga. In: Wu Z-Y and Raven PH, ed. Flora of China, pp. 280-344. Beijing: Science Press. Gornall RJ, Ohba H and Pan J-T 2000. New taxa, names and combinations in Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) for the Flora of China. Novon 10: 375-377. Gornall RJ. 1999. Population genetic structure in agamospermous plants. In: Hollingsworth PM, Bateman RM and Gornall RJ, ed. Molecular systematics and plant evolution, pp. 118-138. London: Taylor & Francis. Hollingsworth PM, Bateman RM and Gornall RJ, eds. 1999. Molecular systematics and plant evolution. London, Taylor & Francis, pp. xvi + 485. Preston CD, Hollingsworth PM and Gornall RJ. 1999. The distribution and habitat of Potamogeton x suecicus K Richt. (P filiformis Pers. x P pectinatus L). in the British Isles. Watsonia 22: 329-342. Gornall RJ. 1998. i) Saxifragaceae. ii) Francoaceae. In: Cutler DF and Gregory M, ed. Anatomy of the dicotyledons, 2nd ed., pp. 192-200; 243-244. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
