万成城,华东师范大学软件工程学院副教授,主要研究方向为智能软件系统优化(SE/Sys for AI),智能化软件工程(AI for SE/Sys),大语言模型。多项研究成果发表于相关领域国际顶级会议和期刊如ICSE、FSE、TOSEM、OSDI、DAC、ATC、ICML等。曾获上海市晨光学者、Siebel 学者、EECS Rising Star、ICSE的杰出论文奖等荣誉与奖项。
2017/06-2022/06 美国芝加哥大学 计算机科学 哲学博士
2017/06-2019/12 美国芝加哥大学 计算机科学 理学硕士
2013/09-2017/06 上海交通大学 计算机科学与工程 本科
2023/07-至今 华东师范大学 软件工程学院 副教授
2022/06-2023/06 美国芝加哥大学 系统软件优化实验室 博士后研究员
上海市晨光学者, 2023
Siebel Scholar, 2022
Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant, 2021
University Unrestricted (UU) Fellowship, 2020
EECS Rising Stars, 2020
SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, 2019
智能软件系统优化(SE/Sys for AI),智能化软件工程(AI for SE/Sys),大语言模型
Keeper: Automated Testing and Fixing of Machine Learning Software Chengcheng Wan, Shicheng Liu, Sophie Xie, Yuhan Liu, Henry Hoffmann, Michael Maire, and Shan Lu IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM'24)
VarGAN: Adversarial Learning of Variable Semantic Representations Yalan Lin, Chengcheng Wan, Shuwen Bai and Xiaodong Gu IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE'24)
Automatic and Efficient Customization of Neural Networks for ML Applications Yuhan Liu, Chengcheng Wan, Kuntai Du, Henry Hoffmann, Junchen Jiang, Shan Lu and Michael Maire USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementations (OSDI'24)
Run-Time Prevention of Software Integration Failures of Machine Learning APIs Chengcheng Wan, Yuhan Liu, Kuntai Du, Henry Hoffmann, Junchen Jiang, Michael Maire and Shan Lu SPLASH Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications 2023 (OOPSLA'23)
Self-Supervised Query Reformulation for Code Search Yuetian Mao, Chengcheng Wan#, Yuze Jiang and Xiaodong Gu ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE'23)
Stitcher: Learned Workload Synthesis from Historical Performance Footprints Chengcheng Wan, Yiwen Zhu, Joyce Cahoon, Wenjing Wang, Katherine Lin, Sean Liu, Raymond Truong, Neetu Singh, Alexandra Ciortea, Konstantinos Karanasos, Subru Krishnan 26th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT'23)
HotGPT: How to Make Software Documentation More Useful with a Large Language Model Yiming Su, Chengcheng Wan, Utsav Sethi, Sreraman Narasimhan, Shan Lu, Madan Musuvathi and Suman Nath 19th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XIX)
Automated Testing of Software that Uses Machine Learning APIs Chengcheng Wan, Shicheng Liu, Sophie Xie, Yifan Liu, Henry Hoffmann, Michael Maire, and Shan Lu 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'22)
Doppler: Automated SKU Recommendation in Migrating SQL Workloads to the Cloud.[Release] Joyce Cahoon, Wenjing Wang, Yiwen Zhu, Katherine Lin, Sean Liu, Raymond Truong, Neetu Singh, Chengcheng Wan, Alexandra Ciortea, Sreraman Narasimhan and Subru Krishnan 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'22)
Are Machine Learning Cloud APIs Used Correctly Chengcheng Wan, Shicheng Liu, Henry Hoffmann, Michael Maire, and Shan Lu 43th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'21)
ALERT: Accurate Learning for Energy and Timeliness Chengcheng Wan, Muhammad Santriaji, Eri Rogers, Henry Hoffmann, Michael Maire, and Shan Lu 2020 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC'20)
Orthogonalized SGD and Nested Architectures for Anytime Neural Networks Chengcheng Wan, Henry Hoffmann, Shan Lu, and Michael Maire 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'20)
View-Centric Performance Optimization for Database-Backed Web Applications SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award Junwen Yang, Cong Yan, Chengcheng Wan, Shan Lu, and Alvin Cheung 41th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'19)