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国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,研究方向为水污染控制化学。以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文110余篇,其中近50篇发表在Environ. Sci. Technol.、Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett.、Water Res.上;获授权中国发明专利8项;获教育部自然科学二等奖1项(2/4;2019)、重庆市自然科学二等奖1项(2/5;2021)、紫金全兴环境基金青年学者奖(2020)、ES&T的Super Reviewer Award(2021);组织了中国化学会第十四届水处理化学大会、三次担任全国环境化学大会铁环境化学分会场召集人之一;受邀担任多个国内外会议的学术委员会委员,也受邀在美国著名的Gordon学术会议等多个学术会议上做大会主题报告。曾任Water Res.、J. Hazard. Mater.和Water Environ. Res.等多个期刊的副主编,担任Environ. Sci. Tech. Let.在内的多个中英文期刊的编委,在多个学术组织任常务理事或委员。作为主编,出版了专著《高质量SCI论文入门必备-从选题到发表》,主持了包括8项国家自然基金和重点研发计划课题在内的项目20余项。 教育经历 2002.2-2005.8 香港科技大学土木工程系环境工程专业 博士 1999.9-2002.1 同济大学环境科学与工程学院环境工程专业 硕士 1994.9-1999.7 同济大学环境科学与工程学院环境工程专业 学士 工作经历 2021.3-今华东师范大学,教授、博导 2011.8-今同济大学,教授、博导 2010.4-2011.7 哈尔滨工业大学,副教授、博导 2007.9-2010.3 哈尔滨工业大学,副教授 2007.3-2010.6 哈尔滨工业大学土木工程博士后流动站,博士后 2007.1-2007.8 哈尔滨工业大学,讲师 2006.2-2006.12 江苏工业学院环境与安全工程系,院聘教授 2005.9-2006.2 美国密苏里科技大学土木工程系,访问学者 荣誉及奖励 2021年获ES&T的Super Reviewer Award 2021年获重庆市自然科学二等奖 2020 国家自然基金委杰出青年基金 2020年获南京大学紫金全兴青年学者奖 2019年获教育部自然科学二等奖 2019年获Water Research的best reviewer award 2019年获上海光源优秀用户奖 2017年获“首创水星奖”前沿科学类二等奖 2016 同济大学百人计划支持计划 2016年获Environmental Science & Technology的Best Reviewer Award 2015 国家自然基金委优秀青年基金 2015年获得同济大学优秀博士毕业论文指导教师 2015年获首届广东省环境化学研讨会“优秀报告”奖 2015年同济大学慧信-胡家骏奖励金 2014年在IWA conference of “Science Summit for Urban Water”会议上获得最佳poster 2013年在IWA conference “Metals in Water-2013”会议上获得最佳poster 2013同济大学“青年英才计划”攀登层次(跟踪) 2012 上海市青年科技启明星 2011同济大学“青年英才计划”攀登层次




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Chen, T.; Sun, Y.; Dong, H.; Chen, J.; Yu, Y.; Ao, Z.; Guan, X.*, Understanding the Importance of Periodate Species in the pH-Dependent Degradation of Organic Contaminants in the H2O2/Periodate Process Environ Sci Technol2022, 56: 3127-3137. Shao, B.; Dong, H.; Zhou, G.; Ma, J.; Sharma, V.; Guan, X.*, Degradation of Organic Contaminants by Reactive Iron/Manganese Species: Progress and Challenges. Water Res 2022,221, 118765-118780. Chen, J.; Sun, B.; Zhu, Y.; Yang, Y.; Guan, X.*, Unraveling the Role of Mn(VI) and Mn(V) Species in Contaminant Abatement by Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol lett2022, 9: 446-451. Liu, Y.; Qian, J.; Sun, Y.*; Guan, X.*, Simultaneous Sequestration of Humic Acid-Complexed Pb(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), and As(V) by Sulfidated Zero-Valent Iron: Performance and Stability of Sequestration Products. Environ Sci Technol2022, 56: 3127-3137. Dong, H.; Xu, Q.; Lian, L.; Li, Y.; Wang, S.; Li, C.; Guan, X.*, Degradation of Organic Contaminants in the Fe (II)/Peroxymonosulfate Process under Acidic Conditions: The Overlooked Rapid Oxidation Stage. Environ Sci Technol2021, 55: 15390-15399. Li, J.; Guan, X.*; Zhang, W., Architectural Genesis of Metal(loid)s with Iron Nanoparticle in Water. Environ Sci Technol2021, 55: 12801-12808. Wang, S.; Deng, Y.; Shao, B.; Zhu, J.; Hu, Z.; Guan, X.*, Three Kinetic Patterns for the Oxidation of Emerging Organic Contaminants by Fe(VI): The Critical Roles of Fe(V) and Fe(IV). Environ Sci Technol2021, 55: 11335-11347. Qian, K.; Chen, H.; Li, W.; Ao, Z.; Wu, Y.; Guan, X.*, Single-Atom Fe Catalyst Outperforms Its Homogeneous Counterpartfor Activating Peroxymonosulfate to Achieve Effective Degradationof Organic Contaminants. Environ Sci Technol2021, 55: 7034-7043. Rao, D.; Chen, J.; Dong, H.; Qiao, J.; Zhou, B.; Sun, Y.*; Guan, X.*, Enhanced Oxidation of Organic Contaminants by Mn(VII)/CaSO3 Under Environmentally Relevant Conditions: Performance and Mechanisms. Water Res 2021, 188, 116481. Zhu, J.; Yu, F.; Meng, J.; Shao, B.; Dong, H.; Chu, W.;Cao, T.; Wei, G.; Wang, H.; Guan, X.*, Overlooked Role of Fe(IV) and Fe(V) in Organic Contaminant Oxidation by Fe(VI). Environ Sci Technol2020, 54(15): 9702-9710. Dong, H.; Li, Y.; Wang, S.; Liu, W.; Zhou, G.; Xie, Y.; Guan, X.*, Both Fe(IV) and radicals are active oxidants in the Fe(II)/peroxydisulfate process. Environ Sci Technol lett2020, 7(3): 219-224. Dong, H.; Wei, G.; Cao, T.; Shao, B.; Guan, X.*; Strathmann, T. J., Insights into the Oxidation of Organic Cocontaminants during Cr(VI) Reduction by Sulfite: The Overlooked Significance of Cr(V). Environ Sci Technol2020, 54(2): 1157-1166. Fan, P.; Sun, Y.; Zhou, B.; Guan, X.*, Coupled Effect of Sulfidation and Ferrous Dosing on Selenate Removal by Zerovalent Iron Under Aerobic Conditions. Environ Sci Technol2019, 53(24): 14577-14585. Qiao, J.; Feng, L.; Dong, H.; Zhao, Z.; Guan, X.*, Overlooked role of sulfur-centered radicals during bromate reduction by sulfite. Environ Sci Technol 2019,53, (17), 10320-10328. Fan, P.; Li, L.; Sun, Y.; Qiao, J.; Xu, C.; Guan, X.*, Selenate removal by Fe-0 coupled with ferrous iron, hydrogen peroxide, sulfidation, and weak magnetic field: A comparative study. Water Res 2019,159, 375-384. Li, J.; Dou, X.; Qin, H.; Sun, Y.; Yin, D.; Guan, X.*, Characterization methods of zerovalent iron for water treatment and remediation. Water Res 2019,148, 70-85. Liu, W.; Sun, B.; Qiao, J.; Guan, X.*, Influence of Pyrophosphate on the Generation of Soluble Mn(III) from Reactions Involving Mn Oxides and Mn(VII). Environ Sci Technol 2019,53, (17), 10227-10235. Qin, H.; Guan, X.*; Tratnyek, P. G.*, Effects of Sulfidation and Nitrate on the Reduction of N-Nitrosodimethylamine by Zerovalent Iron. Environ Sci Technol 2019,53, (16), 9744-9754. Rao, D.; Sun, Y.; Shao, B.; Qiao, J.; Guan, X.*, Activation of oxygen with sulfite for enhanced Removal of Mn(II): The involvement of SO4 center dot. Water Res 2019,157, 435-444. Shao, B.; Dong, H.; Sun, B.; Guan, X.*, Role of Ferrate(IV) and Ferrate(V) in Activating Ferrate(VI) by Calcium Sulfite for Enhanced Oxidation of Organic Contaminants. Environ Sci Technol 2019,53, (2), 894-902. Qin H.J., Guan X.H.*, Bandstra J.Z., Johnson R.L., Tratnyek P.G.* Modeling the Kinetics of Hydrogen Formation by Zerovalent Iron: Effects of Sulfidation on Micro- and Nano-Scale Particles. Environ Sci Technol2018, 52, 13887-13896. Li, J.; Zhang, X.; Liu, M.; Pan, B.; Zhang, W.; Shi, Z.; Guan X.H.* Enhanced Reactivity and Electron Selectivity of Sulfidated Zerovalent Iron toward Chromate under Aerobic Conditions. Environ Sci Technol 2018, 52, 2988?2997. Li, J.; Zhang, X.; Sun, Y.; Liang, L.; Pan, B.; Zhang, W.; Guan X.H.* Advances in Sulfidation of Zerovalent Iron for Water Decontamination. Environ Sci Technol 2017,51 (23), 13533-13544. Sun Y.K., Hu Y.H., Guan X.H.* The combined effect of weak magnetic field and anions on arsenite sequestration by ZVI: Kinetics and mechanisms. Environ Sci Technol2017 51 (7), 3742–3750. Qin H.J., Li J.X., Yang H.Y., Pan B.C., Zhang W.M., Guan X.H.* The coupled effect of ferrous ion and oxygen on the electron selectivity of zerovalent iron for selenate sequestration. Environ Sci Technol2017, 51 (9), 5090–5097. Xu, H.Y.; Sun, Y.K.; Li, J.X.; Li, F.M.; Guan, X.H.* Aging of zerovalent iron in synthetic groundwater: x?ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth profiling characterization and depassivation with uniform magnetic field. Environ Sci Technol 2016, 50 (15), 8214–8222. Sun, Y.K.; Li, J.X.; Huang, T.L.;* Guan, X.H.*The influences of iron characteristics, operating conditions and solution chemistry on contaminants removal by zero-valent iron: A review. Water Res 2016, 100, 277-295. Sun, B.; Dong, H.Y.; He, D.; Rao D.D.; Guan, X.H.*. Modeling the Kinetics of Contaminants Oxidation and the Generation of Manganese(III) in the Permanganate/Bisulfite Process. Environ Sci Technol 2016, 50, 1473?1482. Li, J.X.; Qin, H.J.; Guan, X.H.,* Premagnetization for Enhancing the Reactivity of Multiple Zerovalent Iron Samples toward Various Contaminants. Environ Sci Technol 2015, 49, 14401-14408. Sun, B.; Guan, X.H.;* Fang, J.; Tratnyek, P. G.,* Activation of Manganese Oxidants with Bisulfite for Enhanced Oxidation of Organic Contaminants: The Involvement of Mn(III). Environ Sci Technol 2015, 49, 12414-12421. Li, J. X.; Shi, Z.; Ma, B.; Zhang, P. P.; Jiang, X.; Xiao, Z. J.; Guan, X. H.,* Improving the Reactivity of Zerovalent Iron by Taking Advantage of Its Magnetic Memory: Implications for Arsenite Removal. Environ Sci Technol2015, 49(17), 10581-10588. Guan, X. H.; Sun, Y. K.; Qin, H. J.; Li, J. X.; Lo, I. M. C.; He, D.; Dong, H. R., The limitations of applying zero-valent iron technology in contaminants sequestration and the corresponding countermeasures: The development in zero-valent iron technology in the last two decades (1994-2014). Water Res 2015,75, 224-248. Liang, L. P.; Guan, X. H.;* Shi, Z.; Li, J. L.; Wu, Y. N.; Tratnyek, P. G.,*Coupled Effects of Aging and Weak Magnetic Fields on Sequestration of Selenite by Zero-Valent Iron. Environ Sci Technol 2014,48, 6326-6334. Sun, Y. K.; Guan, X. H.;* Wang, J. M.; Meng, X. G.; Xu, C. H.; Zhou, G. M., Effect of Weak Magnetic Field on Arsenate and Arsenite Removal from Water by Zerovalent Iron: An XAFS Investigation. Environ Sci Technol 2014,48, 6850-6858. Zhang, J.; Sun, B.; Xiong, X. M.; Gao, N. Y.; Song, W. H.; Du, E. D.; Guan, X. H.;* Zhou, G. M., Removal of emerging pollutants by Ru/TiO2-catalyzed permanganate oxidation. Water Res 2014,63, 262-270. Xiong, X. M.; Sun, B.; Zhang, J.; Gao, N. Y.; Shen, J. M.; Li, J. L.; Guan, X. H.,* Activating persulfate by Fe-0 coupling with weak magnetic field: Performance and mechanism. Water Res 2014,62, 53-62. Sun, B.; Xiong, X. M.; Zhou, G. M.; Guan, X. H.,* Response to Comment on Reinvestigation of the Role of Humic Acid in the Oxidation of Phenols by Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol 2014,48, (11), 6520-6521. Liang, L. P.; Sun, W.; Guan, X. H.;* Huang, Y. Y.; Choi, W. Y.; Bao, H. L.; Li, L. N.; Jiang, Z. Weak magnetic field significantly enhances selenite removal kinetics by zero valent iron. Water Res 2014,49, 371-380. Sun, B.; Zhang, J.; Du, J. S.; Qiao, J. L.; Guan, X. H.* Reinvestigation of the Role of Humic Acid in the Oxidation of Phenols by Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol 2013,47, 14332-14340. Zhang, J.; Sun, B.; Guan, X. H.;* Wang, H.; Bao, H. L.; Huang, Y. Y.; Qiao, J. L.; Zhou, G. M. Ruthenium Nanoparticles Supported on CeO2 for Catalytic Permanganate Oxidation of Butylparaben. Environ Sci Technol 2013,47, 13011-13019. Liang, L. P.; Yang, W. J.; Guan, X. H.;* Li, J.; Xu, Z. J.; Wu, J.; Huang, Y. Y.; Zhang, X. G. Z. Kinetics and mechanisms of pH-dependent selenite removal by zero valent iron. Water Res 2013,47, 5846-5855. Sun, Y. K.; Zhou, G. M.; Xiong, X. M.; Guan, X. H.;* Li, L. N.; Bao, H. L. Enhanced arsenite removal from water by Ti(SO4)2 coagulation. Water Res 2013,47, 4340-4348. Du, J. S.; Sun, B.; Zhang, J.; Guan, X. H.* Parabola-Like Shaped pH-Rate Profile for Phenols Oxidation by Aqueous Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol 2012,46, 8860-8867. Dong, H. R.; Guan, X. H.; Lo, I. M. C., Fate of As(V)-treated nano zero-valent iron: Determination of arsenic desorption potential under varying environmental conditions by phosphate extraction. Water Res 2012,46, (13), 4071-4080. Guan, X. H.;* Ma, J.;* Dong, H. R.; Jiang, L. Removal of arsenic from water: Effect of calcium ions on As(III) removal in the KMnO4-Fe(II) process. Water Res 2009,43, 5119-5128. He, D.; Guan, X. H.;* Ma, J.;* Yu, M. Influence of Different Nominal Molecular Weight Fractions of Humic Acids on Phenol Oxidation by Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol 2009,43, 8332-8337. Guan, X. H.;* Dong, H. R.; Ma, J.;* Jiang, L. Removal of arsenic from water: Effects of competing anions on As(III) removal in KMnO4-Fe(II) process. Water Res 2009,43, 3891-3899. Guan, X. H.; Chen, G. H.; Shang, C., Re-use of water treatment works sludge to enhance particulate pollutant removal from sewage. Water Res 2005,39, (15), 3433-3440.


Associate Editor, Water Research, 2020.5-2021.8 Associate Editor, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019.6-2021.6 Associate Editor, Water Environment Research, 2018.10-2019.10 编委, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2018.10-今 编委, 土木与环境工程学报, 2021.1-今 中国环境科学学会环境化学分会委员, 2017.4-今 中国化学会应用化学学科委员会水处理化学学科组理事会常务理事,2018.5-今 中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛专委会委员,2022.6-今 第十届环境化学大会“铁环境化学”分会召集人,2019 中国化学会第十四届全国水处理化学大会暨海峡两岸水处理化学研讨会会议执行主席,2018. International Organizing Committee, 7th International Congress & Exhibition On Arsenic In The Environment, Environmental Arsenic In A Changing World (As2018) 第九届环境化学大会“铁环境化学”分会召集人,2017
