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胡国华,华东师范大学地理科学学院副教授。中山大学地理科学与规划学院,地图学与地理信息科学专业本硕博,美国亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University, ASU)可持续发展学院联合培养博士。研究方向为:城市土地利用变化建模与可持续发展。以第一或通讯作者发表多篇中科院一区或二区SCI论文(均为遥感、GIS、城市规划和景观生态领域的top期刊),包括Nature子刊等在内其他合作论文28篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、教育部人文社科基金规划项目等,作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、中央高校优秀青年团队项目等纵向课题。连续两年主持上海市绿化指导站、国际可持续发展中心横向项目,利用最新的人工智能技术服务于城市可持续发展。 主要成果是利用最新地理云计算平台(Google Earth Engine, GEE)制作发布了“全球首套30m高分辨率长时间序列城市用地数据”,得到Nature正刊的Research Highlight报告,以及国际城市遥感制图领域专家的高度评价。在大尺度土地利用建模方面具有技术优势,擅长机器学习与人工智能优化算法、多智能体模拟建模等。 教育经历 2015.12 - 2016.12 美国亚利桑那州立大学(ASU) 访问学者 2012.09 - 2017.12 中山大学 博士 (Ph.D.) 2008.09 - 2012.07 中山大学 本科 (B.A.) 工作经历 2021.10 - 今 华东师范大学地理科学学院 副教授 2018.01 - 2021.09 华东师范大学地理科学学院 博士后 荣誉及奖励 2023年,获凡科评审质量研究院“凡科优秀评审专家”称号


(1)土地利用建模与土地可持续发展 Land use modeling and land sustainability (2)多智能体(ABM) Agent-based modeling (3)城市遥感制图 Urban remote sensing


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

大尺度长时间序列的城市用地信息信息提取: Liu X.*, Hu G., Ai B., Li X. & Shi Q. (2015). A Normalized Urban Areas Composite Index (NUACI) based on combination of DMSP-OLS and MODIS for mapping impervious surface area. Remote Sensing, Vol.7, No.12, pp.17168-17189.(提出NUACI城市用地制图指数算法)[第二作者] Liu X.1, Hu G.1, Chen Y.*, Li X.*, Xu X., Li S., Pei F. & Wang S. (2018). High-resolution multi-temporal mapping of global urban land using Landsat images based on the Google Earth Engine Platform. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol.209, pp.227-239. (将NUACI扩展至Landsat TM影像,全球首套高分辨率长时间序列城市用地数据集)[共同第一作者] Liu X., Huang Y., Xu X., Li X., Li X.*, Ciais P., Lin P., Gong K., Ziegler A. D., Chen A., Gong P., Chen J., Hu G., Chen Y., Wang S., Wu Q., Huang K., Estes L. & Zeng Z.* (2020). High-spatiotemporal-resolution mapping of global urban change from 1985 to 2015. Nature Sustainability, Vol.3, No.7, pp.564-570.(长时间序列的高分辨率城市用地制图数据集) 城市化进程中的粮食安全问题: Hu G., Li X.*, Zhou B.*, Ma Q., Meng X., Liu Y., Chen Y. & Liu X. (2020). How to minimize the impacts of urban expansion on farmland loss: developing a few large or many small cities?. Landscape Ecology, Vol.35, No.11, pp.2487-2499. (探讨何种城市化模型能够更好的减少对耕地生产力的影响)[第一作者] Li, X.1, Hu, G.1, Liu, X*., Wang, S*., Zhang, X*., Shi, X., Bai, X., Klaus, H. (2024).Urbanization and farmland security in China: dilemma and pathways. Under Review.(提出包容性城市化为耕地保护的更好路径) [共同第一作者] 多智能体研究与小农决策模拟: Li, P., Hu, G.*, Li, M., Wang, F., Li, X. (2024). Agent-based modeling of estate-smallholder relationships: land-use and livelihood dynamics in the “Sisal Belt” of Kilosa, Central Tanzania. Under Review. (以坦桑尼亚为例,构建多智能体模型探讨城市化进程中的小农决策模拟以及土地利用变化)[通讯作者] Li, P.*, Hu, G., Turner, B. L., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Modeling trade-offs among ecosystem services for agriculture in the “sisal belt” of Kilosa, central Tanzania. Landscape Ecology, 1-19. (以坦桑尼亚为例,探讨城市化引起的土地利用变化从而带来的生态系统服务影响) 基于元胞自动机的土地利用变化模拟构建与数据集: Liu X., Hu G.*, Ai B., Li X., Tian G., Chen Y. & Li S. (2018). Simulating urban dynamics in China using a gradient cellular automata model based on S-shaped curve evolution characteristics. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol.32, No.1, pp.73-101.(提出一种灰度CA模型,拓展城市用地变化的维度) [通讯作者] Liang X., Tian H., Li X.*, Huang J., Clarke K. C., Yao Y., Guan Q. & Hu G.* (2021). Modeling the dynamics and walking accessibility of urban open spaces under various policy scenarios. Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol.207, p.103993. (提出OS-CA模型)[共同通讯作者] Luo M., Hu G.*, Chen G., Liu X., Hou H. and Li X.* (2022). 1 km land use/land cover change of China under comprehensive socioeconomic and climate scenarios for 2020–2100. Scientific Data, Vol.9(1), pp.110.(耦合GCAM综合评估模型,发布SSP-RCPs全情景下的未来中国土地利用变化数据集,2015-2100年,1km分辨率)[共同通讯作者] 超分辨率制图算法、洪水内涝模型、城市增长边界划定、城市可持续发展: Ai B., Liu X.*, Hu G. & Li X. (2014). Improved sub-pixel mapping method coupling spatial dependence with directivity and connectivity. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol.7, No.12, pp.4887-4896. (提出一种考虑空间连通性的遥感影像超分辨率制图算法) 彭晓鹃、胡国华*、陈明辉:基于模拟退火算法的遥感影像亚像元定位方法,《测绘通报》2013年第9期,第55-58页。(提出一种基于启发式算法的遥感影像超分辨率制图算法) [通讯作者] Liu L., Liu Y.*, Wang X., Yu D., Liu K., Huang H. & Hu G. (2015). Developing an effective 2-D urban flood inundation model for city emergency management based on cellular automata. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol.15, No.3, pp.381-391. (构建了一个基于元胞自动机的城市洪水模型) 李丹、胡国华、黎夏*、刘小平、丁冠乔、蔡玉梅:耦合地理模拟与优化的城镇开发边界划定,《中国土地科学》2020年第05期,第104-114页。(城市增长边界划定方法) 周兵兵、马群*、邬建国、胡国华、毛德华、曾小箕、郭杰、房学宁、刘宇鹏、吕立刚:再论可持续性科学:新形势与新机遇,《应用生态学报》2018年第1期,第325-336页。(关于可持续发展科学理论性文章) 马世发、裴新生、姚凯、胡国华:基于生态空间胁迫的大都市区增长情景模拟,《地球信息科学学报》2017年第01期,第20-27页。(生态胁迫下的城市扩张模拟研究) Wang, Y., Cao, W., Gao, M., Gao, Y., Chi, X., Meng, X., Li, S., Hu, G.*, (2024). Examining spatial coordination of human-land-industry-service system from a regionalization approach: A case study of Beijing. Land Use Policy. Vol.137, pp.107010. (城市系统中的“人-地-产-服”四维耦合协调分析)[通讯作者] 其他合作论文 Meng, X., Li, X.*, Hu, G., Zhang, Z., Zhang, H., Huang, C., & Han, J. (2023). Toward integrated governance of urban CO2 emissions in China: Connecting the “codes” of global drivers, local causes, and indirect influences from a multi-perspective analysis. Cities, 134, 104181. Li, X.*, Chen, G., Zhang, Y., Yu, L., Du, Z., Hu, G., & Liu, X. (2022). The impacts of spatial resolutions on global urban-related change analyses and modeling. Iscience, 25(12), 105660. Li, M., Zhou, B. B., Gao, M., Chen, Y., Hao, M., Hu, G., & Li, X*. (2022). Spatiotemporal dynamics of global population and heat exposure (2020–2100): based on improved SSP-consistent population projections. Environmental Research Letters, 17(9), 094007. Liu, X., Zhang, J., Zhang, H., Tang, D., Hu, G., & Li, X*. (2022). China’s mismatch of public awareness and biodiversity threats under economic trade. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(13), 9784-9796. Hou, H., Zhou, B. B., Pei, F., Hu, G., Su, Z., Zeng, Y., Zhang, H., Gao, Y., Luo, M., & Li, X*. (2022). Future land use/land cover change has nontrivial and potentially dominant impact on global gross primary productivity. Earth's Future, 10(9), e2021EF002628. Gao, Y., Zhao, H.*, Zhao, C., Hu, G., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Li, N., Hou, H., & Li, X*. (2022). Spatial and temporal variations of maize and wheat yield gaps and their relationships with climate in China. Agricultural Water Management, 270, 107714. Liu Y., Liu L., Zhu A., Lao C., Hu G. & Hu Y.* (2020). Scenario farmland protection zoning based on production potential: A case study in China. Land Use Policy, Vol.95, p.104581. Zhang Y., Liu X.*, Chen G. & Hu G. (2020). Simulation of urban expansion based on cellular automata and maximum entropy model. Science China. Earth sciences, Vol.63, No.5, pp.701-712. Ma Q., Wu J.*, He C.* & Hu G. (2019). Spatial scaling of urban impervious surfaces across evolving landscapes: From cities to urban regions. Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol.187, pp.132-144. Liu Y., Zhu A., Wang J., Li W., Hu G. & Hu Y.* (2019). Land-use decision support in brownfield redevelopment for urban renewal based on crowdsourced data and a presence-and-background learning (PBL) method. Land Use Policy, Vol.88, p.104188. Chen Y., Liu X., Li X.*, Liu X., Yao Y., Hu G., Xu X. & Pei F. (2017). Delineating urban functional areas with building-level social media data: A dynamic time warping (DTW) distance based k-medoids method. Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol.160, pp.48-60. Li X., Lu H., Zhou Y., Hu T., Liang L., Liu X., Hu G. & Yu L*. (2017). Exploring the performance of spatio-temporal assimilation in an urban cellular automata model. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol.31, No.11, pp.2195-2215.


Land 期刊客座编辑 Landscape Ecology, Cities, Applied Geography, Ecological Indicators, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Geo-spatial Information Science, Journal of Chinese Governance, Journal of Coastal Research, 《地理科学》、《资源科学》等知名国际学术期刊审稿人 教育部学位论文评阅专家,凡科优秀评审专家
