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2001.9-2005.7 东北大学 材料科学与工程专业 本科学习 2005.9-2011.7 东北大学 材料学专业 直接攻读博士学位 20011.9-2013.8 TU Ilmenau电子材料专业 博士后研究工作 2013.12-至今 辽宁工程技术大学材料学院材料科学与工程专业工作 2016.3-2017.3 昆士兰科技大学 访问学者


1、微纳米尺度材料力学行为尺寸效应的研究 (薄膜,纳米多层膜,纳米互连线等); 微纳米器件(MEMS,NEMS)的可靠性研究(疲劳性能,损伤物理本质等); 2、新型矿物能源材料的电化学性能;新型无机非金属材料的力学行为;


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1. M. Wang, D. Wang, M. Hopfeld, R. Grieseler, D. Rossberg, P. Shaaf. Nanoindentation of nano-Al/Si3N4 multilayers with Vickers and Brinell indenters. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 33 (2013) 2355-2358. 2. M. Wang, D. Wang, T. Kups et al. Size effect on mechanical behavior of Al/Si3N4 multilayers under nanoindentation. Materials Science and Engineering A. 644 (2015) 275-283. 3. M. Wang, D. Wang, D. Schmidt et al. Size effect on the tensile strength of Al/Si multilayers on Kapton substrate. Journal of Materials Science- Materials in Electronics 26 (2015) 8224-8228. 4. M. Wang, J. Wang, J. Zhao et al. Effect of annealing temperature on mechanical properties of 08Al cold-rolled sheet. Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment 36 (2015) 107-110. 5. M. Wang, B.Zhang, X.M. Luo, X.F. Zhu, G.P. Zhang. Thermal fatigue damage behaviors of nano-grained Au thin films generated by alternating currents. Acta Materialia. Submitted (2014) 6. Wang, M., Zhang, B., Zhang, G. P., Liu C.S. Scaling of reliability of gold interconnect lines subjected to alternating current. Applied Physics Letters 99 (2011) 011910. 7. Wang. M; Zhang. B; Zhang. GP; Liu. CS Evaluation of thermal fatigue damage of 200-nm-thick Au interconnect lines. Scripta Materialia 60 (2009) 803–806. 8. M. Wang; B. Zhang; G.P. Zhang; Q.Y. Yu; C.S. Liu. Effects of Interface and Grain Boundary on the Electrical Resistivity of Cu/Ta Multilayers. Journal of Materials Sciences & Technology 25 (5), 2009, 699-702. 9. Wang Ming, Zhang Bin, Liu Changsheng, Zhang guangping. Study on thermal fatigue failure of thin gold film with alternating current loading. Acta Metallurgica Sinica 47 (2011) 601-604. 10. Fang Liu, Changsheng Liu, Suiyuan Chen, Xingqi Tao, Ming Wang. Pulsed Nd:YAG laser post-treatment Ni-based crack-free coating on copper substrate and its wear properties. Surface & Coatings Technology 201 (2007) 6332–6339. 11. Wang Ming, Zhang Bin, Liu Changsheng, Zhang guangping. Failure behavior of Au interconnects under a high density of alternating current. Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science) 31 (2010) 827-829. 12. 张滨; 王鸣; 罗雪梅; 刘常升; 张广平. 交流电诱发金属互连线热疲劳可靠性的尺度定律. 第16届全国疲劳与断裂学术会议会议程序册.2012-11-02
