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1991年生,湖北荆门人。2013年本科毕业于华中科技大学信息类数理提高班,2019年博士毕业于上海交通大学,其中2015年12月至2018年1月在新加坡国立大学国家公派博士联合培养。2019年10月至2022年9月在中国电子科技集团公司新一代移动通信创新中心工作,历任模拟射频团队工程师、负责人,2022年9月加入华东师范大学。 研究领域为集成电路设计,主要研究方向包括低功耗生物医疗电子、模拟/混合信号电路和数据转换器。在集成电路设计领域发表包括ISSCC、JSSC、TBioCAS等最顶级会议和期刊论文14篇。其中,2019年以第一作者发表的ISSCC论文为上海交通大学首篇ISSCC论文,打破了学校记录。 教育经历 2015.12-2018.01 新加坡国立大学 电子与计算机工程学院 国家公派博士联培 2013.09-2019.06 上海交通大学 微电子学院 工学博士(导师:Peter Lian, IEEE董事会董事,Division I微电子分部主任,加拿大/新加坡工程院院士;王国兴,长江学者。) 2009.09-2013.06 华中科技大学 电信提高班 工学学士 工作经历 2022.09-至今 华东师范大学 副教授 2022.05-2022.09 中国电科新一代移动通信创新中心 模拟射频团队负责人 2019.10-2022.04 中国电科新一代移动通信创新中心 模拟射频工程师


超低功耗可穿戴医疗芯片设计 机器人形变感测芯片设计 高性能数据转换器


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Jiaqi Shen, Fengyuan Zhu, Yang Liu, Boxiao Liu, Long Xu, Chunqi Shi, Leilei Huang, Xiaohua Tian, and Runxi Zhang, "A 44μW IoT Tag Enabling 1μs Synchronization Accuracy and OFDMA Concurrent Communication with Software-Defined Modulation," IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC): Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb., San Francisco, 2024.(华东师范大学历史第一篇ISSCC论文,打破了学校记录) Wangdong Xie, Liangyu Gan, Leilei Huang, Chunqi Shi, Boxiao Liu*, Chia-Hsin Wu, Yueh-Ting Lee, Jinghong Chen, and Runxi Zhang, “A Real-Time Respiration Monitoring System Using WiFi Sensing Based on the Concentric Circle Model,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 157-168, Apr. 2023. (Invited Paper, WOS JCR电子与电气一区) Yang Liu, Jiaqi Shen, Zengyi Zhang, Wenhao Wu, Chunqi Shi, Leilei Huang, Boxiao Liu*, and Runxi Zhang, “A Low-Power 8-to-12-bit Reconfigurable SAR ADC for Portable Ultrasound Systems,” IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Oct., Toronto, 2023. Jiaqi Shen, Xiaojian Zhu, Chunqi Shi, Leilei Huang, Boxiao Liu*, and Runxi Zhang, “A 10.31 ENOB 3.125 MHz BW fully passive 2nd-order noise-shaping SAR ADC for low cost IoT sensor networks,” IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 20, 2023. Xiaoyuan Wu, Yao Xiao, Zitong Zhang, Leilei Huang, Boxiao Liu*, Chunqi Shi, Jinghong Chen and Runxi Zhang, A 88% Peak-Efficiency 10-mV Voltage Ripple Dual-Mode Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter for Ultra-Low-Power Battery Management,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May, Monterey, 2023. Xuhong Li, Jianghu Hong, Chunqi Shi, Leilei Huang, Boxiao Liu*, Hao Deng, Jinghong Chen, and Runxi Zhang, A 3.84 GHz 32 fs RMS Jitter Over-sampling PLL with High-Gain Cross-Switching Phase Detector,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May, Monterey, 2023. Sijie Fu, Xinjie Zhang, Boxiao Liu*, Chunqi Shi, Leilei Huang,Jinghong Chen, and Runxi Zhang, A High-Gain and Low-Noise Mixer with Hybrid Gm-Boosting for 5G FR2 Applications,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May, Monterey, 2023. Linfeng Zou, Chunqi Shi, Boxiao Liu, Leilei Huang, and Runxi Zhang, A 74.8-88.8 GHz Wideband CMOS LNA Achieving +4.73 dBm OP1dB and 6.39 dB Minimum NF,” IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Jun, San Diego, 2023. Chengxian Pan, Chunqi Shi, Guoliang Zhao, Boxiao Liu*, Leilei Huang, and Runxi Zhang, A 21.3-24.5 Gb/s Low Jitter PLL-Based Clock and Data Recovery Circuit with Cascode-Coupled Quadrature LC-VCO, IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 19, no. 24, pp. 432-437, Dec. 2022. Boxiao Liu, Guoxing Wang, Yongfu Li, Hui Li, Yue Gao, Lei Zeng, Yixin Ma, Yong Lian, and Chun Huat Heng, “A 13-channel 1.53-mW 11.28-mm2 Electrical Impedance Tomography SoC Based on Frequency Division Multiplexing with 10× Throughput Reduction,” IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC): Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb., San Francisco, 2019.(上海交通大学历史第一篇ISSCC论文,打破了学校记录) Lei Zeng, Boxiao Liu, and Chun Huat Heng, “A Dual-Loop Eight-Channel ECG Recording System With Fast Settling Mode for 12-Lead Applications,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 1895-1906, Jul. 2019. (Invited Paper, WOS JCR电子与电气一区TOP) Boxiao Liu, Guoxing Wang, Yongfu Li, Hui Li, Yue Gao, Lei Zeng, Yixin Ma, Yong Lian, and Chun Huat Heng, “A 13-channel 1.53-mW 11.28-mm2 Electrical Impedance Tomography SoC Based on Frequency Division Multiplexing for Lung Physiological Imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 938-949, Oct. 2019. (WOS JCR电子与电气一区) Yue Gao, Yewangqing Lu, Hui Li, Boxiao Liu, Yongfu Li, Mingyi Chen, Guoxing Wang, and Yong Lian, “EIT-CDAE: A 2-D Electrical Impedance Tomography Image Reconstruction Method Based on Auto Encoder Technique,” IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Oct., Nara, 2019. Yue Gao, Boxiao Liu, Hui Li, Yongfu Li, Guoxing Wang, Yong Lian, and Chun Huat Heng, “Live Demonstration: A Pulmonary Conditions Monitor Based on Electrical Impedance Tomography Measurement,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May, Sapporo, 2019. Boxiao Liu, Chun Huat Heng, Guoxing Wang, and Yong Lian, “On-chip Data Compression Scheme for Lung EIT Signal Acquisition and Recovery,” IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Nov., Shanghai, 2018. Hui Li, Boxiao Liu, Yongfu Li, Guoxing Wang, and Yong Lian, “A High Accuracy and High Sensitivity System Architecture for Electrical Impedance Tomography System,” IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), Oct., Chengdu, 2018. Boxiao Liu, Guoxing Wang, and Yong Lian, “An Efficient ECG Baseline Removal Filter Based on Frequency Response Masking Technique for Wearable Applications,” IEEE International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC), Aug., Orlando, 2016.
