2018.09~2021.07 复旦大学微电子学院 博士生
2014.09~2017.07 复旦大学微电子学院 硕士生
2010.09~2014.07 复旦大学微电子学院 本科生
2022.01~ 华东师范大学 副研究员
2017.07~2018.08 加特兰微电子 主任工程师
Yibo Fan, Leilei Huang, Kewei Chen, and Xiaoyang Zeng, A Highly Configurable 7.62GOP/s Hardware Implementation for LSTM, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E103-C, No.5, pp.263-273, May 2020.
Leilei Huang, Yibo Fan, Chenhao Gu, and Xiaoyang Zeng, A Micro-Code-Based IME Engine for HEVC and its Hardware Implementation, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E102-C, No.10, pp.756-765, Oct 2019.
Yibo Fan, Leilei Huang, Bei Hao, Xiaoyang Zeng, A Hardware-Oriented IME Algorithm for HEVC and its Hardware Implementation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Volume:28, Issue:8, Page(s):2048-2057, Aug.2018
Yibo Fan, Leilei Huang, Zheng Xie, and Xiaoyang Zeng, A High-throughput and Compact Hardware Implementation for the Reconstruction Loop in HEVC Intra Encoding, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E100-C, No.6, pp.643-654, June 2017.
Weiwei Shen, Yibo Fan, Yufeng Bai, Leilei Huang, Qing Shang, Cong Liu and Xiaoyang Zeng, A Combined Deblocking Filter and SAO Hardware Architecture for HEVC, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volume:18, Issue:6, Page:1022-1033, June 2016.
Yibo Fan, Leilei Huang, Yufeng Bai, Xiaoyang Zeng, A Parallel-Access Mapping Method for the Data Exchange Buffers around DCT/IDCT in HEVC Encoders Based on Single-Port SRAMs, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Volume: 62, Issue: 12, Pages: 1139 - 1143, Aug, 2015.
Chenhao Gu, Leilei Huang, Xiaoyang Zeng, Yibo Fan, A Micro-Code-Based Hardware Architecture of Integer Motion Estimation for HEVC, 27th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), Cusco, Peru, 6-9 Oct. 2019
Kewei Chen, Leilei Huang, Minjiang Li, Xiaoyang Zeng, Yibo Fan, A Compact and Configurable Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Hardware Architecture, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Athens, Greece, October 7-10, 2018.
Leilei Huang, Bei Hao,Xiaoyang Zeng, and Yibo Fan, Fast Motion Estimation Friendly Hardware Architecture for Hevc Encoders Based On 2-D Data Reuse and Low-Power Sad Tree, 2016 13th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), Hangzhou, China, Oct.25-28, 2016.
Qinwei Jiang, Leilei Huang, Yibo Fan, Xiaoyang Zeng, Quarter LCU based integer motion estimation algorithm for HEVC, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Phoenix, Arizona, USA,Sept. 2016.
Leilei Huang, Wei Cheng, Xiaoyang Zeng, Yibo Fan, A SRAM-Saving Two-Stage Storage Strategy for the Coefficients Memories in HEVC encoders, The 11th IEEE International Conference on ASIC (ASICON), Chengdu, China, Nov.3-6, 2015.
Yanheng Lu, Wei Cheng, Leilei Huang, Xiaoyang Zeng, Yibo Fan, A Flexible HEVC Intra Mode Decision Hardware for 8kx4k Real Time Encoder, The 11th IEEE International Conference on ASIC (ASICON), Chengdu, China, Nov.3-6, 2015.
Leilei Huang, Yanheng Lu, Xiaoyang Zeng, Yibo Fan, A Flexible and Low-Cost Hardware Implementation for Real-Time Video Stitching in 2D, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2015), Las Vegas, USA, Jan.9-12, 2015.
Leilei Huang, Yanheng Lu, Xiaoyang Zeng, Yibo Fan, A Flexible and Low-Cost Hardware Implementation for Real-Time Video Stitching in 2D, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2015), Las Vegas, USA, Jan.9-12, 2015.