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教育经历 1992-1996华东师范大学 生物系 学士 1996-1999华东师范大学 生物系 生理学 硕士 (导师,周绍慈 教授) 1999-2003 中科院上海神经科学研究所 神经生物学 博士 (导师,蒲慕明 教授) 工作经历 2003-2007 美国加州大学 伯克利分校 博士后 (导师,蒲慕明 教授) 2008- 华东师范大学 生命科学学院/脑功能基因组学研究所 副研究员 课题组组长(PI)


我们主要在清醒动物和麻醉动物(大、小鼠)开展膜片钳全细胞记录,并结合多通道电生理记录和光遗传等技术,在联合型学习过程中、以及后续的记忆存储阶段,对以下问题进行研究:1)学习过程和记忆存储阶段所发生的海马突触可塑性,及其细胞和环路机制;2)相关脑区(如前额叶、VTA)的活动对海马记忆形成和巩固的作用;3)相关脑疾病(如阿尔兹海默症、神经病理性疼痛)的发病机理及潜在的治疗手段。所完成的研究发表在Neuron, Cerebral Cortex, The Journal of Physiology, Neuroscience Bulletin,Molecular Brain等国际重要学术刊物,并获国家新药发明专利2项


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Xu Yuan; Shen Feng-yan; Liu Yu-zhang; Wang Lidan; Wang Yingwei; Wang Zhiru(*).Dependence of Generation of Hippocampal CA1 Slow Oscillations on Electrical Synapses. Neuroscience Bulletin,2020, 36(1):39-48. Wang Yao; Liu Yu-Zhang; Wang Lidan; Tang Wei; Wang Zhiru(*). Silent synapse unsilencing in hippocampal CA1 neurons for associative fear memory storage. Cerebral Cortex, 2019, 29(10):4067-4076. Liu Yu-zhang; Wang Yao; Tang Wei; Zhu Jun-yi; Wang Zhiru(*). NMDA receptor-gated visual responses in hippocampal CA1 neurons. Journal of Physiology-London, 2018 , 596(10):1965~1979. Liu, Yu-Zhang; Wang, Yao; Shen, Weida; Wang, Zhiru(*). Enhancement of synchronized activity between hippocampal CA1 neurons during initial storage of associative fear memory. Journal of Physiology-London, 2017, 595(15):5327~5340 (Highlighted report). Wang, Yao; Liu, Yu-zhang; Wang, Shi-yi; Wang, Zhiru(*). In vivo whole-cell recording with high success rate in anaesthetized and awake mammalian brains. Molecular Brain, 2016,9(1):86. Xu, Yuan; Wang, Lidan; Liu, Yu-zhang; Yang, Yan; Xue, Xiaolin; Wang, Zhiru(*). GABAergic Interneurons are Required for Generation of Slow CA1 Oscillation in Rat Hippocampus. Neuroscience Bulletin,2016, 32( 4): 363~373 (Highlighted report). Ma, Li-qing; Ning, Li; Wang, Zhiru(*); Wang, Ying-wei(*). Visual and noxious electrical stimulus-evoked membrane-potential responses in anterior cingulate cortical neurons. Molecular Brain,2016, 9(1):822016. Shang, Chun-feng ; Dan, Yang; Poo, Mu-ming(*); Wang, Zhiru(*). Periodic stimulation induces long-range modulation of cortical responses and visual perception. Journal of Physiology-London,2011.7. Wang, Zhiru,Xu, Ning-long,Wu, Chien-ping, Duan, Shumin(*), Poo, Mu-ming(*),Bidirectional changes in spatial dendritic integration accompanying long-term synaptic modifications. Neuron. 2003,37(3):463-72.


