Jihong Tong', Xiwang Liu', Wenhui Dong, Wenyu Jiang, Ming Zhu, Yidan Xu, Zitan Zuo, Peifen Lu, Xiaochun Gong*, Xiaohong Song, Weifeng Yang*, and Jian Wu*, Probing resonant photoionization time delay be self-referenced molecular attoclock, Physical Review Letter, 129, 173201 (2022).
Saijoscha Heck, Meng Han, Denis Jelovina, Jia-Bao Ji, Conaill Perry, Xiaochun Gong, Robert Lucchese, Kiyoshi Ueda, and Hans Jakob W?rner, Two-Center Interference in the Photoionization Delays of Kr2, Physical Review Letter, 129, 133002 (2022).
W. Jiang, G. S. J. Armstrong, J. Tong, Y. Xu, Z. Zuo, J. Qiang, P. Lu, D. D. A. Clarke, J. Benda, H. Ni, A. Fleischer, K. Ueda, H. W. van der Hart, A. C. Brown*, X. Gong*, J. Wu*, ‘Atomic partial wave meter by attosecond coincidence metrology’, Nature communications 13, 5072 (2022).
Xiaochun Gong', Saijoscha Heck', Denis Jelovina, ConnelPerry, Kristina Zinchenko, Robert Lucchese, Hans Jakob W?rner*, ' Attosecond spectroscopy of size-resolved water clusters', Nature 609, 507-511 (2022). Selected as Accelerated Article Preview (AAP) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05039-8 ETH news homepage: Attosecond measurement on electrons in water clusters https://ethz.ch/en/news-and-events/eth-news/news/2022/07/attosecond-measurement-on-electrons-in-water-clusters.html Phys.Org website: https://phys.org/news/2022-07-attosecond-electrons-clusters.html
Xiaochun Gong*, Inga Jordan, Martin Huppert, Saijoscha Heck, Denitsa Baykussheva, Denis Jelovina, Axel Schild and Hans Jakob W?rner*, Attosecond Photoionization Dynamics: from molecules over Clusters to the Liquid Phase, CHIMIA, 76, 520-528 (2022). [Review Article] https://doi.org/10.2533/chimia.2022.520 Cover Letter in Chimia Vol. 76 No. 6 (2022): Frontiers in Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Dynamics
X. Gong, W. Jiang, J. Tong, J. Qiang, P. Lu, H. Ni*, R. Lucchese, K. Ueda*, J. Wu*, Asymmetric attosecond photoionization in molecular shape resonance, Physical Review X 12, 011002 (2022).
X. Gong', S. Heck', D. Jelovina, C.Perry, K. Zinchenko, H.J. W?rner*, ' Attosecond spectroscopy of size-resolved water clusters', arXiv:2106.09459 (2021).
S. Heck, D. Baykusheva*, M. Han, J.-B. Ji, C. Perry, X. Gong and H. J. W?rner*, Attosecond Interferometry of Shape Resonances in the Recoil Frame of CF4, Science Advances 7, eabj8121 (2021).
X. Gong, P. He, J. Ma, W. Zhang, F. Sun, Q. Ji, K. Lin, H. Li, J. Qiang, P. Lu, H. Li, H. Zeng, J. Wu*, and F. He*, Observation of photon-nucleus angular-momentum transfer in the strong-field breaking of molecules Physical Review A 99, 063407 (2019).
X. Gong* , H. Li, P. Lu, Q. Song, Q. Ji, K. Lin, W. Zhang, J. Ma, HX. Li, H. Zeng and J. Wu, Ellipticity dependent symmetric break of doubly ionized acetylene in strong laser fields, Journal of Optics 19, 124008 (2017).
X. Gong, C. Lin, Q. Song, Kang Lin, Q. Ji, W. Zhang, J. Ma, P. Lu, H. Zeng, F. He, W. Yang*, and J. Wu*, Energy-resolved attosecond delays of photoelectron emission in multiphoton above threshold ionizations Physical Review Letter118, 143203 (2017).
X. Gong, P. He, Q. Song, Q. Ji, K. Lin, W. Zhang, P. Lu, H. Pan, J. Ding, H. Zeng, F. He*, and J. Wu*, Pathway-resolved photoelectron emission in dissociative ionization of molecules, Optica 3, 643 (2016).
X. Gong, Q. Song, Q. Ji, K. Lin, H. Pan, J. Ding, H. Zeng, and J. Wu*, Channel-Resolved Above-Threshold Double Ionization of Acetylene, Physical Review Letter 114, 163001 (2015).
X. Gong, P. He, Q. Song, Q. Ji, H. Pan, J. Ding, F. He*, H. Zeng, J. Wu*, Two-dimensional directional proton emission in dissociative ionization of H2, Physical Review Letter 113, 203001 (2014) Editors’ Suggestion.
X. Gong, Q. Song, Q. Ji, H. Pan, J. Ding, J. Wu*, and H. Zeng, Strong field dissociative double ionization of acetylene, Physical Review Letter 112, 243001 (2014).
X. Gong, M. Kunitski, K. J. Betsch, Q. Song, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, Nora G. Kling, O. Herrwerth, B. Bergues, A. Senftleben, J. Ullrich, R. Moshammer, G. G. Paulus, I. Ben-Itzhak, M. Lezius, M. F. Kling, H. Zeng, R. R. Jones, and J. Wu*, Multielectron effects in strong-field dissociative ionization of molecules, Physical Review A 89, 043429 (2014).
X. Gong, M. Kunitski, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, A. Czasch, R. D?rner, and J. Wu*, Simultaneous probing of geometry and electronic orbital of ArCO by Coulomb-explosion imaging and angle-dependent tunneling rates, Physical Review A 88, 013422 (2013).