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Molecular cytogenetics, genomics, chromatin, biodiversity and its exploitation, bioinformatics, retrotransposons, repetitive DNA structure, evolution and function, cereals, bovids, model plant and animal species, tropical crops.


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1. Dietrich DR, Dekant W, Greim H, Heslop-Harrison P, Berry C, Boobis A, Hengstler JG, Sharpe R. 2016. EU safety regulations: Don’t mar legislation with pseudoscience. Nature 535: 355 2. John S. Heslop-Harrison *, Trude Schwarzacher. 2013. Nucleosomes and centromeric DNA packaging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110(50): 19974–19975. 3. John S. Heslop-Harrison*. 2012. Genome evolution: extinction, continuation or explosion? Current Opinion in Plant Biology 15(2):115–121. 4. John S. Heslop-Harrison*, Trude Schwarzacher*. 2011. Organization of the plant genome in chromosomes. Plant Journal 66(1): 18–33. 5. John S. Heslop-Harrison*, Minoru Murata, Yutaka Ogura, Trude Schwarzacher, Fusao Motoyoshi. 1999. Polymorphisms and genomic organization of repetitive DNA from centromeric regions of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes. Plant Cell 11(1): 31–42.
