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教育经历 2008.08-2013.12,美国阿肯色大学,博士,物理 2004.09-2008.06,浙江大学,学士,物理 工作经历 2016.09- ,华东师范大学,精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室,研究员 2014.03-2016.08,美国奥克拉荷马大学,博士后 社会兼职 任Journal of Frontiers in Optics and Photonics的编委。担任Phys. Rev. Lett.等十余个SCI期刊的评审员


腔光力学 腔光力学利用辐射压和光学谐振腔,可以实现对宏观物体的量子操控,是重要的前沿科学领域,在基础科学研究和实际应用都有重大意义,包括宏观量子态冷却、探索经典与量子的边界、引力波探测、暗物质探测、量子引力效应验证等。我们基于微纳薄膜实现了多振子腔光力系统,在国际上具有领先性。研究目标包括在宏观尺度上验证量子力学基本问题,研究高精度精密测量量子传感、微纳量子光学重要物理,以及发展宏观尺度的量子器件等。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

J. Sheng, C. Yang, and H. Wu, “Realization of a coupled-mode heat engine with cavity-mediated nanoresonators”, Science Advances 7, eabl7740 (2021). C. Yang, X. Wei, J. Sheng, and H. Wu, “Phonon heat transport in cavity-mediated optomechanical nanoresonators”, Nature Communications 11, 4656 (2020). J. Sheng, X. Wei, C. Yang, and H. Wu, “Self-organized synchronization of phonon laser”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 053604 (2020). X. Wei, J. Sheng, Y. Wu, W. Liu, and H. Wu, “Twin-beam-enhanced displacement measurement of a membrane in a cavity”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 251105 (2019). X. Wei, J. Sheng, C. Yang, Y. Wu, and H. Wu, “Controllable two-membrane-in-the-middle cavity optomechanical system”, Phys. Rev. A 99, 023851 (2019). Z. Zhang, L. Yang, J. Feng, J. Sheng, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and M. Xiao, “Parity-time-symmetric optical lattice with alternating gain and loss atomic configurations”, Laser & Photonics Reviews 2018, 1800155 (2018). X. Zhang, J. Sheng, and H. Wu, “Temporal rocking in a nonlinear hybrid optomechanical system”, Optics Express 26, 6285 (2018). Z. Zhang, D. Ma, J. Sheng, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and M. Xiao, “Non-Hermitian optics in atomic systems”, J. Phys. B 49, 064014 (2018). Z. Zhang, J. Feng, X. Liu, J. Sheng, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and M. Xiao, “Controllable photonic crystal with periodic Raman gain in a coherent atomic medium”, Opt. Lett. 43, 919 (2018). Z. Zhang, X. Liu, D. Zhang, J. Sheng, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and M. Xiao, “Observation of electromagnetically induced Talbot effect in an atomic system with nonlinearity”, Phys. Rev. A 97, 013603 (2018). S. Wu, J. Sheng, X. Zhang, Y. Wu, and H. Wu, “Mechanical Spectroscopy of Parametric Amplification in a High-Q Membrane Microresonator”, AIP advances 8, 015209 (2018). J. Sheng, Y. Chao, S. Kumar, H. Fan, J. Sedlacek, and J. P. Shaffer, “Intracavity Rydberg-atom electromagnetically induced transparency using a high-finesse optical cavity”, Phys. Rev. A 96, 033813 (2017). H. Fan, S. Kumar, H. Kubler, Jiteng Sheng, and J. Shaffer, “Microwave electric field measurements using Mach-Zehnder interferometer with Cesium Rydberg atoms in vapor cells”, Scientific Reports 7, 42981, (2017). Jiteng Sheng, Y. Chao, and J. Shaffer, “Strong coupling of Rydberg atoms and surface phonon polaritons on piezoelectric superlattices”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 103201 (2016). Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Jiteng Sheng, L. Yang, M. Miri, D. N. Christodoulides, B. He, Y. Zhang, and M. Xiao, “Observation of parity-time symmetry in optically induced atomic lattices”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 123601 (2016). S. Kumar, Jiteng Sheng, J. Sedlacek, H. Fan, and J. Shaffer, “Collective state synthesis in an optical cavity using Rydberg atom dipole blockade”, J. Phys. B 49, 064014 (2016). Y. Chao, Jiteng Sheng, J. Sedlacek, and J. Shaffer, “Surface phonon polaritons on anisotropic piezoelectric superlattices”, Phys. Rev. B 93, 045419 (2016). H. Fan, S. Kumar, Jiteng Sheng, J. Shaffer, C. Holloway, and J. Gordon, “Effect of vapor-cell geometry on Rydberg-atom-based measurements of radio-frequency electric fields”, Physical Review Applied 4, 044015 (2015). Jiteng Sheng, J. Wang, M. Miri, D. Christodoulides, and M. Xiao, “Observation of discrete diffraction patterns in an optically induced lattice”, Optics Express 23, 19777 (2015). B. He, A. V. Sharypov, Jiteng Sheng, C. Simon, and Min Xiao, “Two-photon dynamics in coherent Rydberg atomic ensemble”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 133606 (2014). X. M. Su, Jiteng Sheng, and Min Xiao, “Coupled atomic coherences induced by a standing wave”, Optics Communications 318, 120 (2014). Jiteng Sheng, J. Wang, and Min Xiao, “Synchronous control of dual-channel all-optical multistate switching”, Optics Letters 38, 5369 (2013). U. Khadka, Jiteng Sheng, and Min Xiao, “Spatial-domain interactions between ultra-weak optical beams”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 223601 (2013). Jiteng Sheng, Mohammad-Ali Miri, D. N. Christodoulides, and Min Xiao, “PT-symmetric optical potentials in a coherent atomic medium”, Phys. Rev. A 88, 041803(R) (2013). J. F. Wang, Jiteng Sheng, S. N. Zhu, and M. Xiao, “Implementation of bright two-color quadripartite continuous-variable entanglement by the quantum optical dimer”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 30, 2130 (2013). Jiteng Sheng and M. Xiao, “Amplification of the intracavity dark-state field by a four-wave mixing process”, Laser Physics Letters 10, 055402 (2013). Jiteng Sheng, U. Khadka, and M. Xiao, “Realization of All-optical Multistate Switching in an Atomic Coherent Medium”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 223906 (2012). U. Khadka, Jiteng Sheng, X. Yang, and M. Xiao, “Measurement of Two Independent Phase-shifts Using Coupled Parametric Amplifiers”, New Journal of Physics, 14, 043026 (2012). Jiteng Sheng, H. Wu, X. Yang, U. Khadka, and M. Xiao, “Noise Correlations in a Doubly-resonant Atomic Optical Parametric Oscillator”, Optics Letters 37, 1655 (2012). X. Yang, Jiteng Sheng, U. Khadka, and M. Xiao, “Generation of Correlated and Anti-correlated Multiple Fields via Atomic Spin Coherence”, Phys. Rev. A 85, 013824 (2012). Jiteng Sheng, X. Yang, H. Wu, and M. Xiao, “Modified self-Kerr-nonlinearity in a four-level N-type atomic system”, Phys. Rev. A 84, 053820 (2011). X. Yang, Jiteng Sheng, and M. Xiao, “Electromagnetically induced absorption via incoherent collisions”, Phys. Rev. A 84, 043837 (2011). Jiteng Sheng, X. Yang, U. Khadka, and M. Xiao, “All-optical Switching in an N-type Four-level Atom-cavity System”, Optics Express 19, 17059 (2011). X. Yang, Jiteng Sheng, U. Khadka, and M. Xiao, “Simultaneous Control of Two Four-wave Mixing Fields via Atomic Spin Coherence”, Phys. Rev. A 83, 063812 (2011). Jiteng Sheng, H. Wu, M. Mumba, J. Gea-Banacloche and M. Xiao, “Understanding Cavity Resonances with Intracavity Dispersion Properties”, Phys. Rev. A 83, 023829 (2011). Y. B. Yu, Jiteng Sheng, and M. Xiao, “Generation of Bright Quadricolor Continuous-variable Entanglement by Four-wave Mixing Process”, Phys. Rev. A 83, 012321 (2011). S. Li, X. Zhou, X. Cao, Jiteng Sheng, Y. Xu, Z. Wang, and Qiang Lin, “All-optical high sensitive atomic magnetometer”, Acta Physica Sinica 59, 877 (2010).
