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华东师范大学青年研究员(紫江青年学者),2021年博士毕业于华东师范大学计算机学院,2021-2023年在复旦自然语言处理实验室做博士后工作(合作导师为黄萱菁教授)。主要研究方向为自然语言处理, 情感分析及预训练大模型等,先后在 AAAI、ACL、SIGIR、IJCAI、COLING 等重要国际会议和学术期刊上发表了论文50余篇,多篇论文单篇最高引用100余次,获得 COLING 2022杰出论文奖,上海市科技进步二等奖,主持博士后科学面上基金一项。相关工作在CCTV 新闻联播、人民日报、上海发布、中国青年报等50余家知名媒体报道。7次在国内外知名数据挖掘比赛(如 KDD CUP,SemEval)获得冠亚军。担任多个重要国际会议以及期刊(包括 EMNLP、ACL、AAAI、INS 等)的领域主席审稿人,中国中文信息学会青年工作委员会委员,上海市计算机学会 NLP 专委委员,是 2019 年国际亚洲语言处理会议宣传主席,2023年YSSNLP组织委员。曾获得上海市超级博士后,全国最美大学生(中宣部、教育部),上海市大学生年度人物等荣誉。 教育经历 2016年9月-2021年6月:华东师范大学博士 工作经历 2023年6月-至今:华东师范大学计算机学院,青年研究员(紫江青年学者) 2021年6月-2023年6月:复旦大学自然语言处理实验室博士后,导师黄萱菁教授 荣誉及奖励 荣誉奖项目录 上海市科技进步奖二等奖 2021全国最美大学生(中宣部、教育部,10人/3800万) 2020上海市大学生年度人物(10人) 上海市超级博士后 竞赛奖项目录 KDD CUP 2018 挑战赛亚军 (2nd /3582) KDD CUP 2019 挑战赛亚军(2nd /5415 ) 2019 年 IKCEST “一带一路”国际大数据比赛,特等奖 (1st/2312) 2019 之江杯全球人工智能竞赛,亚军 (2nd/586) 第二届讯飞AI 开发者大赛,冠军 2017中国计算机协会机器阅读理解比赛, 冠军 SemEval 2020, 常识验证和解释,冠军




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Cheng, Z., Zhou, J.*, Wu, W., Chen, Q., & He, L. Learning Intrinsic Dimension via Information Bottleneck for Explainable Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis, 2024, COLING. Liu, S., Zhou, J.*, Zhu, Q., Chen, Q., Bai, Q., Xiao, J., & He, L. (2024). Let's Rectify Step by Step: Improving Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Diffusion Models, 2024, COLING. Wang, S., Zhou, J.*, Chen, Q., Zhang, Q., Gui, T., & Huang, X. (2024). Domain Generalization via Causal Adjustment for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis, 2024, COLING. Yu, L., Chen, Q., Zhou, J., & He, L. (2023). Melo: Enhancing model editing with neuron-indexed dynamic lora. 2024, AAAI. Zhou, J., Zhou, J.*, Zhao, J., Wang, S., Shan, H., Tao, G., ... & Huang, X. (2023). A Soft Contrastive Learning-based Prompt Model for Few-shot Sentiment Analysis, 2024, ICASSP. Zhou, J., Lin, Y., Chen, Q., Zhang, Q., Huang, X., & He, L. CausalABSC: Causal Inference for Aspect Debiasing in Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification. 2023, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. Ye, J., Zhou, J.*, Tian, J., Wang, R., Zhang, Q., Gui, T., & Huang, X. RethinkingTMSC: An Empirical Study for Target-Oriented Multimodal Sentiment Classification. 2023, EMNLP. Xiao, L., Wu, X., Yang, S., Xu, J., Zhou, J., & He, L.. Cross-modal fine-grained alignment and fusion network for multimodal aspect-based sentiment analysis. 2023, Information Processing & Management, 60(6), 103508. J. Zhou, et al. Multi-Modal Multi-Hop Interaction Network for Dialogue Response Generation, Expert System With Applicitaiton 2023 J. Zhou, et al. A Multi-Format Transfer Learning Model for Event Argument Extraction via Variational Information Bottleneck, COLING 2022 (杰出论文奖) S. Wang, J. Zhou*, et al. Causal Intervention Improves Implicit Sentiment Analysis, COLING 2022 J. Ye, J. Zhou*, et al. Sentiment-Aware Multimodal Pre-Training for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis, Knoweldge-based Systems, 2023 S. Chen, J. Zhou, et al. An Information Minimization Based Contrastive Learning Model for Unsupervised Sentence Embeddings Learning, COLING, 2022 Zhenxiao Cheng, Jie Zhou*, Wen Wu, Qin Chen, Liang He. Tell Model Where to Attend: Improving Interpretability of Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification via Small Explanation Annotations. ICASSP 2023. Jie Zhou, Pei Ke, Xipeng Qiu, Minlie Huang, Junping Zhang. ChatGPT: Potential, prospects, and limitations. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2023. Limao Xiong, Jie Zhou*, Qunxi Zhu, Xiao Wang, Yuanbin Wu, Qi Zhang, Tao Gui, Xuanjing Huang, Jin Ma and Ying Shan. A Confidence-based Partial Label Learning Model for Crowd-Annotated Named Entity Recognition. ACL , 2023. Q. Zhang, J. Zhou*, et al. Enhancing Event-Level Sentiment Analysis with Structured Arguments, 2022, SIGIR Y. Dan, J. Zhou, et al. Enhancing Class Understanding Via Prompt-Tuning For Zero-Shot Text Classification, 2022, ICASSP J. Lin, Q. Chen, J. Zhou, et al. CUP: Curriculum Learning based Prompt Tuning for Implicit Event Argument Extraction, 2022, IJCAI L. Shi, W. Wu, W, Hu, J. Zhou, et al. DualGCN: An Aspect-Aware Dual Graph Convolutional Network for Review-based Recommender, 2022, Knowledge-based System Jie Zhou, Qin Chen, Jimmy Xiangji Huang, Qinmin Vivian Hu, Liang He. Position-Aware Hierarchical Transfer Model for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification. Information Sciences, 2020. Jie Zhou, Jimmy Xiangji Huang, Qinmin Vivian Hu, Liang He. SK-GCN: Modeling Syntax and Knowledge via Graph Convolutional Network for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020. ]Jie Zhou, Yuanbin Wu, Qin Chen, Xuanjing Huang, Liang He. Attending via both Fine-tuning and Compressing. ACL, 2021. Qinmin Hu, Jie Zhou*, Qin Chen, Liang He. SNNN: Promoting Word Sentiment and Negation in Neural Sentiment Classification. AAAI, 2018. Jie Zhou, Junfeng Tian, Rui Wang, Yuanbin Wu, Wenming Xiao, Liang He. SENTIX: A Sentiment-Aware Pre-Trained Model for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis. COLING, 2020. Jie Zhou, Jiabao Zhao, Jimmy Xiangji Huang, Qinmin Vivian Hu, Liang He. MASAD: A Large-scale Dataset for Multimodal Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. Neurocomputing, 2021. Jie Zhou, Jimmy Xiangji Huang, Qinmin Vivian Hu, Liang He.. Modeling Multi-aspect Relationship with Joint Learning for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification. DASFAA, 2020. Jie Zhou, Yuanbin Wu, Changzhi Sun, Liang He. Is ``hot pizza Positive or Negative? Mining Target-aware Sentiment Lexicons. EACL, 2021. Jiabao Zhao, Xin Lin, Jie Zhou, Jing Yang, Liang He, Zhaohui Yang. Knowledge-based fine-grained classification for few-shot learning. ICME, 2020.
