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教育工作经历 2014.07-2017.05,科学博士,伍伦贡大学 1999.05-2014.05,伍伦贡大学,教授 2014.05-2022.09,伍伦贡大学,杰出教授 2022.09至今,上海理工大学,能源材料科学院首席科学家 荣誉奖励 澳大利亚工程院院士,2013年 澳大利亚员佐勋章,2022年 UOW杰出教授,2019年 澳大利亚工程院院士评审委员会委员,2018年 澳华科技协会终身成就奖,2018年 国际影响力女性成就奖,2016年 UOW杰出女性科研工作者,2016年 UOW杰出教授,2014年 校长高级研究员卓越奖,2013年 全球高被引科学家,2016,2018-2023年




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Ø Luo, B. Wang, F. Wu, J. Jian, K. Yang, F. Jin, B. Cong, Y. Ning, Y. Zhou, D. Wang, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou. Synergistic nanostructure and heterointerface design propelled ultra-efficient in-situ self-transformation of zinc-ion battery cathodes with favorable kinetics. Nano Energy 2021, 81 105601. (IF: 17.9) [ESI Highly Cited] Ø F. Wang, B. Wang, J. Li, B. Wang, Y. Zhou, D. Wang, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou. Prelithiation: A Crucial Strategy for Boosting the Practical Application of Next-Generation Lithium Ion Battery. ACS Nano 2021, 15, 2197. (IF: 15.9) [ESI Highly Cited] Ø H. Luo, B. Wang, F. Wu, J. Jian, K. Yang, F. Jin, B. Cong, Y. Ning, Y. Zhou, D. Wang, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou. Synergistic nanostructure and heterointerface design propelled ultra-efficient in-situ self-transformation of zinc-ion battery cathodes with favorable kinetics. Nano Energy 2021, 81 105601. (IF: 17.9) [ESI Highly Cited] Ø W. L. Wang, Y. Gang, Z. Hu, Z. C. Yan, W. J. Li, Y. C. Li, Q. F. Gu, Z. X. Wang, S. L. Chou, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou. Reversible structural evolution of sodium-rich rhombohedral Prussian blue for sodium-ion batteries. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 980. (IF: 14.9) [ESI Highly Cited] Ø J. Lee, J. Moon, S. A. Han, J. Kim, V. Malgras, Y. U. Heo, H. Kim, S. M. Lee, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou, Y. Yamauchi, M. S. Park, J. H. Kim. Everlasting living and breathing gyroid 3D network in Si@SiOx/C nanoarchitecture for lithium-ion battery. ACS Nano 2019, 13, 9607. (IF: 15.3) [ESI Highly Cited] Ø C. Z. Shu, J. Z. Wang, J. P. Long, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou. Understanding the reaction chemistry during charging in aprotic lithium-oxygen batteries: Existing problems and solutions. Adv. Mater. 2019, 31, 1804587. (IF: 30.8) [ESI Highly Cited] Ø G. Zhu, F. Z. Zhang, X. M. Li, W. Luo, L. Li, H. Zhang, L. J. Wang, Y. X. Wang, W. Jiang, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou, and J. P. Yang. Engineering the distribution of carbon in silicon oxide nanospheres at the atomic level for highly stable anodes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 6669. (IF: 15.3) [ESI Highly Cited] Ø J. Q. Deng, W. B. Luo, S. L. Chou, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou. Sodium-ion batteries: from academic research to practical commercialization. Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 8, 1701428. (IF: 29.4) [ESI Highly Cited] Ø B, W. Zhang, T. Sheng, Y. D. Liu, Y. X. Wang, L. Zhang, W. H. Lai, L. Wang, J. P. Yang, Q. F. Gu, S. L. Chou, H. K. Liu, and S. X. Dou. Atomic cobalt as an efficient electrocatalyst in sulfur cathodes for superior room-temperature sodium-sulfur batteries. Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 4082. (IF: 14.9) [ESI Highly Cited] Ø J. P. Yang, Y. X. Wang, W. Li, L. J. Wang, Y. C. Fan, W. Jiang, W. Luo, Y. Wang, B. Kong, C. Selomulya, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou, D. Y. Zhao. Amorphous TiO2 shells: A vital elastic buffering layer on silicon nanoparticles for high-performance and safe lithium storage. Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1700523. (IF: 30.8) [ESI Highly Cited]
