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方俊锋,教授,博士生导师,国家杰青/中组部青年拔尖/中科院百人/中科院特聘研究员。在SCI学术期刊发表论文150余篇,SCI他引6000余次,其中以第一/通讯作者在Science、Joule、Sci.Adv.、Nat.Commun.、J.Am.Chem.Soc.、Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.、Adv.Mater.、Adv.Energy.Mater.、Adv.Funct.Mater.、Nano.Lett 、ACS Energy.Lett.等SCI杂志发表论文100余篇,第一和通讯作者论文多次被国际著名学者在Science、Nat.Photonics、Joule、Chem.Rev、Chem.Soc.Rev、Acc. Chem. Res.、J.Am.Chem.Soc.、Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.、Adv.Mater.、Energy Environ. Sci.等借鉴、大篇幅详细介绍或专门作为亮点工作点评(Science论文被Joule专文亮点点评并评价为反型电池方向的重要里程碑,JACS论文被Angew.Chem.Int.Ed转文亮点评论和高度评价),授权PCT专利2项,中国专利15项。已培养博士/硕士研究生30余名,学生多次获得中科院院长奖(2次)、国家奖学金等各类奖励。主持国家杰出青年基金和面上项目(7项)、国家中组部青年拔尖人才、国家重点研发计划课题、中科院前沿科学重点研发计划、中科院百人计划、中科院特聘研究员计划、浙江省杰青和海外高层次引进特聘专家、中央高校优秀青年团队等国家和省部级项目10余项。美国、欧盟、波兰基金函评专家,国家中组部、科技部、教育部和基金委等项目函/会评专家,国家自然科学奖/上海市科技奖会评评审专家。多次在EMRS、PIERS、中国化学会和材料学会光伏分会做邀请报告。上海市真空学会理事,中国激光杂志社青年编委,《表面技术》杂志青年编委。 教育经历 1997.09-2001.07,武汉大学,学士学位 2001.09-2006.07,中科院长春应化所高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室,博士学位 工作经历 2006.09-2008.09,瑞典Umea大学物理系,博士后 2008.12-2010.12,英国剑桥大学化学系,博士后 2011.01-2019.04,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,中科院百人计划研究员 2019.05-至今, 华东师范大学物理与电子科学学院,教授 2019.06-至今, 华东师范大学纳光电集成与先进装备教育部工程研究中心 主任 获得荣誉 2023年国家杰出青年科学基金获得者 2019年华东师范大学紫江优秀青年学者 2015年中科院特聘研究员计划 2015年宁波市领军与拔尖人才第一层次 2015年浙江省九三学社优秀社员 2015年中科院上海分院杰出青年科技创新人才提名奖 2014年浙江省杰出青年基金获得者 2014年国家高层次特殊支持计划计划青年拔尖人才 2013年获得浙江省特聘专家 2013年获得宁波市“3315计划” 2004年中科院院长奖优秀奖




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Wenxiao Zhang, Haobo Yuan, Xiaodong Li, Xuemin Guo, Chunyan Lu, Acan Liu, Hui Yang, Lin Xu, Xueliang Shi, Zhiwei Fang, Haibo Yang, Ya Cheng, Junfeng Fang*, Component Distribution Regulation in Sn-Pb PerovskiteSolar Cells through Selective Molecular Interaction Adv. Mater., 2023, 2303674 Sheng Fu, Jiabo Le, Xueming Guo, Nannan Sun, Wenxiao Zhang, Weijie Song, and Junfeng Fang*; Polishing the Lead-Poor Surface for Efficient Inverted CsPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells, Adv. Mater., 2022, 2205066 Li, Xiaodong; Zhang, Wenxiao; Guo, Xuemin; Lu, Chunyan; Wei, Jiyao; Fang, Junfeng*; Constructing heterojunctions by surface sulfidation for efficient inverted perovskite solar cells, Science, 2022, 375(6579): 434-437 Fu, Sheng; Li, Xiaodong; Wan, Juanyong; Zhang, Wenxiao; Song, Weijie; Fang, Junfeng* ; In Situ Stabilized CsPbI3 for Air-Fabricated Inverted Inorganic Perovskite Photovoltaics with Wide Humidity Operating Window, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32, 2111116 Zhang, Wenxiao; Li, Xiaodong; Fu, Sheng; Zhao, Xiaoyan; Feng, Xiuxiu; Fang, Junfeng*; Lead-lean and MA-free perovskite solar cells with an efficiency over 20%, Joule, 2021, 5(11): 2904-2914 Fu, Sheng; Zhang, Wenxiao; Li, Xiaodong; Guan, Jianming; Song, Weijie; Fang, Junfeng* ; Humidity-Assisted Chlorination with Solid Protection Strategy for Efficient Air-Fabricated Inverted CsPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells, ACS Energy Letters, 2021, 6(10): 3661-3668 Li, X. D.; Fu, S.; Zhang, W. X.; Ke, S.Z.; Song, W. J.; Fang, J. F.*, Chemical Anti-corrosion Strategy for Stable Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells. Sci. Adv. 2020. 6(51): eabd158 Fu, S.; Wan, L.; Zhang, W. X.; Li, X. D.;Song, W. J.; Fang, J. F.*, Tailoring In-situ Healing and Stabilizing Post-treatment Agent for High-performance Inverted CsPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiency of 16.67%. ACS Energy Letters 2020, 5, 3314 Fu, S.; Zhang, W. X.; Li, X. D.; Wan, L.; Wu, Y. L.; Chen. L. J; Liu, X. H.; Fang, J.F.*, Dual-Protection Strategy for High-Efficiency and Stable CsPbI2Br Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Energy Letters 2020, 5, 676-684 Fu, S.; Li, X. D.;Wan, L.;Wu, Y. L.;Zhang, W. X.;Wang, Y. M.;Bao, Q. Y.; Fang, J.F.*, Efficient Passivation with Lead Pyridine-2-Carboxylic for High-Performance and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells. Adv Energy Mater 2019, 9 (35). Yin, X. J.;Liu, X. H.;Peng, Y. H.;Zeng, W. X.;Zhong, C.;Xie, G. H.;Wang, L.*;Fang, J. F.**; Yang, C. L.*, Multichannel Strategies to Produce Stabilized Azaphenalene Diradicals: A Predictable Model to Generate Self-Doped Cathode Interfacial Layers for Organic Photovoltaics. Adv Funct Mater 2019, 29 (4). Li, X. D.; Zhang, W. X.; Wang, Y. C.; Zhang, W. J.; Wang, H. Q.; Fang, J. F.*In-Situ Cross-linking Strategy for Efficient and Operationally Stable Methylammoniun Lead Iodide Solar Cells. Nat Commun 2018, 9, 3806. Li, X. D.; Fu, S.;Liu, S. Y.;Wu, Y. L.;Zhang, W. X.;Song, W. J.; Fang, J. F.*, Suppressing the ions-induced degradation for operationally stable perovskite solar cells. Nano Energy 2019, 64. Li, X. D.; Zhang, W. X.;Zhang, W. J.;Wang, H. Q.; Fang, J. F.*, Spontaneous grain polymerization for efficient and stable perovskite solar cells. Nano Energy 2019, 58, 825-833. Li, X. D.; Zhang, W.J.; Usman, K.; Fang, J. F.*Small Molecule Interlayers in Organic Solar Cells. Adv Energy Mater 2018, 8, 1702730. Li, D.; Xiao, Z.; Wang, S.Z.; Geng, X.J.; Yang, S. F.*;Fang, J. F.*; Yang, H.* and Ding, L. M.*. A Thieno[3,2-c]Isoquinolin-5(4H)-One Building Block for Effcient Thick-Film Solar Cells. Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 1800397 Zhang, W.;Wang, Y. C.; Chang,Li, X. D.; Song, C.J.; Wan, L.; Usman. L.; Fang, J. F.*Recent Advance in Solution-Processed Organic Interlayers for High Performance Planar Perovskite Solar CellsAdvanced Science 2018, 1800159 Wang, Y. C.; Chang,J.W.; Zhu,L.P.;Li, X. D.;Song, C.J.; Fang, J.* Electron Transport Layer Assisted Crystallization of Perovskite Films for High Efficiency Planar Heterojunction Solar Cells. Adv Funct Mater 2017, 28, 1706317. Wang, Y; Li, X.; Zhu, L.; Liu, X.; Zhang, W.; Fang, J. F.*.: Efficient and Hysteresis-Free Perovskite Solar Cells Based on a Solution Processable Polar Fullerene Electron Transport Layer. Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 7. 1701144. Liu, X; Wang, H-Q*;Li, Y; Gui, Z; Ming, S; Usman, K; Zhang, W;Fang, J. F.*: Regular Organic Solar Cells with Efficiency over 10% and Promoted Stability by Ligand- and Thermal Annealing-Free Al-Doped ZnO Cathode Interlayer. Advanced Science 2017, 1700053 X. Liu, X. Li, Y. Li, C. Song, L. Zhu, W. Zhang, H. Q*. Wang, Fang, J. F.*, High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells with PCE of 10.42% via Al-Doped ZnO Cathode Interlayer. Adv Mater 2016, 28, 7405-7412. C. Kuang, G. Tang, T. Jiu*, H. Yang, H. Liu, B. Li, W. Luo, X. Li, W. Zhang, F. Lu, Fang, J. F.*, Y. Li*, Highly Efficient Electron Transport Obtained by Doping PCBM with Graphdiyne in Planar-Heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cells. Nano Letters 2015, 15, 2756-2762. W. Zhang, Y. Wu, Q. Bao, F. Gao*, Fang, J. F.*, Morphological Control for Highly Efficient Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Via the Backbone Design of Cathode Interlayer Materials. Advanced Energy Materials 2014, 4, 1400359. C. Min, C. Shi, W. Zhang, T. Jiu, J. Chen*, D. Ma, Fang, J. F.*, A Small-Molecule Zwitterionic Electrolyte without a π-Delocalized Unit as a Charge-Injection Layer for High-Performance PLEDs. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013, 52, 3417–3420. Fang, J. F., B. H. Wallikewitz, F. Gao, G. Tu, C. Müller, G. Pace, R. H. Friend*, W. T. S. Huck*, Conjugated Zwitterionic Polyelectrolyte as the Charge Injection Layer for High-Performance Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133, 683-685. Fang, J. F., P. Matyba, L. Edman*, The Design and Realization of Flexible, Long-Lived Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells. Advanced Functional Materials 2009, 19, 2671-2676. Fang, J. F., P. Matyba, N. D. Robinson, L. Edman*, Identifying and Alleviating Electrochemical Side-Reactions in Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130, 4562-4568. Fu, S.; Li, X. D.; Wan, L.; Zhang, W. X.; Song, W. J.; Fang, J. F.*, Effective Surface Treatment for High-Performance Inverted CsPbI2Br Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiency of 15.92%.Nano-Micro Lett 2020, 12 (1). Wan, L.; Zhang, W. X.; Fu, S.; Chen, L. J.; Wang, Y. M.; Xue, Z. Y.; Tao, Y. T.; Zhang, W. J.; Song, W. J.; Fang, J. F.*, Achieving over 21% efficiency in inverted perovskite solar cells by fluorinating a dopant-free hole transporting material.J Mater Chem A 2020, 8 (14), 6517-6523. Li, H. J.; Wang, W. Y.; Yang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Li, P. F.; Huang, J. H.; Li, J.; Lu, Y. H.; Li, Z. J.; Wang, Z. Z.; Fan, B.; Fang, J. F.; Song, W. J., Kirigami-Based Highly Stretchable Thin Film Solar Cells That Are Mechanically Stable for More than 1000 Cycles. Acs Nano 2020, 14 (2), 1560-1568. Zhang, W. X.; Wan, L.; Fu, S.; Li, X. D.; Fang, J. F.*,Reducing energy loss and stabilising the perovskite/poly (3-hexylthiophene) interface through a polyelectrolyte interlayer. J Mater Chem A 2020, 8 (14), 6546-6554. Zhang, W. X.; Wan, L.; Li, X. D.; Wu, Y. L.; Fu, S.; Fang, J. F.*, A dopant-free polyelectrolyte hole-transport layer for high efficiency and stable planar perovskite solar cells.J Mater Chem A 2019, 7 (32), 18898-18905. Wu, Y. L.; Wan, L.; Fu, S.; Zhang, W. X.; Li, X. D.; Fang, J. F.*, Liquid metal acetate assisted preparation of high-efficiency and stable inverted perovskite solar cells.J Mater Chem A 2019, 7 (23), 14136-14144. Chen, L. J.; Wan, L.;Li, X. D.;Zhang, W. X.;Fu, S.;Wang, Y. M.;Li, S.;Wang, H. Q.;Song, W. J.; Fang, J. F.*, Inverted All-Inorganic CsPbI2Br Perovskite Solar Cells with Promoted Efficiency and Stability by Nickel Incorporation. Chem Mater 2019, 31 (21), 9032-9039. Liu, X. H.; Li, X. D.;Zou, Y.;Liu, H.;Wang, L.;Fang, J. F.**; Yang, C. L.*, Energy level-modulated non-fullerene small molecule acceptors for improved V-OC and efficiency of inverted perovskite solar cells. J Mater Chem A 2019, 7 (7), 3336-3343. Song, C. J.;Li, X. D.;Wang, Y. M.;Fu, S.;Wan, L.;Liu, S. Y.;Zhang, W. J.;Song, W. J.; Fang, J. F.*, Sulfonyl-based non-fullerene electron acceptor-assisted grain boundary passivation for efficient and stable perovskite solar cells. J Mater Chem A 2019, 7 (34), 19881-19888. Wan, L.; Zhang, W. X.;Wu, Y. L.;Li, X. D.;Song, C. J.;He, Y.;Zhang, W. J.; Fang, J. F.*, Efficient light harvesting with a nanostructured organic electron-transporting layer in perovskite solar cells. Nanoscale 2019, 11 (19), 9281-9286. Wang, Y. M.;Wu, Y. L.;Fu, S.;Song, C. J.;Wan, L.;Zhang, W. X.;Li, X. D.;Yang, W. G.;Song, W. J.; Fang, J. F.*, Barium acetate as an additive for high performance perovskite solar cells. J Mater Chem C 2019, 7 (37), 11411-11418. Wu, Y. L.;Li, X. D.;Fu, S.;Wan, L.; Fang, J. F.*, Efficient methylammonium lead trihalide perovskite solar cells with chloroformamidinium chloride (Cl-FACl) as an additive. J Mater Chem A 2019, 7 (14), 8078-8084. Li, X. D.; Liu, X. H.; Zhang, W. J.; Wang, H. Q.; Fang, J. F.*. Fullerene-Free Organic Solar Cells with Efficiency Over 12% Based on EDTA–ZnO Hybrid Cathode Interlayer. Chemistry of Materials 2017, 29 , 4176–4180. Li, X. D.; Wang, Y. C.; Zhu, L. P.; Zhang, W. J.; Wang, H. Q.; Fang, J. F.*Improving Efficiency and Reproducibility of Perovskite Solar Cells through Aggregation Control in Polyelectrolytes Hole Transport Layer. ACS Appl Mater Inter 2017, 9, 31357-31361. Zhang, W. J.; Li, Y. R.; Zhu, L. P.; Liu, X. H.; Song, C. J.; Li, X. D.; Sun, X. H.; Fang, J. F.* : A PTB7-based narrow band-gap conjugated polyelectrolyte as an efficient cathode interlayer in PTB7-based polymer solar cells. Chemical Communications 2017, 53, 2005-2008. Li, Y. R.; Liu, X. H.; Li, X. D.; Zhang, W. J.; Xing, F. F.; Fang, J. F.*..: Electrolytes as Cathode Interlayers in Inverted Organic Solar Cells: Influence of the Cations on Bias-Dependent Performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 8426-8431. Zhu, L. P.; Song, C. J.; Li, X. D.; Wang, Y. C.; Zhang, W. X.; Sun, X. H.; Zhang, W. J. *; Fang, J. F.*A benzobis(thiadiazole)-based small molecule as a solution-processing electron extraction material in planar perovskite solar cells. J Mater Chem C 2017, 5, 10777-10784. W. Zhang, C. Song, X. Liu, Fang, J. F.*, Realizing Highly Efficient Inverted Photovoltaic Cells by Combination of Nonconjugated Small-Molecule Zwitterions with Polyethylene Glycol. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8, 18593-18599. Y. Wu, X. Liu, X. Li, W. Zhang, H.-Q. Wang*, Fang, J. F.*, High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells with Zinc Sulfide-Phenanthroline Derivatives as the Hybrid Cathode Interlayers. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8, 2688-2693. X. Liu, Y. Wu, X. Li, W. Zhang, L. Zhao, H.-Q. Wang*, Fang, J. F.*, CdS-phenanthroline derivative hybrid cathode interlayers for high performance inverted organic solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4, 297-302. J. Li, T. Jiu*, B. Li, C. Kuang, Q. Chen, S. Ma, J. Shu, Fang, J. F.*, Inverted polymer solar cells with enhanced fill factor by inserting the potassium stearate interfacial modification layer. Applied Physics Letters 2016, 108, 181602. Y. Li, X. Li, X. Liu, L. Zhu, W. Zhang, Fang, J. F.*, Realizing High Performance Inverted Organic Solar Cells Via a Non-Conjugated Electrolyte Cathode Interlayer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2016. DOI: 10.1021 /acs.jpcc.6b10558 Q. Zhang, D. Zhang, X. Li, X. Liu, W. Zhang, L. Han, Fang, J. F.*g, Neutral amine based alcohol-soluble interface materials for inverted polymer solar cells: realizing high performance and overcoming solvent erosion. Chemical Communications 2015, 51, 10182-10185. W. Luo, T. Jiu*, C. Kuang, B. Li, F. Lu, Fang, J. F.*, Dithiol treatments enhancing the efficiency of hybrid solar cells based on PTB7 and CdSe nanorods. Nano Res. 2015, 8, 3045-3053. X. Li, W. Zhang, X. Wang, Y. Wu, F. Gao, Fang, J. F.*, Critical role of the external bias in improving the performance of polymer solar cells with a small molecule electrolyte interlayer. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 504-508. X. Li, X. Liu, X. Wang, L. Zhao, T. Jiu, Fang, J. F.*, Polyelectrolyte based hole-transporting materials for high performance solution processed planar perovskite solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 15024-15029. X. Liu, C. Liu, R. Sun, K. Liu, Y. Zhang, H.-Q. Wang, Fang, J. F.*, C. Yang*, Improved Device Performance of Polymer Solar Cells by Using a Thin Light-harvesting-Complex Modified ZnO Film as the Cathode Interlayer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7, 18904-18908. M. Qian, R. Zhang, J. Hao, W. Zhang, Q. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Tao, S. Chen, Fang, J. F., W. Huang, Dramatic Enhancement of Power Conversion Efficiency in Polymer Solar Cells by Conjugating Very Low Ratio of Triplet Iridium Complexes to PTB7. Advanced Materials 2015, 27, 3546-3552. M. Hao, X. Li, K. Shi, D. Xie, X. Zeng, Fang, J. F.*, G. Yu, C. Yang*, Highly efficient photovoltaics and field-effect transistors based on copolymers of mono-fluorinated benzothiadiazole and quaterthiophene: synthesis and effect of the molecular weight on device performance. Polymer Chemistry 2015, 6, 6050-6057. G. Wang, T. Jiu*, C. Sun, J. Li, P. Li, F. Lu, Fang, J. F.*, Highly Efficient Organic Photovoltaics via Incorporation of Solution-Processed Cesium Stearate as the Cathode Interfacial Layer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6, 833-838. C. Sun, Y. Wu, W. Zhang, N. Jiang, T. Jiu*, Fang, J. F.*, Improving Efficiency by Hybrid TiO2 Nanorods with 1,10-Phenanthroline as A Cathode Buffer Layer for Inverted Organic Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6, 739–744. X. Li, W. Zhang, X. Wang, F. Gao*,Fang, J. F.*, Disodium Edetate As a Promising Interfacial Material for Inverted Organic Solar Cells and the Device Performance Optimization. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6, 20569-20573. P. Li, C. Sun, T. Jiu*, G. Wang, J. Li, X. Li, Fang, J. F.*, High-Performance Inverted Solar Cells Based on Blend Films of ZnO Naoparticles and TiO2 Nanorods as a Cathode Buffer Layer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6, 4074-4080. P. Li, T. Jiu*, G. Tang, G. Wang, J. Li, X. Li, Fang, J. F.*, Solvents Induced ZnO Nanoparticles Aggregation Associated with Their Interfacial Effect on Organic Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014,6, 18172-18179. G. Wang, T. Jiu*, P. Li, J. Li, C. Sun, F. Lu, Fang, J. F.*, Preparation and characterization of MoO3 hole-injection layer for organic solar cell fabrication and optimization. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2014, 120, 603-60 P. Li, X. Li, C. Sun, G. Wang, J. Li, T. Jiu*, Fang, J. F.*, Performance enhancement of inverted polymer solar cells with fullerene ester derivant-modified ZnO film as cathode buffer layer. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2014, 126, 36-41. G. Wang, T. Jiu*, G. Tang, J. Li, P. Li, X. Song, F. Lu, Fang, J. F.*, Interface Modification of ZnO-Based Inverted PTB7:PC71BM Organic Solar Cells by Cesium Stearate and Simultaneous Enhancement of Device Parameters. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2014, 2, 1331-1337. X. Xu, Y. Wu, Fang, J. F.*, Z. Li, Z. Wang, Y. Li, Q. Peng*, Side-Chain Engineering of Benzodithiophene-Fluorinated Quinoxaline Low-Band-Gap Co-polymers for High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells. Chemistry – A European Journal 2014, 20, 13259–13271. Y. Wu, W. Zhang, X. Li, C. Min, T. Jiu, Y. Zhu, N. Dai*, Fang, J. F.*, Solution-Processed Hybrid Cathode Interlayer for Inverted Organic Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5, 10428-10432. X. Li, W. Zhang, Y. Wu, C. Min, Fang, J. F.*, Solution-Processed MoSx as an Efficient Anode Buffer Layer in Organic Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5, 8823-8827. X. Li, W. Zhang, Y. Wu, C. Min, Fang, J. F.*, High performance polymer solar cells with a polar fullerene derivative as the cathode buffer layer. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1, 12413-12416. D. Ye, X. Li, L. Yan, W. Zhang, Z. Hu, Y. Liang, Fang, J. F.*, W.-Y. Wong*, X. Wang*, Dithienosilole-bridged small molecules with different alkyl group substituents for organic solar cells exhibiting high open-circuit voltage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1, 7622-7629. A. Kumar, G. Pace, A. A. Bakulin, Fang, J. F., P. K. H. Ho, W. T. S. Huck, R. H. Friend, N. C. Greenham, Donor-acceptor interface modification by zwitterionic conjugated polyelectrolytes in polymer photovoltaics. Energy & Environmental Science 2013, 6, 1589-1596. G. Grancini, R. S. S. Kumar, M. Maiuri, Fang, J. F., W. T. S. Huck, M. J. P. Alcocer, G. Lanzani, G. Cerullo, A. Petrozza, H. J. Snaith, Panchromatic Dye-Doped Polymer Solar Cells: From Femtosecond Energy Relays to Enhanced Photo-Response. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2013, 4, 442-447. S. Tang, A. Sandström, Fang, J. F., L. Edman, A Solution-Processed Trilayer Electrochemical Device: Localizing the Light Emission for Optimized Performance. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134, 14050-14055. J. E. Slota, E. Elmalem, G. Tu, B. Watts, Fang, J. F., P. M. Oberhumer, R. H. Friend, W. T. S. Huck, Oligomeric Compatibilizers for Control of phase Separation in Conjugated Polymer Blend Films. Macromolecules 2012,45, 1468-1475. K. Driscoll, Fang, J. F., N. Humphry-Baker, T. Torres, W. T. S. Huck, H. J. Snaith, R. H. Friend, Enhanced Photoresponse in Solid-State Excitonic Solar Cells via Resonant Energy Transfer and Cascaded Charge Transfer from a Secondary Absorber. Nano Letters 2010, 10, 4981-4988. Fang, J. F., Y. Yang, L. Edman*, Understanding the operation of light-emitting electrochemical cells. Applied Physics Letters 2008, 93, 063503. N. D. Robinson, Fang, J. F., P. Matyba, L. Edman*, Electrochemical doping during light emission in polymer light-emitting electrochemical cells. Physical Review B 2008, 78, 245202. Fang, J. F., H. You, J. Chen, J. Lin, D. Ma*, Memory devices based on lanthanide (Sm3+, Eu3+, Gd3+) complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 2006, 45, 3701-3704. Fang, J. F., D. Ma*, Efficient red organic light-emitting devices based on a europium complex. Applied Physics Letters 2003, 83, 4041-4043.


中国激光杂志社青年编委,《表面技术》青年编委,上海真空学会理事,华东师范大学实验室建设与管理委员会委员。 科技部、教育部、中科院、基金委和其他省市科研项目/人才项目函评/会评专家 国家自然科学奖/上海市科技奖会评专家 美国NSF、欧盟、波兰基金评审专家,欧盟ERC项目评审专家 Science、Nature、Nat.Mater.、Nat.Photonics.、Nat.Nanotech、Nat.Energy、Nat.Commun、Joule、J.Am.Chem.Soc.、Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.、Energy Environ. Sci.、Adv.Mater等国际期刊审稿人或仲裁人
